RC28 Newsletter 2024_14, July 5 2024



-------------   CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS, AND OTHER EVENTS   -------------


From Stefani Scherer (stefani.scherer@unitn.it)

Trento School of Applied Quantitative Research 2024 (October 25-27, 2024).

The "Trento School of Applied Quantitative Research" provides advanced methodological training on key themes of the Social Sciences and offers a systematic integration of theoretical, methodological and technical ‘front edge’ aspects of applied quantitative research.

The fifth edition focuses on “Social policies: meanings, measures and effects on individuals' behavior” and is addressed to PhD students and early career researchers. Methods covered in this edition include: discrete-time event history, multilevel regression analysis, semiparametric event study and quasi-experimental methods.

Deadline: August 26, 2024

Further information: https://event.unitn.it/tn-square/


-------------   JOBS, PHD SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS   -------------


From Raffaele Guetto (raffaele.guetto@unifi.it), June 24, 2024:

PhD Program in Life Course Research

The 2024/2025 call for the PhD Program in Life Course Research, an alliance of 29 Italian universities, is now open.

The program offers 18 PhD scholarships in Demography and Social Statistics (you can find a list of topics and scientific contacts here).

The PhD program in Life Course Research promotes the study of life courses and the significant events that shape them from a holistic and transdisciplinary perspective. The Socio-demographic curriculum focuses on the causes and consequences of key transitions in individuals' life courses (in family, education, migration, and employment contexts, to name a few examples) and their interrelations with economic, social, and political dynamics - with a strong emphasis on data analysis.

The application deadline is July 19, 2024.

For more information: https://www.phd-lcr.com

To apply: https://www.unifi.it/p12671.html

Contact: raffaele.guetto@unifi.it


From Carina Mood (carina.mood@sofi.su.se), June 25, 2024:

Postdoctoral Fellow in Sociology at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University

The postdoc position involves full-time employment for two years (with the possibility of extension under special circumstances). Starting date 1 December 2024 or as per agreement. The position is tied to the research groups Level of Living (LNU) and Social Policy (SOCPOL). The postdoc researcher will share her/his time between the two research groups (LNU and SOCPOL), spending one year in each unit.

More info on how to apply: Postdoctoral Fellow in Sociology (varbi.com)

(https://su.varbi.com/en/what:job/jobID:737784 )

Deadline for application: 31 August, 2024.


From Paolo Barbieri (paolo.barbieri@unitn.it), June 27, 2024:

3-year PhD Position on Technological Change at the University of Trento, Italy

The Center for Social Inequality studies is looking for a PhD student for our NRPP-funded research project “Technological Change: Impact on Workers’ Skills/Tasks, Firms’ and Labor Productivity, and Income Inequalities. A Comparative and Territorial Study.”

This project aims to contribute to the international debate on digitalization and inequality by examining different regulatory and skill production systems. The research involves advanced quantitative analysis of longitudinal data from individual surveys, employer-employee data, with a focus on occupational stratification, risks of technological unemployment, and digital skills.

Application Deadline: July 15th, 2024 – 04:00 PM (Italian time, GMT +2)

Further Information: https://www.unitn.it/alfresco/download/workspace/SpacesStore/8350c4b5-2814-42ad-a2d6-4462cb97e5f0/Allegato%20Schede_descrittive_Descriptive%20sheets_PNRR_DM_629_630.pdf


From Wiebke Schulz (wschulz@uni-bremen.de), July 1, 2024:

Doctoral researcher (65%) the University of Bremen / SOCIUM

At the University of Bremen, the SOCIUM - Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy, the working group of Prof. Dr. Schulz is offering a position, starting as soon as possible, as a Doctoral researcher (f/m/d) Salary group 13 TV-L (65%) for a duration of 3 years.


Application deadline: July 22nd 2024

Further information can be obtained from Professor Wiebke Schulz (wschulz@uni-bremen.de)


From Linda AMRANI (linda.amrani@sciencespo.fr), July 2, 2024:


This assistant professorship position is designed to reinforce and complement our expertise in the study of environmental inequalities. We welcome applications from candidates with a recent PhD in the social or environmental sciences and with an ambitious research agenda in the area of social stratification and inequality, targeting publications in leading disciplinary and interdisciplinary journals. All disciplines are welcome as far as the research has strong connections with the social sciences.

How to apply:https://www.sciencespo.fr/osc/en/content/sciences-po-hiring-assistant-professor-environmental-inequalities.html


From Louis CHAUVEL (louis.chauvel@uni.lu), July 3, 2024:

Fully-funded PhD Fellowship in the Sociology of Stratification and Social Sciences of Inequality, University of Luxembourg, Institute for Research on Socio Economic Inequality IRSEI. 

This comprehensive 4-year PhD program focuses on quantitative methodology, socioeconomic inequality, and includes close collaboration with other Luxembourg institutions such as LISER versus the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), and similar institutions abroad. 

Applicants must have a recent Master’s degree in sociology or a closely related social science, an interest in inequality research, and a strong command of advanced quantitative methods. Proficiency in STATA is preferred, though R+Python is acceptable.

Please follow thee link : PhD Candidate in Sociology of Stratification and Inequalities - University of Luxembourg:


P.S. A second position will be announced later, soon, in the domain of inequality, precarity, risk, and uncertainty. 


From Davide Azzolini (azzolini@irvapp.it), July 5, 2024:

Quantitative researcher position, Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies of the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK-IRVAPP) 

The Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies of the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK-IRVAPP) is looking for a quantitative researcher interested in either education policy or fiscal policy research.

Application deadline: 15/07/2024

Type of contract: fixed term contract (3 years), with the possibility to extend the contract depending on funding

Work time: full time

Gross annual salary: about € 41.475,00 plus objectives achievements bonus

Start date: preferably from September 2024

Work Place:  Trento (Italy)

More info/application here: https://jobs.fbk.eu/Annunci/Jobs_A_researcher_in_the_field_of_public_policy_evaluation_at_the_Institute_for_the_Evaluation_of_Public_Policies_FBK_IRVAPP_231907051.htm


-------------   MISCELLANEOUS   -------------


From Jan Müller (mueller@soziologie.uzh.ch), June 27, 2024:

Updated Swiss Job Market Monitor Data Set Available

We are excited to announce that the Swiss Job Market Monitor Data set has been updated to now include the period from 1950 to 2023. This dataset offers invaluable insights into Switzerland’s job market trends over the past seven decades, making it a vital source for researchers and policymakers. The data set is open access for scientific research on swissubase(https://www.swissubase.ch/en/catalogue/studies/11998/19936/overview ).

For more details on the dataset, see the Data Brief in the European Sociological Review (2022): Swiss Job Market Monitor: A Rich Source of Demand-Side Micro Data of the Labour Market (https://academic.oup.com/esr/article/38/6/1001/6511895?login=true ).


Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com

Subscribe for the Newsletter via the following link RC28 newsletters

RC28 Newsletter 2024_13, Juni 21 2024



-------------   CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS, AND OTHER EVENTS   -------------


From Yuliya Kosyakova (rc28.emails2023@gmail.com), April 26, 2024:

ISA Forum of Sociology and session proposals – final reminder.

The 5th Forum of Sociology (ISA Forum) organized by the International Sociological Association (ISA) is scheduled to take place in Rabat, Morocco on July 6-11, 2025. There will be approximately 20 sessions allocated to the RC28.  While the ISA welcomes session proposals directly from individuals, we prefer to coordinate the process to ensure a diverse range of topics with minimal overlap are covered at the ISA Forum.

We kindly request those interested in proposing a session to submit their proposals directly via ISA portal by the End of June 2024. To submit session proposal directly with the ISA, see the following instructions: https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/conferences/forum/rabat-2025/5th-isa-forum-faq.

All topics related to social stratification research – including (new) data – are welcome. Please provide a session title along with a brief summary of the session. Kindly note that although non-members of the ISA are invited to propose sessions, the ISA requires that a confirmed session organizer be a member of the ISA and of the RC to which the session is accepted.


From Marita Jacob (marita.jacob@uni-koeln.de), Juni 20, 2024:

Workshop “Visualisation in statistics and methodology courses in social sciences”.

As many RC 28 members are involved in teaching statistics and quantitative methods courses, here a CfP for the Workshop "Data Visualisation in Teaching Statistics and Methodology”. The workshop will take place on 20 September 2024 at the University of Cologne.

