Field Day 2015

2015 ARRL Field Day June 27-28, 2015

Dry Creek Ranch House, 6852 Dry Creek Rd,

Rio Linda, CA 95673

Field Day is our annual exercise of emergency communications response capabilities. Amateur radio organizations throughout North America participate in this exercise each June.

Primer on Field Day Participation Field Day Handbook (WVARA)

Feedback from 2015 Field Day Captain W6AWS

And another one is in the "books".

This year's operation was a huge success. The weather was spectacular and turnout great. I believe we had over 750 contacts.

First, I want to thank each and everyone of you who came out to help set up Saturday morning. We had 20m, 15m and 10m stations operational by 9:20 am (a whole 1:40 ahead of schedule). The usual suspects were there as they always are each year. One thing that was truly amazing was the amount of new members out to help. It was certainly encouraging to see participation at this level.

Thank you to all who donated equipment. As you will see in our "wrap up" at the next general membership meeting we had quite a large operation and used 90% of what was brought.

Special Thanks to Kevin Hooke KK6DCT for setting up our logging network. It operated flawlessly without any issues. Be sure to mark your calendar for next year Kevin.

Thanks to Ken Kretzer W6IEZ for handling the food services and BBQ. And also making sure our water and sodas were ice cold. And also Thanks, to Carol KP4MD for the donuts and coffee Sunday morning. Nothing like a needed "sugar push" before tear down. Hi Hi.

Last, I want to thank all of you who were there for tear down. Field Day is a fun event, but when it comes to tearing down, everyone is tired, hot and ready for some well deserved rest. Having as many people as we did sure makes the job easier. Jason KF6QXX our designated Lift operator made our life especially easy when it came to setting masts, antennas and removing them. Thanks Jason.

I'm sure there is more, but I'm just to darn tired to think.

73, Andy W6AWS

Operators and Loggers: Andy Stephens W6AWS Field Day Captain, Kevin Hooke KK6DCT IT Administrator, Bill Mungaven N6EF, Paul McIntyre KC5JAX, Carol Milazzo KP4MD, Bob Woodward N6PGQ, Dilip Sharma KC2TIK, George Poulos N6YG, Kaayla Jaret KA6YLA, Dave Martin WB6YLK. Participants and Visitors: Greg Lane KA6BID, Paul Grose N6DRY, James Chin KK6FON, Roger Cain KI6FYF, Don Jackson K6GET, Kristopher Poulos KI6HFP, Chris Huber N6ICW, Ken Kretzer W6IEZ Food service, Todd Linville N7IL, Margaret Gabil KG6ILB, Ron Murdock W6KJ ARRL Section Manager, Jo Anne Murdock N6YLO ARRL Asst. Section Manager, Dennis Klaman N6KLA, Dwane Evans KG6KPW, Craig Hinch KK6MNL, Tim Kennelly KC6NAT, Sheri Foreman KK6NEW, Vince Cracchiolo KI6NHP, Jason Lager KF6QXX Lift Operator, Ken Martin KE6RMN, Gary Hayes KG6SMX, Bob Balthrope KD6WTY, Kevin Luttrell KJ6YYY, Barb McIntyre, Hunter McIntyre. Please send omissions and corrections to

Past ARRL Field Days - 2014 Archive 2013 Archive

2015 Field Day - 80 of 83 ARRL Sections Worked

2014 Field Day - 69 of 83 ARRL Sections Worked

2015 Field Day - 802 Total Contacts

2014 Field Day - 671 Total Contacts

Chuck Freas W6FT (SK) prepared kits of parts complete with capacitors, coil forms, connectors, wire, enclosure and hardware. Dave Martin WB6YLK, Ken Martin KE6RMN, Chris Huber N6ICW, and Carol Milazzo KP4MD built the filters.

Many thanks to John Geyer WB6UBK and Geyer Electric for donating the wire

and to Ali's Surplus Stuff 8505 Folsom Blvd for donating the enclosures!

Field Day Bandpass Filter Project

ARRL Amateur Radio Field Day in Sacramento California