Field Day 2016

ARRL Field Day June 25-26, 2016

Dry Creek Ranch House

Rio Linda, CA 95673

Field Day is our annual exercise and public exhibition of emergency communications response capabilities.

Amateur radio organizations throughout North America participate in this exercise each June.

Primer on Field Day Participation Field Day Handbook (WVARA)

From Field Day Captain Andy W6AWS - 2016 ARRL Field Day

Well folks, that's a wrap! And a hot one it was!

I just want to take a quick minute and say a hearty "THANK YOU" to all of you who participated in this years RCARCS Field Day at the Historic Ranch House in Rio Linda. We had a smaller turnout this year and I suspect it was because of the heat. Besides the heat and some pretty poor band conditions above 20m, we were able to log a significant amount of QSO's.

Special Thanks to Dave WB6YLK and Marie Martin for providing an excellent spread for our Saturday night potluck. Both Dave and Marie "slaved" and I don't use that word lightly over a hot BBQ to ensure we all had our fill of goodies. They also kept us cool with iced water and soft drinks as Marie making sure we had enough hot coffee to keep our eyes open all night! Thank you again. Hope it doesn't take a week to recover.

Thanks to Kevin KK6DCT for once again providing a flawless working network.

And also thanks to Jason KF6QXX for being our official lift operator. Sure makes life easy.

Finally, for those that missed it, CW31 was out and did 2 segments for Good Morning Sacramento. Here are the links below.

Good Day Sacramento ARRL-Field-Day-part-1

Good Day Sacramento ARRL-Field-Day-part-2

We now have a year to recover!

73, Andy W6AWS

Past ARRL Field Days - 2015 Archive 2014 Archive 2013 Archive

2016 Field Day - __ of 83 ARRL Sections Worked

2015 Field Day - 80 of 83 ARRL Sections Worked

2016 Field Day - 490 Total Contacts

2015 Field Day - 802 Total Contacts

Chuck Freas W6FT (SK) prepared kits of parts complete with capacitors, coil forms, connectors, wire, enclosure and hardware. Dave Martin WB6YLK, Ken Martin KE6RMN, Chris Huber N6ICW, and Carol Milazzo KP4MD built the filters.

Many thanks to John Geyer WB6UBK and Geyer Electric for donating the wire

and to Ali's Surplus Stuff 8505 Folsom Blvd for donating the enclosures!

Field Day Bandpass Filter Project

ARRL Amateur Radio Field Day in Sacramento California