Data visualisation is everywhere! It is even central to the social sciences: it helps to analyse data and present results. But how important is data visualisation in the teaching of statistics and methodology in the social sciences? How is it embedded in the curriculum? How is data visualisation taught? We want to discuss these and many other questions in a workshop on data visualisation in teaching. If you would like to participate as a speaker, please send an abstract for your planned contribution on the topic of the workshop (200 words, length of the slot 30-60 minutes, incl. discussion). Deadline: 15 August 2024. Participation as discussant is also possible. Working languages will be German and English.

For details see:  https://iss-wiso.uni-koeln.de/en/workshop-visualisation-in-teaching


-------------   JOBS, PHD SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS   -------------


From Frank van Tubergen (tubergen@nidi.nl), June 12, 2024:

Senior Researcher (permanent position) at NIDI-KNAW, The Hague, Netherlands.

Are you passionate about groundbreaking research on international migration and immigrant integration? Do you want to develop your own line of research? At NIDI, we are seeking an excellent scholar with strong quantitative-statistical skills and a proven track record in the broad field of international migration and/or the incorporation of immigrants and their children. We are looking for an inspiring leader with the ambition to carry out exceptional scientific research while enthusiastically training the next generation of PhDs and Postdocs. NIDI is a research institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and affiliated with the University of Groningen. The position is permanent (potential probation period), and you’ll work in The Hague. The gross monthly salary ranges between € 4,332 and € 8,815, depending on the level of experience . See for more information https://nidi.nl/en/about-us/vacancies/ Closing date for applications is 1 September 2024. Informal enquiries are welcome and go to Prof. Dr. Frank van Tubergen (tubergen@nidi.nl).


From Steffen Hillmert (xw29@nyu.edu), June 17, 2024:

Apply – Interfolio (https://apply.interfolio.com/147356 )


The Center for Applied Social and Economic Research (CASER) at NYU Shanghai is now seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow to work on research projects based on  the panel survey data that the research team has collected in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, and new research initiative on early childhood development and social inequality in Shanghai and neighboring regions.

The successful candidate is expected to become an active member in the Center’s research team, led by the Center director (Prof. Xiaogang Wu). Responsibilities include assisting in organizing research workshops and summer training programs, participating in journal editorial activities, conducting research on panel survey data the Center has collected in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Guangzhou on relevant themes, publishing articles in both Chinese and English peer reviewed journals, coordinating data collection projects, and pursuing her/his own professional development in these roles.

Terms of employment at NYU Shanghai are comparable to NYU New York and other U.S. institutions. 


From Xiaogang Wu (pgracia@ced.uab.es), Mai 31, 2024:
3-year Postdoc at the Centre for Demographic Studies (CED) and Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in Barcelona, Spain. 

Join a vibrant hub in sociological and demographic research as Postdoc Researcher of an exciting ERC project (“DIGINEQ”) examining Socioeconomic and Digital Inequalities in Adolescent Well-Being Outcomes (PI: Prof. Pablo Gracia). 

- Topics: Social Stratification; Life Course; Digitalisation; Child and Adolescent Development; Quantitative and Computational Methods. 

- Duration: 3 years. 

- Pay: €41,161.22 combined annual gross (~ €2,500 monthly net). 

- Annual travel support: €3,000 per year. 

- Deadline: Monday June 17th, 2024 at 13:00, CET. 

- Expected Starting Date: October 2024.

Link to the call: https://ced.cat/recursos/DIGINEQ.pdf

Link to PI: https://www.pablogracia-sociology.com/

Link to CED: https://ced.cat/en/

Link to Sociology at UAB: https://www.uab.cat/en/sociology/department

Contact person: Prof. Pablo Gracia (pgracia@ced.uab.es)


From Frank van Tubergen (tubergen@nidi.nl), June 17, 2024:

VACANCY: Senior Researcher in International Migration and/or Immigrant Integration at NIDI, The Hague, Netherlands

Are you passionate about groundbreaking research on international migration and immigrant integration? Do you aspire to develop your own line of research while collaborating with a dynamic and supportive team? At NIDI, a research institute of the Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and affiliated with the University of Groningen, we are seeking an excellent scholar with strong quantitative-statistical skills and a proven track record in the broad field of international migration and/or the incorporation of immigrants and their children. We are looking for an inspiring leader with the ambition to carry out exceptional scientific research while enthusiastically training the next generation of PhDs and Postdocs.

    -  Application deadline: September 1, 2024 

    -  Contract: permanent position

    -  Salary: gross monthly salary ranges between € 4,332 and € 8,815, depending on the level of experience

    -  Further information: https://nidi.nl/en/about-us/vacancies/

    -  For any questions on the job, contact Prof. Frank van Tubergen (tubergen@nidi.nl ).


From Valentina Di Stasio (v.distasio@uu.nl) June 17, 2024:

Two full-time Research Fellow (postdoctoral researcher) positions at European University Institute (EUI) to work on the project TARGETS:



 TARGETS is an interdisciplinary and multi-method project funded by the European Research Council that seeks to examine: 1) how discriminatory events are perceived by victims and bystanders; 2) the process through which discrimination claims are evaluated, at the workplace and in the courtroom; 3) the strategies HR managers adopt to prevent workplace discrimination; and 4) the coping strategies adopted by victims to react to discriminatory experiences. The postdoctoral researchers will mostly focus on the first and fourth objectives, using experimental and longitudinal methods.

For more information: Valentina Di Stasio (PI) at valentina.distasio@eui.eu.

Deadline for applications: June 26, 2024

Starting date: September, 2024

Duration: 24 months

Salary: approximately 3.755 (for full-time contract, net) Euro, plus allowances if applicable

The successful candidate will join the Department of Political and Social Sciences (SPS) of the EUI.


Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com

Subscribe for the Newsletter via the following link RC28 newsletters

In memoriam Professor Ellu Saar


Dear RC28 members,

We are deeply saddened to announce that our beloved friend and esteemed RC28 member, Professor Ellu Saar, passed away on June 2, 2024. Ellu Saar served as a Professor of Sociology at the School of Governance, Law and Society (SOGOLAS) at Tallinn University and was a Senior Researcher at the Institute of International Social Studies (IISS). An outstanding sociologist, her primary research focused on the sociology of education, social stratification, and lifelong learning. Ellu's impact on Estonian and international sociology extends beyond the measurable scope of peer-reviewed publications and projects. Known for her open heart and kindness, she will be profoundly missed.

Yuliya Kosyakova, Hiroshi Ishida, and Jennie Brand

In memoriam Professor Ellu Saar (08.10.1955 – 02.06.2024)

| Tallinn University (tlu.ee)


With kind regards,

Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com

Subscribe for the Newsletter via the following link RC28 newsletters

DEADLINE IS APPROACHING: ISA Forum of Sociology and session proposals 


Dear RC28 members,
The 5th Forum of Sociology (ISA Forum) organized by the International Sociological Association (ISA) is scheduled to take place in Rabat, Morocco on July 6-11, 2025. There will be approximately 20 sessions allocated to the RC28. While the ISA welcomes session proposals directly from individuals, we prefer to coordinate the process to ensure a diverse range of topics with minimal overlap are covered at the ISA Forum.
We kindly request those interested in proposing a session to submit their proposals to the RC28 secretary(rc28.emails2023@gmail.com) by 15 June 2024. All topics related to social stratification research – including (new) data – are welcome. Please provide a session title along with a brief summary of the session, the type of session (poster, oral, or invited oral), and names with affiliations of all organizers. Kindly note that although non-members of the ISA are invited to propose sessions, the ISA requires that a confirmed session organizer be a member of the ISA and of the RC to which the session is accepted. To submit session proposal directly with the ISA, see the following instructions: https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/conferences/forum/rabat-2025/5th-isa-forum-faq.

