Book Reviews

Canvas journals: Minimum 300 words for each book review, regardless of type. I would recommend not exceeding 700 words for each review.


Here’s what each book review needs to answer (please number your responses):

1. Title

2. Author

3. Nationality of Author

4. Genre Type

    • For example: Gothic novel, Renaissance comedy, Modern Play (adjective and type of book)

5. Date of first publication

    • Not when your specific copy was printed but when the book first came out

6. Historical context of book

    • What was specifically going on historically/culturally during the time period the book is set in? For example, if you were reading The Great Gatsby, you would tell me the basics of the Jazz Age, post-WW1 economic trends, specific connections to pertinent biographical connections to F. Scott Fitzgerald, etc.

7. Favorite Quotes:

    • Minimum of three quotes with explanations of why you chose this quote and what makes it so important or memorable. Make sure to include page numbers so you can refer back to them later.

8. Symbols/Allusions

    • Identify or draw three symbols and a short description of how each extends beyond their literal meaning or identify allusions to other works of literature and how this reference adds depth to the narrative.

9. Character map

    • Like a family tree of names or you could draw them--I also want you to include short quotes or adjectives describing them directly from the narration or from your own evaluation of them.

10. Questions

    • A minimum of three questions with an explanation and analysis of each.

11. Basic plot outline

    • As detailed as possible. You can write in paragraph, bulleted list, or “flow chart” format.

Link to Google Document of the above information: Link

Here are some pictures of what a completed Book Review Journal might look like:

For the Independent Reading Project, NOT the Summer Reading Project:

Large novels or plays of literary merit over 450 pages:

This is for the AP-level novels or plays of literary merit that are over 450 pages. You may use them to count for multiple books on the Independent Reading Project. You must however, complete different multiple book reviews to count for each section. This is also to help you if you haven't finished the book at the halfway mark of the quarter.


If you decided to read a miscellaneous book (non-fiction, biography, young adult literature, etc.), use these questions instead:


If you decided to read poetry, create this chart in your notebook to analyze three poems in-depth from the poetry collection you read:

Short Story

If you decided to read short stories, in your notebook analyze three short stories in-depth from the short story collection you read: