
Link to Odyssey page

Link to Iliad page

Secondary Sources:

  • Introduction to Homer from Columbia University: Click here

  • Interesting collection of websites about Homer, the Iliad, and the Odyssey from UNC: Click here

  • Website about the Trojans with a succinct biography of Homer and interactive timeline: Click here

  • Internet History Sourcebook--More than you could ever learn from primary sources from Greek culture: Click here

  • Homer in Print from the University of Chicago: Click here

  • Intro to Greek culture and history from Emory University: Click here

  • The Iliad or the Odyssey: if you could only save one which would it be? Click here

  • Interesting introduction to Homer and his writings from Univ. of Idaho professor: Click here

  • Phenomenal website from the University of Michigan on translating Homer over time, the difficulties of the oral tradition, the original Greek, and how each time period has constructed their own version of Homer's great epics: Click here

  • Center for Hellenic Studies: Harvard University's center for the study of everything Greek: plays, tragedies, epic poems, and much more. Click here

  • Erudite essay by Matthew Arnold entitled "On Translating Homer" which implications for literary criticism and translating literature everywhere: Click here

  • Primary Texts: A vast collection of all Greek plays, tragedies, epic poems, and more. All for free. Click here

An moving video about the power of Homer from a Civil War soldier: