Aufranc Memorial Award

Congratulations to Jojo Melendres, KN6HTD, Recipient of the 2023 Annual Lyle Aufranc Memorial Recognition Award.  Besides his exemplary service and improvements to the Club as our Treasurer and Membership Chair, Jojo is a tireless leader, promoter and mentor to new Radio Amateurs.

The Annual Lyle Aufranc
Memorial Award
in Recognition for
Exceptional Service

The Aufranc Memorial Award Story

The Lyle Aufranc Memorial Annual Recognition Award

Lyle Aufranc, AA6DJ (WA6RPB), was a long time charter member of the River City Amateur Radio Communications Society.  At one time, the River City ARCS had a small office on El Camino Avenue near Loretto High School and Lyle essentially ran the office for nearly 15 years.  He could be found in the office most weekdays from 9-5.  The office was used to run the 1997 ARRL November Sweepstakes using Dale Hankins AD6CT call.  After the office was closed Lyle was given an award in 1998 in appreciation of his 20 years of service to the club.  This was a plaque with a clock on it.

Lyle was also an active Volunteer Examiner and instructor.  In 1989 Lyle was awarded the prestigious "ARRL Herb S. Brier Instructor of the Year" award.  One other notable winner of this award is Gordon West WB6NOA (1984).

After Lyle's passing on May 8, 2008, his daughter found the plaque and thought it appropriate to return the plaque to the club.  The board of directors has designated the plaque as an annual award in Lyle Aufranc's honor to recognize a club member for his or her exceptional service.

Annual Aufranc Memorial Award Recipients

2023 - Jojo Melendres KN6HTD

2023 - Jojo Melendres KN6HTD

2022 - Bob Mix KF6ABC

2021 - Paul McIntyre KC5JAX (SK)

2020 - Bob Woodward N6PGQ

2019 - Kevin Hooke KK6DCT

2018 - Vince Cracchiolo KI6NHP

2017 - Phil Sittner KD6RM

2016 - Marie and Dave Martin WB6YLK

2015 - Ken Martin KE6RMN

2014 - Dr. Carol Milazzo KP4MD

2013 - Chris Huber N6ICW

2012 - Mary Anne Balthrope KE6EST (SK)

2011 - Paul Grose N6DRY (SK)

2010 - Chuck Freas W6FT (SK)

2009 - Andrew Stephens W6AWS