Vocabulary Logs

Vocabulary Logs

You are required to maintain a vocabulary log. For this purpose, you should devote a section of your English notebook. You will divide your vocabulary notebook into two sections.

Section One devoted to assigned literary terms or valuable words from our unit's reading.

Section Two devoted to words you discover in your individual readings--in class or outside.

Section One:

This section is devoted entirely to literary terms. When we begin a new reading, I will provide some of the literary terms revealed in that piece of literature. In your log, you are to:

    1. Define the term;

    2. explain how the author reveals that term in the piece of literature, and/or

    3. cite a specific example.

Section Two:

You will also be responsible for finding words in our class readings and readings outside of my class (other classes, your own readings, non-textual sources). You should locate 3-5 words per unit and define the following:

    1. The part of speech

    2. A phrase explaining what you believe the word means

    3. The dictionary definition

    4. An original sentence using the word


Periodically I will check your logs without warning to make sure you are maintaining them correctly. Furthermore, when you use some of our vocabulary words appropriately in your own writing, your efforts may be reflected in the final grade on your assignment. You will be tested on the literary terms toward the end of the semester.