Below are examples of session proposals that have been submitted in the past for the World Congress:

Social Inequality and Counterfactual analysis
This session welcomes analyses of social inequality in different domains (education, labor market, welfare state) based on experimental and quasi-experimental methods of analysis. Papers that apply these methods to core substantive issues of social stratification research are particularly encouraged, but the session is open also to methodological contributions. 
Format: Poster Presentation session
Organizers: Yuliya Kosyakova, Professor at the University of Bamberg, Germany, Email: Yuliya.kosyakova@uni-bamberg.de

Social Inequality in Access to and Returns from Graduate Education
Social inequality in educational attainment is a core topic of stratification research. Yet, little is known about potential differences (for instance, by social origin, gender or previous educational pathways) at the top level, graduate and doctoral education. This session seeks papers that address either access to advanced higher education or respective returns.  Of particular interest are (1) the role of differentially selective education systems in shaping (un-)equal educational participation at the highest level; and (2) how country-differences in labor market institutions yield different returns to the highest level of educational attainment.
Format: Oral Presentations session
Organizers: Yuliya Kosyakova, Professor at the University of Bamberg, Germany, Email: Yuliya.kosyakova@uni-bamberg.de

With kind regards,
Yuliya Kosyakova
RC28 Secretary/Treasurer
Research profile: https://kosyakova.org
If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com
Subscribe for the Newsletter via the following link RC28 newsletters


RC28 Newsletter 2024_12, Juni 7 2024



-------------   CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS, AND OTHER EVENTS   -------------


From Yuliya Kosyakova (rc28.emails2023@gmail.com), April 26, 2024:

ISA Forum of Sociology and session proposals.

The 5th Forum of Sociology (ISA Forum) organized by the International Sociological Association (ISA) is scheduled to take place in Rabat, Morocco on July 6-11, 2025. There will be approximately 20 sessions allocated to the RC28.  While the ISA welcomes session proposals directly from individuals, we prefer to coordinate the process to ensure a diverse range of topics with minimal overlap are covered at the ISA Forum.

We kindly request those interested in proposing a session to submit their proposals to the RC28 secretary (rc28.emails2023@gmail.com) by 15 June 2024. All topics related to social stratification research – including (new) data – are welcome. Please provide a session title along with a brief summary of the session. Kindly note that although non-members of the ISA are invited to propose sessions, the ISA requires that a confirmed session organizer be a member of the ISA and of the RC to which the session is accepted.


From Jörg Dollmann (joerg.dollmann@uni-mannheim.de), Juni 4, 2024:

CALL FOR PAPERS: 12th Conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research - GEBF, University of Mannheim

Under the motto “Education as a Key to Social Challenges: Interdisciplinary Contributions from

Educational Research,” we cordially invite you to the 12th annual conference of the Society for

Empirical Educational Research at the University of Mannheim, Germany, from January 27 to 29,

2025. The junior researchers’ conference will follow on January 30, 2025.

More information can be found here: https://www.sowi.uni-mannheim.de/gebf-2025/call-for-papers/  (English version of the Call at the end of the respective pdf)


-------------   JOBS, PHD SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS   -------------


From Ayse Guveli (Ayse.Guveli@warwick.ac.uk), Mai 24, 2024:

Vacancies in the Department of Sociology, University of Warwick

We seek to employ two assistant professors in the Department of Sociology, University of Warwick: Full time, permanent positions:

1. Gender & Sexuality

2. Critical Criminology & Justice. 

Deadline is 16th June 2024


From Agnieszka Kanas (kanas@essb.eur.nl), Mai 29, 2024:

Vacancies at EUR

Join our research team at Erasmus University Rotterdam to address labor market challenges faced by refugees. We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher for an NWO-funded project exploring:

- Employers' responses to refugees' participation in integration activities.

- The role of public service caseworkers in refugees' access to integration programs.

📅 Deadline: June 30, 2024

📍 Department: Public Administration and Sociology

For more details and to apply, visit our job description.

AT: https://lnkd.in/ebchqbKB

EUR: https://lnkd.in/eV4gPsej

Feel free to share this information with your network.


From Pablo Gracia (pgracia@ced.uab.es), Mai 31, 2024:
3-year Postdoc at the Centre for Demographic Studies (CED) and Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in Barcelona, Spain. 

Join a vibrant hub in sociological and demographic research as Postdoc Researcher of an exciting ERC project (“DIGINEQ”) examining Socioeconomic and Digital Inequalities in Adolescent Well-Being Outcomes (PI: Prof. Pablo Gracia). 

- Topics: Social Stratification; Life Course; Digitalisation; Child and Adolescent Development; Quantitative and Computational Methods. 

- Duration: 3 years. 

- Pay: €41,161.22 combined annual gross (~ €2,500 monthly net). 

- Annual travel support: €3,000 per year. 

- Deadline: Monday June 17th, 2024 at 13:00, CET. 

- Expected Starting Date: October 2024.

Link to the call: https://ced.cat/recursos/DIGINEQ.pdf

Link to PI: https://www.pablogracia-sociology.com/

Link to CED: https://ced.cat/en/

Link to Sociology at UAB: https://www.uab.cat/en/sociology/department

Contact person: Prof. Pablo Gracia (pgracia@ced.uab.es)


From Benjamin Jarvis (benjamin.jarvis@liu.se), Juni 29, 2024:

Junior (post-doc) and senior research fellow positions at the Swedish Center for Computational Social Science (SweCSS) at Linköping University

The program gives visiting fellows access to the research infrastructure of SweCSS, including data and research support, as well as membership in the vibrant SweCSS community.  The program will run for 2024–2028 and applications are processed continuously. Priority will be given to scholars whose research interests overlap with other researchers at the Institute for Analytical Sociology (IAS) and the Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA), those interested in exploring potential collaborative projects at Linköping University, and those opting for longer visits. More information at: https://liu.se/en/research/swecss/visiting-fellows-program


Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com

Subscribe for the Newsletter via the following link RC28 newsletters

RC28 Newsletter 2024_11, Mai 24 2024



-------------   CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS, AND OTHER EVENTS   -------------


From Margot Jackson (margot_jackson@brown.edu), Mai 14, 2024:

Research Fellow (Post-Doctoral Researcher) at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, Ireland

Registration for the summer RC28 meeting (https://sites.brown.edu/rc28/ ) on August 6-8 at Brown University is now open! Please register here:


--note that rates will increase beginning on June 1. The theme of the conference is Social Inequality and Public Policy, and the keynote speakers will be Adam Gamoran (President, William T. Grant Foundation) and Sasha Killewald (Professor and Director of the Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics at the University of Michigan).


-------------   JOBS, PHD SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS   -------------


From Anne-Sophie Chappuis (secretariat.lives@unil.ch), Mai 15, 2024:

Vacancy at the Institute of Social Sciences (ISS)

Career Opportunities: Postdoctoral position in Life Course Sociology and Demography.

Additional information at:



-------------   MISCELLANEOUS   -------------


From Wiebke Schulz (wschulz@uni-bremen.de), Mai 16, 2024:

Call for papers –Special issue in Demographic Research

Title: Families’ resilience and the well-being of children and youth in contexts of global socioeconomic crises

We are pleased to welcome submissions engaging with Families’ resilience and the well-being of children. The ambition of this special issue is to provide new understanding of transformative changes in families beyond adaptive responses to socioeconomic crises. We conceptualise a transformative change as a mechanism which alters power relations in intergenerational relations and provides youngest family members with more resources and skills, autonomy, authority, as well as socioeconomic power linked to enhancing their current well-being and securing a better future. Examples include changes to parenting behaviour, changes to the inner-family organization of care, as well as increased investments in educational or extra-curricular activities.

Special collection co-editors: Anna Baranowska-Rataj, Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research, Umeå University; Pablo Gracia, Trinity College Dublin; Wiebke Schulz, SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy, University of Bremen

For more information see:



Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com

Subscribe for the Newsletter via the following link RC28 newsletters

RC28 Newsletter 2024_10, Mai 13 2024


Dear RC28 members,

one announcement was missing in the last newsletters. I am sending you it today in an “extra” newsletters:


-------------   JOBS, PHD SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS   -------------


From Gianluca Argentin (gianluca.argentin@unimib.it), Mai 10, 2024:

Research Fellow (Post-Doctoral Researcher) at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, Ireland

Our PhD Course, Analysis of Social and Economic Processes (ASEP), located at the University of Milan Bicocca, is now selecting 5 candidates for 5 available scholarships.

deadline: 14 May 2024 at noon (Italian time )

International applications are welcome!

Additional information at: https://en.unimib.it/education/postgraduates/doctoral-research-phd-programmes/applying-doctorate/calls-application


Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com

Subscribe for the Newsletter via the following link RC28 newsletters

RC28 Newsletter 2024_9, Mai 10 2024



-------------   CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS, AND OTHER EVENTS   -------------


From Yuliya Kosyakova (rc28.emails2023@gmail.com), April 26, 2024:

ISA Forum of Sociology and session proposals.

