Comedy Group

We meet at 2.45 on Week 2 Thursdays to look at comedy old and new, hoping to pick out rising stars (we may not always agree!) and hopefully unearthing some items that are previously unseen or have been forgotten. Radio comedy is not ignored, and we have from time to time ventured into the world of podcasts. The 'homework' is proving popular (that must be a first!) and the Quiz each session continues to generate frustration, despondency and elation in roughly equal proportions. Come and see for yourself. Laughter is the best medicine!

Some members of the group now meet at Caffè Rizzoli in the Victoria Centre before the meeting, at around 1.45. Unfortunately for any newcomers, we have no ready identifiers, so detection and deduction skills may be necessary.

Contact: Geoff Futcher Nottingham 8451886