
Photo Gallery

Nottingham U3A has a Flickr account which currently holds just over 500 photos. If you click on the link above, you will be taken to the Photostream, where photos are displayed in chronological order, with the most recent first. Most of the more recent photos are in albums, which are in title order. Some of the albums are also in collections.

Nottingham U3A YouTube Channel 

If you click on the link above you will see videos of Nottingham U3A members which we have uploaded to YouTube. If you then click on PLAYLISTS you will see lists of other videos which may be of interest to you.

U3A YouTube Channel

Click on the link above to see videos uploaded by the Third Age Trust.

Third Age Trust

The Third Age Trust is the national body for the U3A movement and provides support to U3As in the UK. Click on the link above to go to the website. In addition to the menu at the top of the home page, there are also quick links at the bottom of the page.

Third Age Matters

Click on the link above to access a screenreader version of U3A Third Age Matters magazine. You can also opt in to receive a hard copy as part of your Nottingham U3A subscription.

U3A Sources

An online supplement to the Third Age Matters magazine.

East Midlands U3As

News about U3As in the East Midlands region.

Nottinghamshire Network of U3As

News about U3As in Nottinghamshire.

Trust U3A (Interest Groups Online)

Created by the Third Age Trust in 2020 to provide an alternative to local U3As during the Coronavirus pandemic and still providing online resources.

Virtual u3a

An independent U3A, similar to a local U3A, but taking place on the Internet.