Original publications in peer-reviewed journals


J. Bénon, D. Lee, W. Hopper, M. Verdeil, M. Pessiglione, F. Vinckier, S. Bouret, M. Rouault, R. Lebouc, G. Pezzulo, C. Schreiweis, E. Burguière, J. Daunizeau (2024).

Communications Psychology 2: 23 


R. Heerema, P. Carrillo, J. Daunizeau, F. Vinckier, M. Pessiglione (2023)

Scientific Reports, 13: 18173

F. Hauw, M. El Soudany, C. Rosso, J. Daunizeau, L. Cohen (2023)

Scientific Reports, 13: 12185.

M. Rojek-Giffin, M. Lebreton, J. Daunizeau, A. Fariña, J. Gross, C. K.W. De Dreu (2023)

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 9, 120 (19): e2218443120

D. Lee, J. Daunizeau, G. Pezzulo (2023)

Psychonomic Bulletin , 30: 1360–1379

Rouault, M., Lebreton, M., Pessiglione, M. (2023).

Cerebral Cortex, 33(4), 1426-1439

Pessiglione, M., Heerema, R., Daunizeau, J., & Vinckier, F. (2023).

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 105084

Le Bouc, R., Borderies, N., Carle, G., Robriquet, C., Vinckier, F., Daunizeau, J., ... & Pessiglione, M. (2023). 

Brain, 146(2), 712-726.


Le Bouc, R., &  Pessiglione, M. (2022). 

Nature communications, 13(1), 5639.

Rouault M., Weiss A., Lee J. K., Drugowitsch J., Chambon V.* and Wyart V.* (2022)   *co-senior authors


Rouault M.*, Will G.-J.*, Fleming S. M. and Dolan R. J. (2022)  *equal contribution

Translational Psychiatry.

Rahnev, D., Balsdon, T., Charles, L., ..., Rouault M., ..., & Zylberberg, A. (2022). 

Perspectives in Psychological Science 

Wiehler A,  Branzoli F,  Adanyeguh I,  Mochel F,  Pessiglione M. 

Current Biology 

Vinckier F, Jaffre C, Gauthier C,  Smajda S,  Abdel-Ahad P,  Le Bouc RDaunizeau J,  Fefeu M,   Borderies N,   Plaze M,  Gaillard R,  Pessiglione M.

Biological Psychiatry: Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging.

Bioud E,  Tasu C,  Pessiglione M.


Cecchi R,  Vinckier F,  Hammer J, Marusic P,  Nica A,  Rheims S, Trebuchon A, Barbeau EJ,  Denuelle M, Maillard L, Minotti L, Kahane P,  Pessiglione M,   Bastin J.



Clairis NPessiglione M.

Journal of Neuroscience

Rouault M,  Lebreton M,  Pessiglione M.

Cereb Cortex

Facque V,  Wiehler A,  Volle E,  Mandonnet E, Pessiglione M.





Bastien Blain, Cyril Schmit, Anaël Aubry, Christophe Hausswirth, Yann Le Meur, Mathias Pessiglione,

Current Biology

Maël Lebreton, Sophie Bavard, Jean Daunizeau & Stefano Palminteri 

Nature Human Behavior

Delphine Oudiette, Fabien Vinckier, Emmanuelle Bioud, Mathias Pessiglione

Scientific Reports

Pessiglione M, Clairis N


Vinckier F, Rigoux L, Kurniawan IT, Hu C, Bourgeois-Gironde S, Daunizeau J, Pessiglione M.

PLoS Comput Biol 15(1): e1006499. 


San-Galli A, Varazzani C, Abitbol R, Pessiglione M, Bouret S.

Cereb Cortex. 2018 Jan 1;28(1):73-89. [DOI]

E. Walton, M. & Bouret, S. 

Trends in Neurosciences (2018). 42(2):79-91. [DOI]

Jahn, C, Gilardeau, S, Varazzani, C,  Blain, B, Sallet, J, E. Walton, M, Bouret, S.

Psychopharmacology. (2018). 235(9): 2687–2702. [DOI] [Correction]

La Camera, G, Bouret, S, Richmond, BJ 

Frontiers in Neuroscience  (2018). 12:165 [DOI]

Pessiglione M, Lebouc R, Vinckier F.

Curr Op Behav Sci. 2018 Aug 22, 50-58. [DOI]

Vinckier F, Rigoux L, Oudiette D, Pessiglione M.

Nat Commun. 2018 Apr 26;9(1):1708. [DOI]

B. Forgeot d'Arc, M. Devaine, J. Daunizeau

BioRxiv (2018), 414540.  [DOI]

J. Daunizeau

Phys. Life Rev. March 2018,(24):56-58 [DOI]


Pessiglione M, Vinckier F, Bouret S, Daunizeau J, Le Bouc R.

Brain. 2017 Nov 29. [DOI]

Pessiglione M, Wiehler A.

Nat Neurosci. 2017 Dec;20(12):1659-1660. [DOI] (No abstract available.)

Lopez-Persem A, Rigoux L, Bourgeois-Gironde S, Daunizeau J, Pessiglione M.

PLoS Comput Biol. 2017 Nov 21;13(11):e1005848. [DOI] eCollection 2017 Nov.

Skvortsova V, Degos B, Welter ML, Vidailhet M, Pessiglione M.

J Neurosci. 2017 May 24. pii: 2081-16. [DOI]

K. E. Stephan, F. Schlagenhauf, Q. J. Huys, S. Raman, E. A. Aponte, K. H. Brodersen, L. Rigoux, R. J. Moran, J. Daunizeau, R. J. Dolan, K. J. Friston, A. Heinz

       NeuroImage (2017). 145(B):180-199. [DOI]

D. Klindt, M. Devaine, J. Daunizeau

Cortex (2017). 86:205-215. [DOI]

M. Devaine, A. San-Galli, C. Trapanese, G. Bardino, C. Hano,  M. St Jalme, S. Bouret, S. Masi, J. Daunizeau

PLoS Comp. Biol. (2017),13(11): e1005833. [DOI]            

M. Devaine, J. Daunizeau

PLoS Comp. Biol. (2017), 13(3): e1005422. [DOI]

J. Daunizeau

arXiv (2017):1703.07168 [stat.ML] [DOI]

J. Daunizeau

arXiv (2017):1703.02089v1 [stat.ME] [DOI]

J. Daunizeau

arXiv (2017):1703.00091 [stat.ML] [DOI]



Bouret, S

Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2016), 39, E203. [DOI]

Lopez-Persem, A., Domenech, P., & Pessiglione, M.

Elife, 5, e20317. [PDF]

Mauras, T., Masson, M., Fossati, P., & Pessiglione, M. 

The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 77(6), 697-703. [PDF]

Lebeau, G., Consoli, S. M., Le Bouc, R., Sola-Gazagnes, A., Hartemann, A., Simon, D., Reach, G., Altman, J., Pessiglione, M., Limosin, F. & Lemogne, C. 

Behavioural Processes, 132, 42-48.

Meyniel, F., Goodwin, G. M., Deakin, J. W., Klinge, C., MacFadyen, C., Milligan, H., Mullings, E., Pessiglione, M.& Gaillard, R. 

eLife, 5, e17282. [PDF]

d’Arc, B. F., Vinckier, F., Lebreton, M., Soulières, I., Mottron, L., & Pessiglione, M. 

Molecular Autism, 7(1), 45. [PDF]

B. Blain, G. Hollard, M. Pessiglione

Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 113(25): 6967–6972. [PDF]

R. Le Bouc, L. Rigoux, L. Schmidt, B. Degos, M.-L. Welter, M. Vidailhet, J. Daunizeau, M. Pessiglione

J. Neurosci., 36(25):6623-6633 [PDF]


Masi S.,  Bouret S.

Physiology & Behavior 145 (2015) 123–126. [DOI]

Varazzani C, San-Galli A, Gilardeau S, Bouret S.

J. Neurosci. (2015), 35(20):7866-77. [DOI]

Bouret S, Richmond B.

