N3JIM, Jim Vanderveen's page

Last updated Tue, 02 Aug 2011

About me (N3JIM)

2011-08-02 12:04 PDT

River City ARCS page on FaceBook!

2011-06-04 14:01 PDT

I started working on my Softrock 30m SDR kit.

2011-05-31 07:10 PDT

I finally figured out who sold me my Yaesu VX-3R handheld: Rodney, KN6DA. Also creating a new page with notes and links for this wiki.

2011-05-27 20:19 PDT

New email address, easy for my ham friends to remember: n3jim@arrl.net ! I also started putting together a page about my "shack" (not!) and equipment.

2011-05-27 18:10 PDT

I got my power supply page up to the same standard as my SWR meter. I don't have pictures for the TV twinlead antenna project, so I may have to make another of those. (But this time I can use my SWR meter and hopefully get a better impedance match!)

2011-05-23 15:33 PDT

Finally got around to joining the ARRL!

2011-05-17 07:57 PDT

The SWR meter page is much better than my earlier work. I should really spruce up the power supply page, and create a page on the TV twinlead antenna!

2011-05-16 12:27 PDT

I finished and documented my SWR meter project over the weekend. My next projects will be building a copper pipe Slim JIM antenna, mounting it on the west gable of my house, and running some coax to my "shack". But the first step will be figuring out where to situate my shack/operating position! Garage? Attic? Inside the house? Hmm...

2011-05-12 06:54 PDT

Created a page for my SWR meter project.

2011-05-09 09:17 PDT

I started working on my SWR "meter" over the weekend. If I can get over to Sac City College to do the metalwork, I should have this finished this week.

2011-05-03 16:37 PDT

Hooray, looks like the wiki is back online! Earlier this week I finished my 10+ amp power supply project. No more exposed 120V wiring, yay! Perhaps I can figure out how to post a picture on this wiki...

Next project will probably be a copper pipe slim jim antenna mounted on one of my house gables, plus installation of some coax into the house.

2011-04-26 12:51 PDT

Some links and notes about this wiki:

- Need a wiki account? Register! Your "wikiname" should be UserYOURCALL. For example, my wikiname is UserN3JIM.

- The wiki SysInfo page shows the wiki software, version, etc.

- The OrphanedPages list links to lots of interesting stuff!

- RecentChanges lists the last few wiki edits.

- Likewise, RecentlyCommented shows the most recently commented-upon page(s).

- FormattingRules shows the syntax for this wiki.

- MyPages has been edited by Jimmy Landrum, KJ6FMD. I have notified the wiki admin.

2011-04-25 13:35 PDT

Wow, has it really been almost 1.5 years since I edited this page?!? I've been taking some electronics classes at Sacramento City College, and one of my classmates (KI6HDR) gave me an old dual-band Icom. It puts out 2/5/10 W, but I really need to build a permanent antenna for it. I see a copper tube Slim JIM in my near future!

2009-12-15 06:51 PDT

I heard about Learn CW Online last night during the Yuba-Sutter Amateur Radio Club net. It's a browser-based Koch trainer, requires Flash. Looks pretty good!

2009-12-14 10:38 PDT

Projects I'm considering:

2009-12-10 19:09 PDT

I heard about Elmer Shack via Twitter. Looks like a brand new online elmer site. Check it out, ask and answer some questions!

2009-11-28 20:35 PDT

I got my twinlead antenna done. Ugly, but it seems to work pretty well. It's not permanently mounted yet, just hanging from a nail in the attic.

2009-10-02 10:10 PDT

A few links for 2 meter Slim JIM antennae:

2009-09-29 16:45 PDT

I'm creating a list of Yaesu VX-3 tips, especially things I learned the hard way!

2009-09-29 15:54 PDT

I'm looking forward to getting on the club repeater tomorrow night! I was chatting with Larry on K6IS at lunch today, and he suggested that I bring up home-brewing an antenna on the club net. He mentioned Chuck, W6FT, as particularly adept with antennae.

2009-09-29 15:47 PDT

I need to figure out how UserKO6YD did his bloggy-type post on his page! For now, I may have to do it manually (yech)

Updated: 2011-08-02 12:22:24