22/2: shadow -- travel issue ... life goes on, that was the conclusion of the howa session of kempo a few days ago, with a small number of kenshi, talking about courage and place in life, following a circle, clock-wise, each describing in a few words their opinion and experience with these issues, some with real dilemmas to deal with, others, including myself, in a more general way, with a reference to life, practice and science. Surprisingly, there was almost no attention for the issue of energy, while, in my opinion, this forms the soul of kempo, together with posture and breathing, to regulate the working of the brain in situations of fear and action, where there is a threat of violence, so do your exercise and practice, indeed ... go kempo!
28/2:. children -- wait action ... another day, a bit in doubt whether I should write, and why, since I could also sit in my corner and read about dance as (brain) therapy, but indeed, when in doubt -- twijfel --, so why not, draw a line and take the opportunity to reflect, on the issues of life, children and the feeling of responsibility that brings, and the stress of family life, with three dominant women, the youngest of which has a flu, lying in bed, watching her iPad, but taken well care of by her mother, even with a massage, that she accepted apparently with some reluctance. The weather is still cold, and I am feeling old, but why complain about the pain, there is no gain in that, just take it slow and go with the flow, with some exercise to give life some spice, and, when I speak about flow, indeed ... go kempo!