J. Neurosci. (2015), 35(9):4005-14 [DOI] 

Pessiglione, M., & Delgado, M. R. 

Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 5, 78-84. [PDF]

Harrison NA, Voon V, Cercignani M, Cooper EA, Pessiglione M, Critchley HD.

Biol Psychiatry. (2015), S0006-3223(15)00637-X [DOI]

LeBreton M, Abitbol R, Daunizeau J, Pessiglione M.

Nat Neurosci (2015)  18(8):1159-6. [DOI], [PDF]

Vinckier F, Gaillard R, Palminteri S, Rigoux L, Salvador A, Fornito A, Adapa R, Krebs MO, Pessiglione M, Fletcher PC.

Mol Psychiatry. (2015) [DOI], [PDF]

Abitbol R, Lebreton M, Hollard G, Richmond BJ, Bouret S, Pessiglione M.

Journal of Neuroscience (2015) 35(5):2308-20. [DOI], [PDF]

Rigoux L, Daunizeau J.

Neuroimage (2015), 22;117:202-221. [DOI].



San-Galli A, Bouret S. 

Journal of Physiology (2014),109(1-3):64-69. [DOI]

Skvortsova V, Palminteri S, Pessiglione M.

Journal of Neuroscience (2014), 34(47):15621-30. [DOI],  [PDF]

Bertoux M, Cova F, Pessiglione M, Hsu M, Dubois B, Bourgeois-Gironde S

Front Neurosci. 2014 Sep 10;8:287[DOI].

Meyniel F, Pessiglione M.

Journal of Neuroscience (2014), 1;34(1), 1-9. [DOI][PDF]

Meyniel F, Safra L, Pessiglione M.

PLoS Comp. Biol. (2014), 10(4): e1003584. [DOI][PDF]

Devaine M, Hollard G, Daunizeau J.

PLoS Comp. Biol. (2014), 10(12): e1003992. [DOI]

Mathys C, Lomakina E, Daunizeau J, Iglesias S, Brodersen K, Friston K, Stephan KE.

Front. Hum. Neurosci. 8:825. [DOI]

Diaconescu AO, Mathys C, L. Weber AE, Daunizeau J, Kasper L, Lomakina EI, Fehr E, Stephan KE.

PLoS Comp. Biol. (2014), 10(9): e1003810. [DOI]

Devaine M, Hollard G, Daunizeau J.

PLoS ONE (2014), 9(2), e87619. [DOI]

          Sanchez G, Daunizeau J, Maby E, Bertrand O, Bompas A, Mattout J.

          Brain Sci. (2014), 4(1), 49-72. [DOI]

Daunizeau J, Adam V, Rigoux L.

PLoS Comput Biol (2014), 10(1), e1003441. [DOI]   

Rigoux L, Stephan KE, Friston KJ,  Daunizeau J.

Neuroimage (2014), 84: 971-985. [PDF]



Clark AM, Bouret S, Young AM, Murray EA, Richmond B.

J Neurosci. (2013). 33(5):1833-45. [DOI]

Le Bouc R, Pessiglione M. 

Journal of Neuroscience (2013), 33(40), 15894-15902. [PDF]

Lebreton M, Bertoux M, Boutet C, Lehericy S, Dubois B, Fossati P, Pessiglione M. 

PLoS Biology (2013), 11(10), e1001684. [DOI], [PDF]

Palminteri S, Serra G, Buot A, Schmidt L, Welter ML and Pessiglione M.  

Cortex (2013), 49(10), 2834–2844. [PDF]

F. Meyniel, C. Sergent, L. Rigoux, J. Daunizeau, and M. Pessiglione

PNAS (2013), 110(7), 2641–2646 [PDF]

F. Lieder, K. E. Stephan, J. Daunizeau, M. I. Garrido, K. J. Friston

PLoS Comput Biol (2013), 9(11): e1003288. [DOI]

K. Brodersen, J. Daunizeau, C. Mathys, J. R. Chumbley, J. Buhmann, K.E. Stephan

Neuroimage (2013) [PDF]

K. Friston, J. Daunizeau, K. E. Stephan

Neuroimage (2013), 75:275-8. [PDF]

S. Vossel, C. Mathys, J. Daunizeau, M. Bauer, J. Driver, K. J. Friston, K. E. Stephan

Cereb. Cortex (2013) [PDF]

J. Daunizeau, A. Vaudano, L. Lemieux, K. J. Friston, K. E. Stephan

Frontiers Comput. Neurosci. (2013), 6: 103 [PDF]

F. Lieder, J. Daunizeau, M. Garrido, K. J. Friston, K. E. Stephan

PLoS Comp. Biol. (2013), 9(2): e1002911 [PDF]



Palminteri S, Justo D, Jauffret C, Pavlicek B, Dauta A, Delmaire C, Czernecki V, Karachi C, Capelle L, Durr A and Pessiglione M 

Neuron (2012). [PDF].    

Lebreton M, Kawa S, Forgeot d’Arc B, Daunizeau J and Pessiglione M.

J Neurosci (2012). [PDF].

Palminteri S, Clair AH, Mallet L, Pessiglione M.  

Biological Psychiatry (2012). [PDF].

Schmidt L, Lebreton M, Cléry-Melin ML, Daunizeau J, Pessiglione M

PLoS Biol. 2012 Feb;10(2), e1001266. [PDF].

S. Bouret, S. Ravel, et B. J. Richmond

Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2012) vol. 6 [PDF].

Clark AM, Bouret S, Young AM, Richmond BJ.

J Neurosci. 2012 May 16;32(20), 6869-77 [PDF]

S. J. Sara et S. Bouret

Neuron (2012), 76(1), 130-141 [PDF].

K. H. Brodersen, C. Mathys, J. R. Chumbley, J. Daunizeau, C. S. Ong, J. M. Buhmann, K. E. Stephan

J. Machine Learning Res. (2012), 13, 3133-3176. [PDF]

Daunizeau J, Stephan KE, Friston KJ (2012)

Neuroimage (2012) 62, 464-481. [PDF]

Chumbley JR, Flandin G, Bach DR, Daunizeau J, Fehr E, Dolan RJ, Friston KJ.

PLoS Comput Biol. (2012) Jan;8(1), e1002346. [PDF]


Palminteri S, Lebreton M, Worbe Y, Hartmann A, Lehéricy S, Vidailhet M, Grabli D, Pessiglione M.

Brain (2011), [PDF] [supplementary material]

Lemogne C, Gorwood P, Boni C, Pessiglione M, Lehéricy S, Fossati P.

Hum Brain Mapp. (2011), [PDF].

Worbe Y, Palminteri S, Hartmann A, Vidailhet M, Lehéricy S, Pessiglione M.

Archive of General Psychiatry (2011) [PDF].

Cléry-Melin ML, Schmidt L, Lafargue G, Baup N, Fossati P, Pessiglione M.

PLoS One (2011) [PDF]

J. Daunizeau, K. Preuschoff, K. J. Friston, K. E. Stephan

PLoS Comp. Biol. (2011), 7(11): e1002280 [DOI]

B. Li, J. Daunizeau, K. E. Stephan, W. Penny, D. Hu, K. J. Friston

Neuroimage (2011), 58(2): 442-457. [PDF]

P. Valdes-Sosa, A. Roebroeck, J. Daunizeau, K. Friston

Neuroimage (2011), 58(2): 339-361. [PDF]

L. Lemieux, M. Walker, J. Daunizeau

Frontiers Syst. Neurosci. (2011), 5:12. [DOI]

Daunizeau J, David O, Stephan K E

Neuroimage (2011), 58: 312-322. [PDF]

C. Mathys, J. Daunizeau, K. Friston, K. Stephan

Frontiers Hum. Neurosci. (2011), 5:39. [DOI]

 K. J. Friston,  B. Li, J. Daunizeau, K. E. Stephan

Neuroimage (2011), 56(3):1202-21.. [PDF]



Prévost C, Pessiglione M, Météreau E, Cléry-Melin ML, Dreher JC.

J Neurosci. (2010), 30(42):14080-90. [PDF]

Schmidt L, Palminteri S, Lafargue G, Pessiglione M.

