
The Sonnet: Presentation ...rm and Sonnet Assignment

Primary Sources:

  • Full Text: Click here for list of sonnets and their full Shakespearean text.

  • No Fear Shakespeare: Click here for side-by-side text of Shakespearean text and modernized text.

  • Sparknotes Sonnets: Click here for the Sparknotes summaries and analysis of many of the sonnets.

  • Annotated Sonnets: Find your sonnet and then scroll down on the webpage for lots of extra resources and contextual notes.

  • Shakespeare's Sonnets: Great resource for each individual sonnet with notes and contextual information.

  • Sonnet Analysis Handout: Force copy document which will open automatically in your Google Drive.

  • Sonnet Analysis Handout: If you simply want to view it to see what I'm asking you to do.

  • How to Write in Iambic Pentameter: From Stephen Fry's book The Ode Less Traveled

  • Introduction to Sonnets: From Don Patterson's book Reading Shakespeare's Sonnets. Irreverent, funny, thoughtful, but not too serious.

  • Make sure to borrow / take a picture of / look at your specific poem in the numerous reference books of Mr. Chilton. He has actual books. You know, paper books that you open with your hands, point your face at, and read. Just ask and he'll let you see these historic relics.

Classroom Resources:

Sonnet Project: Revised Edition
Shakespearean Sonnet Project
Shakespearean / Sonnet Project: NOT Memorization

Secondary Sources:

Sonnets Feedback:



A. Speaker is NOT Shakespeare

B. Speaker needs more detail

C. SOAPSTone needs more detail

D. Annotations need more detail, I want to see how curious you are in the margins of the poem

Creative Project:

1. Well-done or well-written

2. Clearly and accurately follows the iambic pentameter format

3. Clever and imaginative, very creative

A. Doesn't follow iambic pentameter format

B. Needs more attention to detail and care. It appears that you hastily threw this together. I'm not grading you on ability, but rather care and attention to detail.