Creative Piece


In this creative and fun game, students can review what they have learned over the course of the unit as a class. This game creates a safe yet competitive edge to student learning by bringing in the classic game of jeopardy. The PowerPoint slides for playing this game can be found below.


  • Projector/SMART board
  • Laptop and cables
  • Jeopardy PowerPoint
  • Three buzzers
  • Answer sheets

How to play:

The object of the game is simple - to obtain the most points for your team by answering questions based on this unit. Students will be divided in three teams and will choose one of their representatives to first come up to the buzzer. A question will be asked such as "whoever's birthday is the closes to today's date...' will choose the first category and amount that they wish to play. Whoever buzzes their buzzer first may answer the question. If this person gives the incorrect answer, any of the other two may attempt to answer the question. The team who correctly answers the question will receive the respective points. The next set of people will be whoever is seated directly beside the previous competitors. In this way all students will have a chance to play.


Try to encourage a safe and positive environment while playing this game.

  • No consulting with teammates while you are competing
  • Clap and congratulate teammates whether they have answered the question correctly or not
  • No negative or discouraging words can be said to your competition

Next: Foundations of Professional Practice