Psychol Sci. (2010), 21(7):977-83. [PDF]

Voon V, Pessiglione M, Brezing C, Gallea C, Fernandez HH, Dolan RJ, Hallett M.

Neuron (2010), 65(1):135-42. [PDF]

Bouret S, Richmond BJ.

J Neurosci. (2010), 30(25):8591-601. [PDF]

V. Litvak, J. Mattout, S. Kiebel, C. Phillips, R. N. Henson, J. Kilner, G. Barnes, R. Oostenveld, J. Daunizeau, G. Flandin, W. Penny, K. J. Friston

Comput. Intell. Neurosci. (2010) [PDF]

H.E.M. Den Ouden, J. Daunizeau, J. Roiser, K.J. Friston, K. E. Stephan

J. Neurosci (2010),30: 3210-3219. [PDF] [supplementary material]

J. Daunizeau, H. E. M. Den Ouden, M. Pessiglione, S. J. Kiebel, K. J. Friston, K. E. Stephan

PLoS ONE (2010), 5(12): e15555. [DOI] [supplementary material] [erratum]

J. Daunizeau, H. E. M. Den Ouden, M. Pessiglione, K. E. Stephan, S. J. Kiebel, K. J. Friston

PLoS ONE (2010), 5(12): e15554. [DOI] [supplementary material]

M. J. Rosa, J. Daunizeau, K. J. Friston

J. Integrative Neurosci. (2010), 9(4): 453-476. [PDF]

K. Friston, K. E. Stephan, B. Li, J. Daunizeau

Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2010), 2010: 621670. [PDF]

D. R. Bach, J. Daunizeau, K. J. Friston, R. J. Dolan

Biological Psychology (2010), 163-170. [PDF]

D. Bach, J. Daunizeau, N. Kuelzow, K.J. Friston, R.J. Dolan

Psycholphysiology (2010), 1-6. [PDF]

K. J. Friston, J. Daunizeau, J. Kilner, S. J. Kiebel

Bio. Cybern. (2010), 102: 227-260. [PDF]

W. Penny, M. Joao, G. Flandin, J. Daunizeau, K. E. Stephan, K. J. Friston, T. Schofield, A. P. Leff

PLoS Comp. Biol. (2010), 6(3): e1000709. [PDF]

J. Daunizeau, O. David, K. E. Stephan

Neuroimage (2010), in press. [PDF] [erratum]

K. E. Stephan, W.D. Penny, R. J. Moran, H. E. Den Ouden, J. Daunizeau, K. J. Friston

Neuroimage (2010): 49: 3099-3109. [PDF]

J. Daunizeau, K.J. Friston, S.J. Kiebel

Physica D: nonlinear phenomena (2009), 238: 2089-2118. [PDF] [technical note] [erratum]



Lebreton M, Jorge S, Michel V, Thirion B, Pessiglione M.

Neuron (2009), 64(3):431-9. [PDF]

Palminteri S, Boraud T, Lafargue G, Dubois B, Pessiglione M.

J Neurosci. (2009), 29(43):13465-72. [PDF] [supplementary material]

Palminteri S, Lebreton M, Worbe Y, Grabli D, Hartmann A, Pessiglione M.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2009);106(45):19179-84. [PDF]

Schmidt L, Cléry-Melin ML, Lafargue G, Valabrègue R, Fossati P, Dubois B, Pessiglione M.

J Neurosci. (2009), 29(30):9450-7. [PDF]

Bouret S, Richmond BJ.

