SCS Technology Policies

Policy 10000

Technology is a tool for education with great benefits and great risks. SCS will make every effort to provide students with appropriate and up to date technology and attempt to protect students from dangerous and unintended material. Students and teachers accept understood risks when using SCS technology.

Policy 10100

Teachers are allowed to use all kinds of various technologies and software to promote learning in their classroom. All of the various technologies are TOOLS to learn, not ends in themselves. Students, however are restrained and not permitted to engage in any technological usage which could constitute harassment, bullying, disruptive or damaging usage, tampering or bypassing security measures, promoting or advertising anything, publishing personal information, downloading files, plagiarizing, illegal copyright infringements.

Policy 10200

Similar to policy 10100, students can use technology for educational usage as instructed by their teacher but they are not allowed to use social media sites, to publish personal information, or to use their own devices unless permitted by the teacher.

Policy 10266

SCS policy prevents students from accessing or transmitting inappropriate material, does not allow unauthorized access to the internet, prevents unlawful online activity, prevents unauthorized online disclosure, and must comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act.

Policy 10300

This policy outlines how an employee is to use their school issued technology and what they cannot use their own personal technology for. Basically, they have to uphold the highest ethical standards when using SCS technology, being a role model to students and upholding Policy 10000. They are not permitted to store, view or use their personal devices to view confidential or private matters that relate to school business, records, grades, or student information.

Policy 7335-10335

This is a huge policy that has developed recently. This one is all about social media. Employees cannot knowingly contact students via social media and are not allowed to have any form of contact with them unless a prior relationship was already established (kin, civic club, church). Employees are also required to uphold the highest standards in their personal social media usage and anything posted on a social media is public information and can be incriminating against you.

Policy 10400

This technology policy revolves around instructional usage and the fact that technology is intended to be a tool, not a ends in and of itself. Therefore, students need to be proficient in technology and all of their usages of technology need to be geared towards specific educational goals.

Policy 10500

This exhaustive policy details how technology is to be used and operated by SCS. It details how records are to be kept, how data is to be managed, what network privacy will look like and how it will be monitored, as well as how technology will be procured, managed, and disposed of. It also details technology security and electronic copyright policies.

Policy 10524

This policy details network security, which includes security awareness, virus protection, training for use of technology, and access to password protected files (such as NC Wise and all user IDs and passwords).

Policy 10600

This policy, which only applies to the school board members, outlines the guidelines for their usage of technology. It basically describes how they are not allowed to engage in any prohibited behavior, use it for personal gain, coercive use, or to circumvent public records and confidentiality. If they wish, however, they can request a waiver for exceptions to this policy.