River City Amateur Radio Communications Society
Sacramento, California since 1976!
Sacramento, California since 1976!
River City ARCS Tuesday, February 4, 7:00 pm Meeting
ARRL Pacific Division Director Tony Marcin, W7XM
speaks on ARRL Policy Matters & Direction in Amateur Radio
Our General Membership Meetings are now held in-person at
7 pm on the First Tuesday of each Month at Congregation Beth Shalom, 4746 El Camino Ave, Carmichael, CA 95608.
Open to all River City ARCS Members and Visitors.
Zoom log on is also available on request to contact@n6na.org
Our in-person club meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of each month (except December) at 7 pm PT at Congregation Beth Shalom, 4746 El Camino Ave, Carmichael, CA and are open to members and all visitors. We especially appreciate attendees who bring non-perishable food donations for the food bank.
Members and visitors may request log on access to our meetings via Zoom. Send an email to contact@n6na.org
Click to view our archived meeting presentations
Playlist of archived meeting videos
Would you like a personal mentor to help get you started in Radio? Come to a meeting and ask about our "Elmer" Mentoring Program!
Door prize drawing exclusively for members present in-person at our monthly meeting.
Our monthly winner has choice of a NanoVNA, a TinySA, a 50 ft length of RG-8X coax or an ICOM IC-V80 Sport 144 MHz Handheld Transceiver.
Please send your newsletter items to Ken, KE6RMN, kmartin537@surewest.net
8:00 pm - N6NA 145.250 MHz FM Repeater (- offset) PL 162.2
& AllStarLink Node: 53410 & EchoLink ALARA Conference Node 286905
(no AllStar/EchoLink on our PL 123.0 Backup Repeater on 3rd Wednesdays).
8:30 pm - 10 meter net 28.420 MHz USB
9:00 pm - Slow Scan TV Net N6NA 441.300 MHz FM Repeater
and YouTube Live Stream
Saturday Net
3:00 pm - 40 meter Roundtable Net on 7181 kHz LSB
Slow Speed Morse Code Nets:
Tues. & Thurs. at 10:00 AM Pacific Time 28.055 MHz CW
(Hosted by Ioan Negru, AI6UO)
Fridays at 8 pm Pacific Time 440.450 MHz W6KAP FM repeater
(Hosted by George, AJ6QL)
Upcoming Meeting Programs/Area Events
February 15 - 8:30 am - RCARCS Breakfast at Brookfield's, 4343 Madison Ave. Members and visitors welcome.
February 25 - 7:00 pm - RCARCS Board Zoom Meeting
March 4 - 7:00 pm - RCARCS General Meeting - Bill N6HA speaks on Amateur Satellites and Space Communications
March 22 - 7 am - SFARC Hamfest at Loomis Train Depot
April 1 - 7:00 pm - RCARCS General Meeting, Speaker Eric Swartz, WA6HHQ, of Elecraft Radio
May 6 - 7:00 pm - RCARCS General Meeting, Program - LICW and the Renaissance of Morse Code, Speakers Jim W6JIM, Mike N1CC, and Howard WB2UZE
Join, Renew or Verify Membership
Click here to Join New or Update River City ARCS Membership.
Annual Dues are $20
Additional Family Members $10 each
Full Time Students are $5
Click here to renew membership or verify membership status at HamClubOnline.com
Life & Complimentary Members: KD6RM, KF6IZU, KP4MD, N6ICW, N6SNO, W6AWS, W6DFG, WB2ZEI, Marie Martin (XYL of WB6YLK), Nancy Reid (XYL of N6DRY)
Silent Keys+: KK6FON+, N6DRY+, WO6J+, WB6YLK+ See Complete List
Each dues payment extends your membership for 365 days. You should have an anniversary month for renewal every year. We appreciate your support.
Member dues & donations defray our meeting, event and operating expenses.
We offer Complimentary Membership to new hams licensed at the Auburn, Carmichael Elks, and Folsom VE team testing locations.
David Minke, KM6GYM
Larry Upjohn, KC6TRH
*Evergreen Donor program is at least $10/mo x 1 year pledge
(or total of $120, one time).
