Invisible Man

Invisible Man Ralph Ellison

Primary Sources:

Classroom Sources:

Invisible Man Reading Quizzes / Quick Writes
Invisible Man Project
Invisible Man Essay Prompt
Strange Fruit Analysis Invisible Man

Civil Rights Project (with US History)

Click here

Teaching / Learning Sched...e Man Race Today Projects

Secondary Sources:

Song Analysis:

  • Reminders about Song Project:

    • Any song that is directly about race will suffice

    • Realize that you have to analyze it; therefore, if it's shallow it will be difficult to analyze in detail

    • Make sure to attach the lyrics to the graphic organizer

  • Possible songs about race and discrimination (if you're having a tough time finding one of your own): Click here

  • List of previous student's songs they analyzed. Use at your own discretion, but hopefully these will be useful to peruse. Click here

  • Graphic Organizer to fill out and attach to song lyrics: Click here

Research Sites for Project:

  1. New York Times Room for Debate: Click here

  2. Pew Research Forum: Click here

Miscellaneous Sites for Project:

  • Project Suggestions and Reminders (make sure you read and understand these): Click here

  • MLA Formatting for Works Cited: Click here

Presentation Schedule:

Untitled presentation

Louis Armstrong Documentary: Click here

Invisible Man Gallery Walk

AP Teacher Resources: Click here