The 5th Forum of Sociology (ISA Forum) organized by the International Sociological Association (ISA) is scheduled to take place in Rabat, Morocco on July 6-11, 2025. There will be approximately 20 sessions allocated to the RC28.  While the ISA welcomes session proposals directly from individuals, we prefer to coordinate the process to ensure a diverse range of topics with minimal overlap are covered at the ISA Forum.

We kindly request those interested in proposing a session to submit their proposals to the RC28 secretary (rc28.emails2023@gmail.com) by 15 June 2024. All topics related to social stratification research – including (new) data – are welcome. Please provide a session title along with a brief summary of the session. Kindly note that although non-members of the ISA are invited to propose sessions, the ISA requires that a confirmed session organizer be a member of the ISA and of the RC to which the session is accepted.


-------------   JOBS, PHD SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS   -------------


From Jan Skopek (SKOPEKJ@tcd.ie), April 26, 2024:

Research Fellow (Post-Doctoral Researcher) at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, Ireland

The Department of Sociology at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) seeks to appoint an outstanding and highly motivated Post-Doctoral Researcher to join a research team in the international consortium project “Longitudinal Educational Achievements: Reducing iNequalities” (LEARN). The project is funded under the HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions coordinated by the University of Helsinki. The research team at Trinity College is led by Dr Yekaterina Chzhen and will collaborate closely with a team based at University College London led by Professor Jennifer Symonds. The successful candidate will get to travel internationally to project meetings and will collaborate with other consortium members. 

Find more information here:


Closing date for applications is May 20, 2024. Informal enquiries are welcome and go to Dr Yekaterina Chzhen (Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, TCD; chzheny@tcd.ie).


From Kadri Täht (kadri.taht@tlu.ee), April 29, 2024:

Doctoral researcher position at Institute of International Social Studies, Tallinn University

Institute of International Social Studies, Tallinn University is seeking PhD proposals in the field of educational inequalities. The selected candidate will be involved in the large-scale international Horizon Europe project Educational Achievements: Reducing Inequalities (LEARN).

Primary responsibilities of the doctoral researcher will include: literature reviews, analysing large-scale microdata (incl. administrative databases), writing the doctoral dissertation, participating in primary data collection and preparation for various research initiatives at IISS. The doctoral researcher will be participating in the 4-year Sociology doctoral program.

Further information: https://www.tlu.ee/en/yti/researchinstitute-international-social-studies/call-doctoral-researcher-position

Contact for further inquiries:

Prof. Marge Unt marge.unt@tlu.ee

Prof. Kadri Täht kadri.taht@tlu.ee

First thesis proposal draft to be sent to marge.unt@tlu.ee: June 13, 2024

Final application deadline submitted through the online application system: July 1, 2024


Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com

Subscribe for the Newsletter via the following link RC28 newsletters

RC28 Newsletter 2024_8, April 26 2024



-------------   CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS, AND OTHER EVENTS   -------------


From Sebastian E. Wenz (sebastian.wenz@gesis.org), 23 April 2024:

GESIS Fall Seminar in Computational Social Science 2024

Date: 30 August – 27 September 2024

Venue (depending on the course): GESIS Mannheim or Online via Zoom

Registration deadline: None (first come, first served).

Courses: Introduction to Computational Social Science with R/Python; Web Data Collection with Python and R; Introduction to Social Network Analysis with R; Introduction to Machine Learning for Text Analysis with Python; Agent-Based Computational Modeling; Advanced Social Network Analysis with R; From Embeddings to LLMs: Advanced Text Analysis with Python; Automated Image and Video Data Analysis.

Course descriptions and registration at www.gesis.org/fallseminar


From Yuliya Kosyakova (rc28.emails2023@gmail.com), April 26, 2024:

ISA Forum of Sociology and session proposals.

The 5th Forum of Sociology (ISA Forum) organized by the International Sociological Association (ISA) is scheduled to take place in Rabat, Morocco on July 6-11, 2025. There will be approximately 20 sessions allocated to the RC28.  While the ISA welcomes session proposals directly from individuals, we prefer to coordinate the process to ensure a diverse range of topics with minimal overlap are covered at the ISA Forum.

We kindly request those interested in proposing a session to submit their proposals to the RC28 secretary (rc28.emails2023@gmail.com) by 15 June 2024. All topics related to social stratification research – including (new) data – are welcome. Please provide a session title along with a brief summary of the session. Kindly note that although non-members of the ISA are invited to propose sessions, the ISA requires that a confirmed session organizer be a member of the ISA and of the RC to which the session is accepted.


Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com

Subscribe for the Newsletter via the following link RC28 newsletters

ISA Forum of Sociology and session proposals, April 21 2024


Dear RC28 members,

The 5th Forum of Sociology (ISA Forum) organized by the International Sociological Association (ISA) is scheduled to take place in Rabat, Morocco on July 6-11, 2025. There will be approximately 20 sessions allocated to the RC28.  While the ISA welcomes session proposals directly from individuals, we prefer to coordinate the process to ensure a diverse range of topics with minimal overlap are covered at the ISA Forum.

We kindly request those interested in proposing a session to submit their proposals to the RC28 secretary (rc28.emails2023@gmail.com) by 15 June 2024. All topics related to social stratification research – including (new) data – are welcome. Please provide a session title along with a brief summary of the session. Kindly note that although non-members of the ISA are invited to propose sessions, the ISA requires that a confirmed session organizer be a member of the ISA and of the RC to which the session is accepted.

Below are examples of session proposals that have been submitted in the past for the World Congress:

Social Inequality and Counterfactual analysis

This session welcomes analyses of social inequality in different domains (education, labor market, welfare state) based on experimental and quasi-experimental methods of analysis. Papers that apply these methods to core substantive issues of social stratification research are particularly encouraged, but the session is open also to methodological contributions.  

Social Inequality in Access to and Returns from Graduate Education

Social inequality in educational attainment is a core topic of stratification research. Yet, little is known about potential differences (for instance, by social origin, gender or previous educational pathways) at the top level, graduate and doctoral education. This session seeks papers that address either access to advanced higher education or respective returns.  Of particular interest are (1) the role of differentially selective education systems in shaping (un-)equal educational participation at the highest level; and (2) how country-differences in labor market institutions yield different returns to the highest level of educational attainment.

With kind regards,

Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com

Subscribe for the Newsletter via the following link RC28 newsletters

RC28 Newsletter 2024_7, April 20 2024


-------------   JOBS, PHD SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS   -------------


From Sara Möser (richard.arum@uci.edu), April 11 2024:

Doctoral position in the DAB Panel Study at University of Bern

A PhD position in the DAB panel study is available as of 1 January 2025 or by arrangement.  The DAB Panel Study has been collecting longitudinal data on the professional and educational situation of young adults in German-speaking Switzerland since 2012. Key research areas include social inequalities in educational opportunities and educational processes over the life course. In addition to the independent development and realisation of the dissertation project, the PhD position includes active involvement in the planning and implementation of the next four survey waves.  

Full information here:    Doctoral Position DAB Panel Study 

Please forward the job advert to potentially suitable graduates and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.


From Frank van Tubergen (tubergen@nidi.nl), April 17, 2024:

Researcher / Data Analist (Junior or Senior) at NIDI-KNAW, The Hague, Netherlands.

Are you enthusiastic about working with impactful data? Do you have excellent data analysis skills? Do you want to gain a unique experience in working for an international research infrastructure? We are looking for a new team member who can assist with developing a unique new dataset on migrants in the Netherlands. NIDI aims to build a 'migrant panel' by integrating complex data from surveys and registers into a unique multi-actor panel data set. NIDI is a research institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and affiliated with the University of Groningen. The position is for 2 years, and you’ll work in The Hague. Depending on education and experience the minimum salary is 3.226 and the maximum salary is 5.090 gross per month for a full-time appointment. See for more information https://nidi.nl/en/about-us/vacancies/ Closing date for applications is 1 June 2024. Informal enquiries are welcome and go to Prof. Dr. Matthijs Kalmijn (kalmijn@nidi.nl).


Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com

Subscribe for the Newsletter via the following link RC28 newsletters

RC28 Newsletter 2024_6, March 30 2024




-------------   CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS, AND OTHER EVENTS   -------------


From Sebastian E. Wenz (sebastian.wenz@gesis.org), 15 March 2024:

GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology 2024
Date: 24 July – 16 August 2024
Venue (depending on the course): Online or Onsite at GESIS Cologne, Germany

Registration deadline: None (first come, first served)

Course topics: Intro to Survey Design, Intro to Questionnaire Design, Web Surveys, Questionnaires for Cross-Cultural Surveys, Survey Sampling and Weighting, Small Area Estimation, Factorial Survey Design, Causal Inference Using Survey Data, DAGs, Longitudinal Surveys, Multiple Imputation, Data Science Techniques, Mixed-Mode Surveys, and Intros to Stata and R.

