Free Verse Poetry

Introduction to Modernist...try: The Beats and Beyond

The themes of modern poetry video lecture: click here

Free Verse Poetry Forms

Free verse forms video lecture: click here

Annotated version of T.S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock: Click here

Look over the website listed "Modern American Poetry" first to look over an exhaustive list of poets to choose from for your Modern Poetry Project. Find a poet you're interested in learning more about. If you click on their name, you'll be sent to a "home screen" of the poet with links to biographical information and specific criticism of different poems.

Once you have found a name / poet you're interested in, go to the or Poetry Foundation (or general Google search) for their poetry.

Use the Modern American Poetry website later, after you've read some of their poetry, to help you understand and analyze the poems.

You may use a poet not listed on the website but this choice must be pre-approved by Friday of this week.

Now that you've chosen and explored a particular poet from the list above, it's time to go in-depth and prove what you know.

I would like you to create and upload an informative powerpoint about your chosen poet following the guidelines outlined in the Model powerpoint that is attached to this assignment and is embedded below this box.

Use the slide titles as guides to what to answer on each slide. Remember, this is the one and only time I get to communicate to you about your knowledge of the poet--so make sure your answers are detailed, thorough, and complete. I would expect no less than 3-5 sentences on each slide (I know that's not standard protocol for a Powerpoint, but this is a little different than what you would normally present)

At the end of this presentation, you are asked to create your very own original poem that imitates or replicates the style, form, or content of your poet. Extra credit if your poem is written about Modern Poetry themes (war, consumerism, patriotism, individuality, etc).

I hope you enjoy this creative assignment.

Free Verse Poetry Model Presentation