Juliette Bénon

Current position

I started my PhD under the supervision of Jean Daunizeau in october 2022. I am funded by and affiliated to the École Doctorale Cerveau, Cognition, Comportement (ED3C).


When we take a decision, how exactly do we evaluate the options that are available? I work on the algorithmic and neural implementation of value construction in value-based decision-making. My goal is to bridge the gap between computational modelling and neural implementation in order to test, for a set of brain regions of interest, which transformation they operate instead of simply which variable they represent. To do so, I train simple artificial neural networks and compare the activity patterns of their population of neurons to experimental recordings in the brain. These tools also enable me to test hypothesis regarding the role of neuronal mechanisms on behaviour such as decision biases.


My first school years were dedicated to studying mathematics and engineering. After graduating from a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics in 2020, I shifted to studying cognitive sciences, for which my interest had grown rapidly over the last couple of years. I got accepted to the Cogmaster, at university ENS-PSL, and obtained my Master's degree in 2022 with a Modelling major. I entered the MBB team during this final year internship, and started exploring what would be the core of my PhD.


You can send me an email at: juliette.benon@icm-institute.org