Program & Registration: www.gesis.org/summerschool


From Daniel Oesch (daniel.oesch@unil.ch), March 28, 2024

The LIVES Centre and the nccr -- on the move host an international conference on 5-6 November 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland, on mobility and the life course. We particularly welcome contributions on migration and other forms of mobility (e.g. social mobility as well as family, professional and educational mobility). The keynote speakers are Dominik Hangartner (ETH Zurich), Hill Kulu (University of St Andrews) and Borja Martinovic (Utrecht University). There is no participation fee; accepted presenters will be invited to food and drinks. The submission deadline is 31 May 2024: https://centre-lives.ch/en/lives-international-conference-2024


-------------   JOBS, PHD SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS   -------------


From Richard Arum (richard.arum@uci.edu), March 19, 2024:

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for Project on College-to-Career Transitions

Professor Richard Arum at the University of California, Irvine is seeking to appoint a postdoctoral fellow to conduct research on the effectiveness of career preparation activities and internships, exploring their contribution to skill development, career aspirations, and labor market success.  The fellow will utilize the comprehensive UCI Measuring Undergraduate Success Trajectories (MUST) Project dataset, which includes administrative records, learning management system clickstream logs, and detailed longitudinal data on a diverse cohort of approximately four thousand students including weekly surveys, performance assessments, employment, and postgraduate outcomes. A significant part of this research will involve analyzing student interactions with the Handshake career services platform.  The fellow will also have the opportunity to compare these behaviors with data being collected from partnering institutions, including the Co-op experiential learning program at Northeastern University. The position is for 2 years with the possibility of renewal. Anticipated start date can be July 1, 2024, or a date afterwards, contingent on the availability of the applicant.  Application review begins on April 15 and closes on April 30. Full details and to apply https://recruit.ap.uci.edu/JPF08894


From Nora Waitkus (N.M.Waitkus@tilburguniversity.edu), March 20, 2024:

2 PhD positions at the Department of Sociology, Tilburg University. 4 years, fulltime employment, minimal teaching and extensive benefits. Deadline 5. April



From Philipp M. Lercch (p.m.lersch@hu-berlin.de), March 20, 2024:

Postdoctoral Researcher in Sociology/Demography/Economics/Health Science to work within the Einstein Center Population Diversity on wealth, income, and health inequalities and their interactions in old age, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Further details about the position and the application procedure are available at https://haushalt-und-personal.hu-berlin.de/de/personal/stellenausschreibungen/postdoctoral-researcher-m-f-d-with-full-time-employment-e-13-tv-l-hu-third-party-funding-limited-until-31-03-2027

Deadline for applications is 2 May 2024.

Please feel free to contact Philipp Lersch (p.m.lersch@hu-berlin.de) for further details.


From Kristian Bernt Karlson (kbk@soc.ku.dk), March 22, 2024:

Call for full professorship in Sociology in Copenhagen

The Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen (UCPH) seeks excellent candidates for one or more professorships in Sociology.

The position is a permanent, full-time position and is available from 1st October 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The closing date for applications is 23:59 [CET] 8 May 2024.

Read more and apply here: https://employment.ku.dk/faculty/?show=161351


From Francesca Fiori (francesca.fiori@strath.ac.uk), March 25, 2024:

ESRC/SGSSS funded (1+3.5) PhD opportunity at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow) – Department of Social Work and Social Policy.

Project: Housing injustice and children’s outcomes: how does growing up in rented accommodation affect children’s health, wellbeing and cognitive development?

Deadline to apply: 19/04/2024 

The ideal candidate would have a research interest in housing, lifecourse inequalities and social stratification; and strong quantitative skills.

To apply and for more project info, please check: 

Housing injustice and children’s outcomes: how does growing up in rented accommodation affect children’s health, wellbeing and cognitive development? – Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (sgsss.ac.uk) or email: francesca.fiori@strath.ac.uk


-------------   MISCELLANEOUS   -------------


From Ionela Vlase (ionela.vlase@ulbsibiu.ro), March 18, 2024:

Call for papers –Women's Studies International Forum special issue on “The Opportunities and Pitfalls of Decolonial Feminism: Post-Communist Perspectives”. 

We are pleased to welcome submissions of research or review papers engaging with decolonial feminism across a wide range of topics including (but not limited to): Gender-based violence; Masculinities, femininities, and queer identities; Feminism activism, youth activism, and other forms of activism such as artivism; Educational justice and transformative pedagogies; Migration, race, class, and gender; Religion, faith and decolonial feminism. 

This special issue aims at gathering manuscripts on decolonial feminist research conducted in different countries, regions, borderlands, communities or organizations of the post-communist space and disciplines as different as sociology, anthropology, law, political sciences, history, geography, film and media studies, literature, and others. 

Guest editor: Dr. Ionela Vlase (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu) 

For more information, please visit the journal website: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/womens-studies-international-forum


Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com

Subscribe for the Newsletter via the following link RC28 newsletters

RC28 Newsletter 2024_5, March 15 2024




-------------   CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS, AND OTHER EVENTS   -------------


From Organizing Committee (phdconference2024@unitn.it), March 4, 2024:

Sixth Joint Doctoral Conference, Trento, November 28-29 2024

The Sixth Joint Doctoral Conference will be organized by the PhD Programme in Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento and will be held on November 28th and 29th, 2024.

The Conference is an opportunity for PhD students to present their work and discuss others’ contributions in a constructive environment, while also receiving feedback to improve their research from senior researchers.

We welcome contributions from doctoral students in the field of sociology using any approach, theory and methodology. Please submit an extended abstract (2-3 pages, references excluded) by April 30, 2024 to phdconference2024@unitn.it.  

For additional information, please refer to the call for papers and the submission template available at: https://shorturl.at/yINVW

For any questions, please contact us at: phdconference2024@unitn.it

We are looking forward to your submissions!.


-------------   JOBS, PHD SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS   -------------


From Janeen Baxter (j.baxter@uq.edu.au), March 10, 2024:

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for project on gender inequality

Professor Janeen Baxter at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia is seeking to appoint 2 postdoctoral fellows to work with her on a new project examining gender inequality. The successful applicants will have high level skills in either qualitative methodology or quantitative and longitudinal methods. Both applicants should have a strong interest in gender inequality, a background in sociology or relevant social science discipline and a willingness to work collaboratively with other scholars. The positions are for 3-years with the possibility of renewal for a further 2 years. Applications close 2nd April. Full details available on SEEK and the UQ Careers site (Number R-35937).


From Jan Skopek (SKOPEKJ@tcd.ie), March 12, 2024:

PhD in quantitative sociology (4 years, stipend, start in Sept 2024) at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, Ireland

The Department of Sociology at Trinity College Dublin is offering prestigious stipends (from 21,000 to up to 27,000 EUR per annum) for two doctoral students to join the PhD in Sociology degree programme for a period of 4 years. Candidates are given the opportunity to design and carry out an innovative PhD project in quantitative sociology in the field of social inequality. Applicants can apply for one of two department projects or with an own research project. See more info in the call document under https://www.tcd.ie/sociology/vacancies/

Closing date for applications is April 5, 2024. Informal enquiries are welcome and go to the Head of Department of Sociology, Associate Professor Dr Jan Skopek (skopekj@tcd.ie).


Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com
Subscribe for the RC28 newsletters

RC28 Newsletter 2024_4, March 1 2024




-------------   CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS, AND OTHER EVENTS   -------------


From Hans Dietrich (Hans.Dietrich@iab.de), February 23, 2024:

The 31st annual workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth (TiY), Warsaw, Poland, 4-6 September 2024

The European Research Network on Transitions in Youth (TIY) has opened the call for paper for the upcoming 31st annual conference. The theme of this year’s conference is: Youth Transitions in Vulnerable Populations: New Challenges in Uncertain Times 

The conference will take place in Warsaw, Poland on 4-6 September 2024 and will be hosted by the Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw. Deadline for abstract submissions is the 1st of April. The call and more details regarding the conference could be found on our conference-webside https://ws.uw.edu.pl/tiy2024/

We are looking forward to your submissions. 


