Jean Daunizeau

Main positions:

CR1: INSERM, France

PI: Brain and Spine Institute, ICM, Paris, France

Honorary fellow: Translational Neuromodelling Unit, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland

Research program:

I am interested in how the brain makes decisions, both from a neurobiological and a computational (or algorithmic) perspective.

My research projects include:

  • dynamical models of coupled neural ensembles
  • probabilistic models of perception, learning and decision making
  • statistical techniques for analysing behavioural and neuroimaging data
  • experimental approaches to learning and decision making.

Visit this page for a summary of my current research directions.

The BRAiN'US project:

BRAiN’US is a smartphone app gathering 8 fun tests, which we have designed to decompose the way the brain makes decisions. Let's crowdsource brain experiments!



mail: jean.daunizeau[at]