English III--General
Welcome to the exciting world of English IV. In this course we will be exploring the literature of the British Isles (England, Scotland, Ireland), its significance, and its importance to your life. My hope is that all students will emerge from this course with a thorough understanding of the content, become a more educated and informed reader, and an active and critical citizen in the larger world.
The following links are useful general help for English IV:
Books: Any and all of the books we read this semester have a linked webpage with activities, assignments, and helpful sources
Formatting Papers: A thorough guide to how to format any your papers
Various Assignments: A great compilation of various assignments, prepared by my esteemed English colleague, Ms. Effinger.
Journal: An exhaustive list of 258 journal ideas to get you writing...
Cool Reads: Not required for class, but required reading to be an awesome person.
Quotes: An alphabetical listing of cool quotes.
Vocabulary Logs: The directions for our ongoing assignment.
Essay Grading Rubric: How I will assess your awesome essays.
How to Write an Essay in 10 Easy Steps
Academic Writing: The Essay
Poetry: Guide to Reading
Google Education: Source for useful Google tools you can use
YouTube Video
Important bureaucratic sites:
NC Standard Course of Study: English IV
NC Department of Public Instruction: Click here.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at:andrewchilton123@gmail.com