From Markus Weissmann (markus.weissmann@uni-mannheim.de), February 26, 2024:

5th International CILS4EU User Conference a Meet the Data Workshop 

We would like to announce two events that will take place in September in Mannheim, Germany:

The 5th International CILS4EU User Conference a Meet the Data Workshop (for further information, please see:


The user conference will take place 26-27 September 2024. To participate, please submit your abstracts until 30 April 2024 to the local organisers via e-mail: cils4eu@mzes.uni-mannheim.de

On September 25th, 2024, a Meet the Data Workshop will take place independently of the conference. It introduces researchers to the CILS4EU data and its extensions and is aimed at both prospective users and current users interested in the latest data releases (like, e.g., CILS4NEPS).  To participate in the workshop, you do not need to submit an abstract, just sign up until August 31st, 2024, via this website: https://cils4eu.mzes.uni-mannheim.de/

We are looking forward to your submissions and registrations!

Kind regards

The CILS4EU Team


From Irena Kogan (irena.kogan@uni-mannheim.de), February 26, 2024:

“Behind the data: quantitative approaches  to interdisciplinary racism research” organized by the WinRa Regional Network South: University of Bayreuth & University of Mannheim


October 23rd, 2pm to October 25th, 12pm

Гniversity of Bayreuth


-------------   JOBS, PHD SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS   -------------


From Jan Skopek (SKOPEKJ@tcd.ie), February 21, 2024:

Assistant Professor in Sociology (Economic and Organisational Sociology, 5-year fixed term, tenure track) at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, Ireland

The Department of Sociology at School of Social Sciences and Philosophy of Trinity College Dublin is seeking to appoint an Assistant Professor in Sociology (Economic and Organisational Sociology), to join us in September 2024. We invite applications from candidates who have a proven track record in economic and organisational sociology with a research focus on work, labour, and organizations. Candidates have a strong quantitative research orientation and associated research skills in their research portfolio. Candidates are expected to have experience in the use of advanced quantitative methods such as rigorous causal inference, social network analysis, analysis of longitudinal data, comparative research designs, or innovative methodologies from digital social research.

More info here: 


Closing date is March 21, 2024. Informal enquiries are welcome and go to the Head of Department of Sociology, Associate Professor Dr Jan Skopek (skopekj@tcd.ie).


From Elina Kilpi-Jakonen (elina.kilpi-jakonen@utu.fi), February 29, 2024:

INVEST Research Flagship Centre, University of Turku, Finland, is looking for 2–3 Senior Researchers (recent postdocs or equivalent).

One Senior Researcher for the research project SHARE-FI that coordinates Finland’s data collection as part of a European research infrastructure Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). See more at https://ats.talentadore.com/apply/erikoistutkija/83ovE2?lang=en&UTUID=20256

One or two Senior Researchers for the multidisciplinary consortium project “Family Formation in Flux – Causes, Consequences and Possible Futures”. See more at https://ats.talentadore.com/apply/erikoistutkija/mBqKlV?lang=en&UTUID=20257

The deadline for applications is 26 March 2024


-------------   MISCELLANEOUS   -------------


From Murat Arpacı (muratarpaci06@gmail.com), February 23, 2024:

CFP - The History of the Family 

Dear colleagues,

I'm attaching as a pdf our call for papers for the special issue titled "Turkish Families Setting in Europe: Social History Beyond Half a Century" that we will prepare for the "The History of the Family: An International Quarterly" journal.

We would be very happy if you share the special issue announcement with researchers working on this subject. You can find the announcement as a pdf in the attachment. Also, the link to the call published on the journal's website is below.

Announcement link: https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/special_issues/turkish-families-settling-in-europe/?_gl=1*4xs1n8*_ga*MTk1Mjk3NTI2Ny4xNzA2NzIwNjc1*_ga_0HYE8YG0M6*MTcwODY5ODE5MC4xNi4xLjE3MDg2OTgxOTguMC4wLjA.&_ga=2.72558355.1489933955.1708609120-1952975267.1706720675


From Joy Zhang (cs-monographs@isa-sociology.org), February 28, 2024:

Call for proposals for ISA book series and special issues

Joy Zhang is the new editor of the ISA’s two main publication outlets: 1) SAGE Studies in International Sociology book series and 2) Current Sociology monographs (special issues) and invites RC28 colleagues to consider turning Research Committee discussions into SAGE Studies in International Sociology (SSIS). Key aspects:

significant reduction of the turnaround time for proposals for both of these publications.

for Current Sociology monographs, explicit requirement guest editors to incorporate epistemic diversity and inclusivity in their calls.

particular welcome of innovative formats that leverage the length of a book

encouragement of colleagues to consider small group co-authored volumes (2-4 authors), allowing for an in-depth dialogical investigation of a specific topic


Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2024@gmail.com

RC28 Newsletter 2024_3, February 16 2024




-------------   CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS, AND OTHER EVENTS   -------------


From Margot Jackson (margot_jackson@brown.edu), December 13, 2023:


We invite all scholars working in the field of social stratification and social mobility to contribute to the 2024 RC28 Summer Conference on August 6-8, 2024 (with a welcome reception on the evening of August 5), hosted by Brown University. The conference theme is “Social Inequality and Public Policy.” Paper or poster submissions that address this theme are particularly encouraged, but all empirical and theory-driven submissions related to social stratification are welcome. Please submit your extended abstract here. You can also visit the conference website for additional information, which we will add as it becomes available. Abstracts must be submitted by February 16, 2024 (11:59pm EST). Authors will be informed about the committee’s decision by the end of March 2024. Please visit the conference website for further information on the conference, or email rc28brownuniversity@gmail.com with any questions.


From Christoph Bernhard (Bernhard.Christoph@iab.de), February 2, 2024:

6th Forum „Higher Education and the Labour Market“ (HELM), June 19 – June 20 2024

The 6th Forum „Higher Education and the Labour Market“ (HELM) of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), with a special focus on “The Bologna Process After 25 Years: Continuities, Changes, and Evaluations“ will take place on June 19th and 20th 2024 in Hanover. There will be keynotes by Nikki Shure (UCL) and Stephan Thomsen (University of Hanover).

We welcome contributions from various disciplines, particularly from Economics, Social Sciences, and Educational Sciences. Please submit a short outline (max. 500 words) by April 8, 2024 to HELM@dzhw.eu .

For more information, please compare the detailed call for papers here: https://www.dzhw.eu/pdf/veranstaltungen/helm/cfp_HELM_2024.pdf


From Franziska Disslbacher (franziska.disslbacher@wu.ac.at), February 9, 2024:

Workshop on wealth inequality, intergenerational mobility, and equality of opportunity 

We are pleased to invite submissions to our workshop on wealth inequality, intergenerational mobility, and equality of opportunity, to be held at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna) on November 21 and 22, 2024. 

This workshop is jointly organized by the Research Institute for the Economics of Inequality (WU Vienna), the International Inequalities Institute (London School of Economics and Political Science), and the ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research.

The program will feature keynote lectures by Susan Dynarski (Patricia Albjerg Graham Professor of Education, Harvard University) and Fabian Pfeffer (Professor of Sociology, LMU Munich). 

For detailed information, please visit our workshop website or the call for papers in the attachment.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: May 15, 2024

Acceptance Notification: June 15, 2024

There is participation fee. Accommodations near the venue will be provided, and we offer financial assistance for travel expenses to those with no other funding sources.


From Alisa Remizova (Alisa.Remizova@gesis.org), February 15, 2024:

GESIS Workshops on Regression Analysis and Beyond 

GESIS invites you to expand your toolkit in regression analysis and related topics in the upcoming workshops:

20. - 22.03. Applied Multiverse Analysis (Online)

11. - 12.04. Introduction to Quantile Regression (Online)

19. - 21.06. Fundamentals and Current Debates of Regression Analysis (Mannheim)

12. - 13.09. Fundamentals and Advanced Topics in Modeling Interaction Effects (Online) 

30.09 - 02.10. Multilevel Analysis with Stata and R (Cologne) 

You can find a complete schedule of GESIS Training courses online. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me (alisa.remizova@gesis.org). We would appreciate you forwarding this announcement to other potentially interested parties.