All River City ARCS are enrolled into Ham Club Online. This is our improved members' management platform. Most club members' renewal anniversary date now falls on August or September of every year. Otherwise, it is always 365 days from the date of your last payment. Advance payments are stored and will only be spent at the end of your current membership. PayPal is now active on HCOL for renewals. Log in now and check out your fellow ham members in the club!
Check into our friendly, casual and informal
Saturday Roundtable Net at 1500 (3 pm) Pacific Time
on 7181 kHz LSB ±3 kHz. See our Check-In List
All River City ARCS members and visitors are welcome!
Can't join us on the air?
Click to Listen via the KFS WebSDR in Half Moon Bay!
Welcome to our new members! Brandon KE6BZZ, John KO6COW, Kishore KR6RAO, Glenn KM6RGQ, Larry KN6BSB, Chad KK6BAX Stuart N6DVM & also congratulations to Tony KM6GMS - on upgrading to General Class!
You can claim your QRZ.com page and enter your email address so other hams can reach out to you better. If you have a photo there, we will post it here.
Come to our casual breakfast gathering!
Monthly River City ARCS Club Breakfasts at Brookfield's Restaurant
Join us the third Saturday of every month at 8:30 am for our friendly River City ARCS club breakfast in the meeting room at Brookfield's Restaurant, 4343 Madison Ave, Sacramento, CA. All our club members, family and visitors are welcome at this casual monthly social event.
Our sincere thanks to River City ARCS member Al, K6AAI, and RadioQSL.com for his generous donation of custom QSL cards for N6NA!
Happy Birthday KN6HTD (November)
River City ARCS Net Control Operators who participate in the Birthday Sweepstakes will get a personalized QSL card, plus surprise goodies from the club, courtesy of Jojo KN6HTD and Jen KI1TTY.
Thank you for your dedication to emergency preparedness through skillful and confident message handling - being one of our net control operators.
River City ARCS Logo Apparel
Order River City ARCS Logo caps, shirts and jackets directly from our logo apparel supplier.
Call Gina Land at (916) 455-2876 or visit Danoc Manufacturing,
6015 Power Inn Rd Ste A, Sacramento CA 95824.
River City ARCS Bottle Cap Opener (plus personalized QSL card) - NEW
Get this via $5 donation to the club, or receive as a gift for doing Birthday Net Control Sweepstakes. This is a program for new net control operators to celebrate birthday with the group, on-the-air! Apply when you are ready as net control - you will receive training by shadowing, and be assisted on your debut. The club can also lend you a mobile radio, with power supply, and vertical antenna.
River City ARCS Car Magnet and Sticker
You earn this after 1 year of membership with the club. We hope you stay current with your membership!
Jeep SUV with car magnet photo credit: Alf Gonzalez KN6PRD
Port Authority Cap $5.00 plus tax
River City ARCS Logo - add $5.50 plus tax
Name and call sign on each side of Logo - add $10.00 plus tax
Deep Red color Hanes #0504 EcoSmart Jersey Knit Polo Shirt with Pocket $14.00 plus tax
River City ARCS logo on left chest - add $5.50 plus tax
Name and call sign embroidered on right chest - add $8.50 plus tax
True Royal color Sport-Tek by Port Authority Style JST71 Sideline Jacket (call for latest price)
Large Logo embroidered on back - add $18.00 plus tax.
Small Logo on left chest - add $6.50 plus tax.
Name and call sign on left chest - add $8.50 plus tax.
Coming Soon: Engraved, magnetic club name plates!
Amateur Radio Video/Podcast Channels
Audio Podcasts: SolderSmoke • QSO Today Podcast • ARRL: The Doctor Is In • ARRL: So Now What? • ARRL: On the Air
Videos: ARRL • Amateur Radio Roundtable • Amateur Logic TV • Ham College TV • Ham Nation Live Wed. at 6 pm PT - Episodes 80-485
• Ham Radio 2.0 • Ham Radio Crash Course • Other YouTube channels: N6NA • K7AGE • W6LG • K6UDA • W2AEW • KEØOG • VK3YE
We appreciate your support of the River City ARCS! This is your Club! Support it!
We forward inquiries and comments addressed to contact@n6na.org to the appropriate party.