Wednesday Walkers

 You can find more of our photos on Flickr 

We walk on Wednesday mornings in Week One, usually starting at 10.30

The group has agreed that we are prepared to use public transport and indoor settings for lunch. We will pick venues that are well ventilated. 

 Contact: John Barnes Nottingham 9296610    


Please let John or the walk leader know in advance if you would like lunch after a walk, so places can be booked.

Remember we walk at our own risk.


17th July Walk to Lambley, Dumbles. 

Meet Upper Parliament street to catch the 10.40 59 bus to Coppice Road. Lunch at Woodlark. A summer treat - hopefully we will have saved some money on the Picnic. I will need to book early and can only guarantee a lunch table to those who confirm.

31st July Gotham Heritage trail. 

Approx 4 miles.  Hilly with good views. Strong footwear required.     

Meet at Beastmarket Hill, Market Square to catch 10.20 No 1 Loughborough bus.   

Lunch at the Star pub.                                                         

Please confirm if you require a place for lunch.


Ideas for future walks and offers to lead walks would be very welcome.

All Nottingham u3a members are very welcome to join us even if it is just for one or two walks a year.  In order to protect our public liability insurance for Nottingham u3a walking events we must comply with our own membership rules.  All our walks are for Nottingham u3a members only, so if you wish to join us, and we hope that you will, please bring your membership card.