Legacy Web Server

NOTE: www.kostic.niu.edu/ CHANGED TO https://kostic.niu.edu (NO www), OR www.niu.edu/kostic

Professor Kostic's old, legacy Web server is no longer updated and may not work now.

Sorry for any broken links, redundancies and other inconvenience.

Kostic's "Legacy Web site" was developed as Prof. Kostic's "unedited and redundant messy-notes for personal use" and later posted "almost as such" for public use.

Professor Kostic's  NEW Web sites are "little edited cut-and-pastes" from old Legacy Web pages, also with some updates at:

(1) the new NIU site with the same domain name at kostic.niu.edu/ (or www.niu.edu/kostic), and also at 

(2) Google-site (http://Prof.MKostic.com)

ORCID ID orcid.org/0000-0001-8875-9801

More at kostic.niu.edu/  * prof-kostic (also Media.MKostic.com )* ORCID ID * LinkedIn * FaceBook * Twitter ...More  - Also: bl.ink

NIU Webcommunications <Webcommunications@niu.edu>  NIU Web and Internal Communications- Staff Directory - Information about Usage guidelines for the NIU logo. To Download the university logo here.

Resources for Your NIU Website * Online Website Update request form to submit your site changes. * Network-Tools.com * internic.net (enom.com). Misc. Info * Links Etc