
Membership in the River City ARCS is open to any licensed amateur radio operator or anyone interested in amateur radio, shortwave listening, electronics or similar interests.  Link to application for New MembershipsLog into HamClubOnline for Member Renewals and Updates.

We remember those who are now Silent Keys

River City ARCS Life Members

RCARCS Member Phil Sittner, KD6RM's "Constructing an Accurate QRP Digital Wattmeter" published in the October, 2022 QST Journal

Phil and the River City ARCS DIY Radio Builders' Group's club build project was published in the October 2022 issue of the QST journal. Phil's ham radio story goes back over 50 years, from childhood. Still living in Northern California, Phil builds his own radios and test equipment, operates CW on 80 and 40 meters, using his fence mounted 80 meter end-fed Zepp and a pair of phased 40 meter verticals in an HOA neighborhood where antennas are forbidden. We harness Phil’s extensive technical expertise and hear his ham radio story in this QSO Today.

Listen to Phil's QSO Today podcast interview on

RCARCS Member Dr. Carol Milazzo, KP4MD Interviewed on QSO Today Podcast

From the very beginning of her ham radio journey, over 50 years ago, Carol Milazzo, KP4MD, applies the scientific method to her study and enjoyment of amateur radio.  Whether she is modeling antennas for installation in her attic or to using WSPRnet to study VHF and UHF propagation, Carol takes meticulous notes, adds footnotes and illustrations, and now produces video.  This makes Carol a terrific online Internet Elmer. KP4MD joins Eric, 4Z1UG, on QSO Today. 

Listen to Carol's QSO Today podcast interview on

Past River City ARCS Presidents