-------------   MISCELLANEOUS   -------------


From RC28 (rc28.emails2023@gmail.com), December 6, 2023:

RC28 Significant Scholarship Award

We are pleased to announce the call for nominations for the RC28 Significant Scholarship Award. This annual award recognizes an outstanding article in Social Stratification published in the three years preceding the award year, with the 2024 award focusing on articles from 2021-2023. The criteria for selection include the article's significance, rigor, and novelty in contributing to social stratification scholarship. The award, accompanied by a $1,000 grant, will be presented at the RC28 Summer meeting. Eligible articles must have been presented at an RC28 meeting, World Congress, or World Forum prior to publication. Nominations, including a full citation and optional statement of merit, should be submitted to RC28 Secretary/Treasurer Yuliya Kosyakova at rc28.emails2023@gmail.com  by March 1, 2024. We encourage all RC28 members to participate in this prestigious recognition of exceptional scholarship.


From Suzanne Nichols (suzanne@rsage.org), February 7, 2023:

CfP in RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences

RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences has a call for papers on  "Climate Hazards and Their Social, Political, and Economic Consequences, " edited byMax Besbris, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Manuel Pastor, University of Southern California, Anna Rhodes, Rice University, Wolfram Schlenker, Columbia University, Pamela Winston, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. CfP is available here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nph53oroab90b0pfnmaj7/Final-RFP_Climate-Hazards.pdf?rlkey=kb2jqltv1i0rgfrsb4y4o7pls&dl=0



From Alexander Patzina (alexander.patzina@uni-bamberg.de), February 9, 2023:

Call for Papers – Special Issue on COVID-19 and Well-being in Social Indicators Research 

This Special Issue invites papers on the following topics:

1) Medium- and long-term effects of the pandemic on quality of life, i.e., subjective well-being, and its central determinants.

2) Heterogeneous consequences of the pandemic.

3) Research on mechanisms explaining why individuals’ quality of life changed during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

4) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on different measurements of quality of life.

Further information at https://link.springer.com/collections/dgjeaeijih

Contact information: Matthias Collischon (Matthias.Collischon2@iab.de), Jacqueline Kroh (jacqueline.kroh@lifbi.de), & Alexander Patzina (alexander.patzina@uni-bamberg.de)

Deadline for submission: June 30th 2024


Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com

RC28 Newsletter 2024_2, February 2 2024




-------------   CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS, AND OTHER EVENTS   -------------


From Margot Jackson (margot_jackson@brown.edu), December 13, 2023:


We invite all scholars working in the field of social stratification and social mobility to contribute to the 2024 RC28 Summer Conference on August 6-8, 2024 (with a welcome reception on the evening of August 5), hosted by Brown University. The conference theme is “Social Inequality and Public Policy.” Paper or poster submissions that address this theme are particularly encouraged, but all empirical and theory-driven submissions related to social stratification are welcome. Please submit your extended abstract here. You can also visit the conference website for additional information, which we will add as it becomes available. Abstracts must be submitted by February 16, 2024 (11:59pm EST). Authors will be informed about the committee’s decision by the end of March 2024. Please visit the conference website for further information on the conference, or email rc28brownuniversity@gmail.com with any questions.


From Moris Triventi (moris.triventi@unimi.it), January 24, 2024:


On March 18-21, 2024, in collaboration with Collegio Carlo Alberto and NASP, the ECSR will organize a Spring School on the topic "The Analysis of Social and Educational Inequalities." We encourage doctoral students and young researchers to apply and participate in this four-day, full-immersion course, featuring lectures on key conceptual and methodological topics in the field. Participants will also have the opportunity to present their work, which will be discussed by leading scholars in the field. 

More information are available here: https://www.nasp.eu/training/other-training-activities/spring-summer-schools/2024-ecsr-cca-nasp-spring-school-cfa.html 


From Are Skeie Hermansen (a.s.hermansen@sosgeo.uio.no), January 30, 2024:

Ph.D. course on the Organizational Foundations of Inequality, University of Oslo, Norway, June 10–13 2024, application deadline: April 21 

This PhD course will provide students with a broad introduction to key theories, concepts, and methodological issues related to the empirical study of the organizational foundations of inequality. Organizations play a key role in generating and sustaining inequality, but also in how to make change come about, as they both determine the matching of individuals to positions in the labor market and implement the evaluation and reward structures used to distribute power, wealth, and prestige. As such, organizational practices influence inequality at different stages of the employment process, given that employers manage hiring and job assignments, training and compensation, and promotion and termination processes. Consequently, the distribution of resources and opportunities in society cannot be fully understood without paying attention to the role that organizations, their practices and key members play in contemporary stratification processes and employment outcomes.

Lecturers: Roberto Fernandez (MIT Sloan School of Management), Trond Petersen (UC Berkeley), and Donald Tomaskovic-Devey (UMass, Amherst)

Application form and further information is available here. For additional questions, please contact Are Skeie Hermansen at a.s.hermansen@sosgeo.uio.no.


From Linda AMRANI (linda.amrani@sciencespo.fr), February 1, 2024:


We welcome applications from candidates with a recent PhD and with an ambitious research agenda in the area of social stratification and inequality, targeting publications in leading journals in the social sciences. Our faculty members are international experts in the study of central inequality concerns such as education, gender, life course, labor market and economic inequality, social mobility, urban segregation, migration, ethnoracial minorities, cultural, digital, health, criminal justice and environmental inequality. 

Application deadline : 11 March 2024

How to apply: https://www.sciencespo.fr/osc/en/content/sciences-po-hiring-assistant-professor.html


-------------   JOBS, PHD SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS   -------------


From Anna Baranowska-Rataj (mailto:anna.baranowska-rataj@umu.se), January 19, 2024

The Department of Sociology at Umeå University is looking for a new professor. Application deadline is March 5.

More information on the job profile and the link to the online application form can be found here:  


In case of questions, don’t hesitate to send me an email: mailto:anna.baranowska-rataj@umu.se, I would be happy if people from RC28 apply for this position.


From Moris Triventi (moris.triventi@unimi.it), January 24, 2024:

Two open fellowships (post-doc or post-graduate) within the ERC-Consolidator Grant “EDUPOL - Education policies that work: A context-sensitive ‘big data’ approach”, led by Prof. Moris Triventi, at the University of Milan (Italy). The project investigates the consequences of educational and school-level policies on students' outcomes and inequality in comparative perspective merging different data sources and using innovative approaches. Deadline 9 February 2024.  

The calls are available here: 

Position 1 (18 months), school policies analysis: link to call 1

Position 2 (24 months), analysis of international educational datasets: link to call 2


From Nadia Steiber (nadia.steiber@univie.ac.at), January 29, 2023:

Postdoctoral position at University of Vienna, Austria

The Institute of Sociology in Vienna is seeking to appoint a University Assistant (post-doc for the duration of 6 years, full-time, non-tenure track) with a focus on quantitative social research in one of the following areas: work/employment, family, education, migration, health.

Further information: https://jobs.univie.ac.at/job/University-Assistant-postdoctoral/1030011701/

Application deadline: February 18, 2024.


-------------   MISCELLANEOUS   -------------


From RC28 (rc28.emails2023@gmail.com), December 6, 2023:

RC28 Significant Scholarship Award

We are pleased to announce the call for nominations for the RC28 Significant Scholarship Award. This annual award recognizes an outstanding article in Social Stratification published in the three years preceding the award year, with the 2024 award focusing on articles from 2021-2023. The criteria for selection include the article's significance, rigor, and novelty in contributing to social stratification scholarship. The award, accompanied by a $1,000 grant, will be presented at the RC28 Summer meeting. Eligible articles must have been presented at an RC28 meeting, World Congress, or World Forum prior to publication. Nominations, including a full citation and optional statement of merit, should be submitted to RC28 Secretary/Treasurer Yuliya Kosyakova at rc28.emails2023@gmail.com  by March 1, 2024. We encourage all RC28 members to participate in this prestigious recognition of exceptional scholarship.


From Xin Li (xl4749@nyu.edu), January 18, 2023:

RC28 Travel Awards

The RC28 Spring Meeting 2024 is currently accepting applications for the RC28 Travel Awards. The awards assist students and members in financial need by subsidizing their travel to the conference in order to present their work. The travel awards are given in recognition of good scholarship in the field of stratification.

The applicant’s abstract must be accepted by the conference organizers in order to be considered. Awards will not exceed $1200, and are only given to the same person once in a four-year period.

Application Process:

To apply, please submit the following materials to both the conference organizers (shanghai.rc28@nyu.edu) and the Secretary/Treasurer of the RC28 (Yuliya Kosyakova rc28.emails2023@gmail.com):

(a) the paper to be presented

(b) an itemized budget

(c) one brief letter of recommendation

Application Deadline: February 15, 2024

To be eligible, applicants must confirm their student status or demonstrate their financial need in the letter of recommendation. Students whose papers are co-authored with non-students are welcome to apply.

Recipients will be informed by March 01, 2024. Awardees will be announced at the conference dinner. Please contact shanghai.rc28@nyu.edu with questions.

Best regard,

RC28 Local Organizing Committee


From Katrinell Davis (Katrinell.Davis@fsu.edu), February 1, 2023:

Publication opportunity 

Greetings, Colleagues:

I'm writing to share a fascinating publication opportunity.

Attached, you will find a call for book chapters on disability and intersectionality (specifically, race, class, and gender).

March 15, 2024, is the deadline for abstracts. Link here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/izek2z3f6jzhtrmxm0kex/Call-for-proposals_How-and-Why-Race-Class-and-Gender-Matters_extended.pdf?rlkey=qu4hos892wgokoa2plgz4nbmp&dl=0


Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com

RC28 Newsletter 2024_1, January 19 2024



Dear RC28 Members, Colleagues, and Friends,

I am delighted to share the first RC28 Newsletter of 2024 with you.

Wishing you a great start to the year.

Warm regards,

Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer


-------------   CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS, AND OTHER EVENTS   -------------


From Margot Jackson (margot_jackson@brown.edu), December 13, 2023:


We invite all scholars working in the field of social stratification and social mobility to contribute to the 2024 RC28 Summer Conference on August 6-8, 2024 (with a welcome reception on the evening of August 5), hosted by Brown University. The conference theme is “Social Inequality and Public Policy.” Paper or poster submissions that address this theme are particularly encouraged, but all empirical and theory-driven submissions related to social stratification are welcome. Please submit your extended abstract here. You can also visit the conference website for additional information, which we will add as it becomes available. Abstracts must be submitted by February 16, 2024 (11:59pm EST). Authors will be informed about the committee’s decision by the end of March 2024. Please visit the conference website for further information on the conference, or email rc28brownuniversity@gmail.com with any questions.


From TwinLife team (workshop@twin-life.de), January 15, 2024:


the TwinLife team is pleased to invite you to participate in our two-day behavioral genetics workshops. In the Basic Workshop on August 17 and 18, you will have the opportunity to learn the basic concepts of behavioral genetics as well as behavioral genetic data analysis using TwinLife data exemplarily. The advanced workshop on September 22 and 23 will cover advanced concepts and models of behavioral genetics. Both workshops are free and will be held online in English.

Registration for the workshops is open through the links provided in the flyer until July 11, 2022 and August 22, 2022, respectively. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at workshop@twin-life.de.

For more information, please see the flyer (https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9g777whnuyjt8yb7uxy0f/TwinLife-Workshop-Flyer.pdf?rlkey=w3zh3upl2j75rx7iaxna7wbfa&dl=0).

We look forward to your participation!


From Benjamin Jarvis (benjamin.jarvis@liu.se), January 17, 2024:

Call for Abstracts: 31st Nordic Sociological Association conference, 14-16 August, Norrköping, Sweden

The call for abstracts for the 31st Nordic Sociological Association Conference (NSA2024) is now open for submissions. With more than 30 organized and thematic sessions to choose from, the deadline for submissions for oral presentations is 29th February.

NSA2024 will be held 14-16 August 2024, at Linköping University (campus Norrköping), Sweden. Hosted by the Institute for Analytical Sociology in coordination with the Nordic Sociological Association, we invite you to the beautiful town of Norrköping to present your work at this preeminent platform for Nordic sociology. The overarching theme of this year's conference is Sociology in a Digital world, but with sessions spanning a broad spectrum of sociological research.


14-16 August, 2024, Norrköping, Sweden

WEB www.nsa2024.se


Deadline: 29 February 2024

To submit: https://wcc.ep.liu.se/index.php/nsa2024/


-------------   JOBS, PHD SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS   -------------


From Magnus Bygren (magnus.bygren@sociology.su.se), December 29, 2023:


We have a senior lectureship in sociology available at the Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, last day of application February 1, possibility of promotion to professor is included in the position.

The job ad can be found here:



From Jan P. Heisig (jan.heisig@wzb.eu), January 8, 2024:

The research units "Skill Formation and Labor Markets" (Professor Heike Solga) and "Health and Social Inequality" (Professor Jan Paul Heisig) at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) are looking for **3 postdoctoral researchers (full-time) for the newly established Einstein Center Population Diversity (ECPD)**. The ECPD, an interdisciplinary collaboration of social scientists and biomedical researchers from several Berlin universities and research institutions, will study the consequences of increasing population diversity for social inequality and health disparities. The positions are located in the ECPD work packages on family diversity and educational inequalities (position 1), pathways into multimorbidity in changing family systems (position 2), and mental health in migrant families (position 3) . **The positions will preferably start on April 1, 2024. The deadline for applications is February 7, 2024.** For further information, see https://www.wzb.eu/en/jobs/3-postdoctoral-research-fellows-fmx-id-242-281-242


From Ben Jahn (ben.jann@unibe.ch), January 12, 2023:

Professor of Sociology (open rank) at University of Bern, Switzerland

The Institute of Sociology of the University of Bern in Switzerland is seeking to appoint a Professor of Sociology (open rank) with a focus on Sustainable Society.

Further information: https://ohws.prospective.ch/public/v1/jobs/cd6b759e-d5ea-4190-a573-8262ff5fbfa5

Start of appointment: February 1, 2025.

Application deadline: February 12, 2024.


From Ben Jahn (ben.jann@unibe.ch), January 12, 2023:

Assistant Professor of Sociology (with tenure track) at University of Bern, Switzerland

The Institute of Sociology of the University of Bern in Switzerland is seeking to appoint an Assistant Professor of Sociology (with tenure track) with a focus on Social Change.

Further information: https://ohws.prospective.ch/public/v1/jobs/8acdc6ef-4f41-4fec-ad8b-1e9d1acc664e

Start of appointment: February 1, 2025.

Application deadline: February 12, 2024.


-------------   MISCELLANEOUS   -------------


From RC28 (rc28.emails2023@gmail.com), December 6, 2023:

RC28 Significant Scholarship Award

We are pleased to announce the call for nominations for the RC28 Significant Scholarship Award. This annual award recognizes an outstanding article in Social Stratification published in the three years preceding the award year, with the 2024 award focusing on articles from 2021-2023. The criteria for selection include the article's significance, rigor, and novelty in contributing to social stratification scholarship. The award, accompanied by a $1,000 grant, will be presented at the RC28 Summer meeting. Eligible articles must have been presented at an RC28 meeting, World Congress, or World Forum prior to publication. Nominations, including a full citation and optional statement of merit, should be submitted to RC28 Secretary/Treasurer Yuliya Kosyakova at rc28.emails2023@gmail.com  by March 1, 2024. We encourage all RC28 members to participate in this prestigious recognition of exceptional scholarship.


From Xin Li (xl4749@nyu.edu), January 18, 2023:

RC28 Travel Awards

The RC28 Spring Meeting 2024 is currently accepting applications for the RC28 Travel Awards. The awards assist students and members in financial need by subsidizing their travel to the conference in order to present their work. The travel awards are given in recognition of good scholarship in the field of stratification.

The applicant’s abstract must be accepted by the conference organizers in order to be considered. Awards will not exceed $1200, and are only given to the same person once in a four-year period.

Application Process:

To apply, please submit the following materials to both the conference organizers (shanghai.rc28@nyu.edu) and the Secretary/Treasurer of the RC28 (Yuliya Kosyakova rc28.emails2023@gmail.com):

(a) the paper to be presented

(b) an itemized budget

(c) one brief letter of recommendation

Application Deadline: February 15, 2024

To be eligible, applicants must confirm their student status or demonstrate their financial need in the letter of recommendation. Students whose papers are co-authored with non-students are welcome to apply.

Recipients will be informed by March 01, 2024. Awardees will be announced at the conference dinner. Please contact shanghai.rc28@nyu.edu with questions.

Best regard,

RC28 Local Organizing Committee


Yuliya Kosyakova

RC28 Secretary/Treasurer

Research profile: https://kosyakova.org

If you like to post an announcement, let me know via rc28.emails2023@gmail.com