J Neurophysiol. (2009), 101(2):898-911. [PDF] 

Richmond, B & Bouret S 

BMC Neurosciences. (2009). [PDF]

Daunizeau J, Friston K J, Kiebel S J

Physica D  (2009), 238: 2089-2118. [PDF]

S. Vulliemoz, L. Lemieux, J. Daunizeau, C. M. Michel, J. S. Duncan

Epilepsia (2009), 50: 1-15. [PDF]

S.J. Kiebel, K. von Kriegstein, J. Daunizeau, K.J. Friston

PLoS Comp. Biol. (2009), 5(8): e1000464. [PDF]

J. Daunizeau, A. Vaudano, L. Lemieux

Neuroimage (2009), 49: 656-667 [PDF]

K. J. Friston, J. Daunizeau, S.J. Kiebel

PLoS ONE (2009), 4(7): e6421. [PDF]

S.J. Kiebel, J. Daunizeau, K. J. Friston

Frontiers in neuroinformatics (2009), 3: 20. [PDF]

J. Daunizeau, S. J. Kiebel, K. J. Friston

Neuroimage (2009), 47: 590-601 [PDF] [erratum]

K. E. Stephan, W. D. Penny, J. Daunizeau, R. J. Moran, K. J. Friston

Neuroimage (2009), 46: 1004-1017. [PDF]



Schmidt L, d'Arc BF, Lafargue G, Galanaud D, Czernecki V, Grabli D, Schüpbach M, Hartmann A, Lévy R, Dubois B, Pessiglione M.

Brain (2008),131(Pt 5):1303-10. [PDF] [supplementary material]

Pessiglione M, Petrovic P, Daunizeau J, Palminteri S, Dolan RJ, Frith CD.

Neuron (2008), 59(4):561-7. [PDF]

Petrovic P, Kalisch R, Pessiglione M, Singer T, Dolan RJ.

Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. (2008),3(2):109-18. [PDF] [supplementary material]

Murray GK, Corlett PR, Clark L, Pessiglione M, Blackwell AD, Honey G, Jones PB, Bullmore ET, Robbins TW, Fletcher PC.

Mol Psychiatry (2008), 13(3):239, 267-76. [PDF]

Boulet S, Mounayar S, Poupard A, Bertrand A, Jan C, Pessiglione M, Hirsch EC, Feuerstein C, François C, Féger J, Savasta M, Tremblay L.

J Neurosci. (2008),28(38):9575-84. [PDF]

A. C. Marreiros, S. Kiebel, J. Daunizeau, L. Harrison, K. J. Friston

Neuroimage (2008), 44: 701-714. [PDF]

S.J. Kiebel, J. Daunizeau, K.J. Friston

PLoS Comp. Biol. (2008) 4(11): e1000209. [PDF]

K. H. Brodersen, W. D. Penny, L. M. Harrison, J. Daunizeau, C. Ruff, E. Duzel, K. J. Friston, K. E. Stephan

Neural Networks (2008), 21: 1247-1260. [PDF]

K. E. Stephan, L.M. Harrison, L. Kasper, M. Breakspear, J. Daunizeau, H. Den Ouden, K.J. Friston

Neuroimage (2008), 42: 649-662. [PDF]

A. C. Marreiros, J. Daunizeau, S. J. Kiebel, K. J. Friston

Neuroimage (2008),42: 147-157. [PDF]

K. J. Friston, N. J. Trujillo, J. Daunizeau

Neuroimage (2008), 41: 849-885. [PDF]

L. M. Harrison, W. Penny, J. Daunizeau, K.J. Friston

Neuroimage (2008), 41: 408-423. [PDF]

H. Laufs, J. Daunizeau, D. W. Carmichael, A. Kleinschmidt

Neuroimage (2008), 40: 515-528. [PDF].

C. Grova, J. Daunizeau, E. Kobayashi, A.P. Bagshaw, J. M. Lina, F. Dubeau, J. Gotman

NeuroImage (2008),39: 755-774. [PDF]



Pessiglione M, Schmidt L, Draganski B, Kalisch R, Lau H, Dolan RJ, Frith CD.

Science (2007),316(5826):904-6. [PDF] [supplementary material]

Mounayar S, Boulet S, Tandé D, Jan C, Pessiglione M, Hirsch EC, Féger J, Savasta M, François C, Tremblay L (2007)  

Brain 130(Pt 11):2898-914. [PDF]

S. Jbabdi, P. Bellec, R. Toro, J. Daunizeau, M. Pelegrini-Issac, H. Benali

Int. J. Biomed. Imag. (2007), doi:10.1155/2008/320195. [PDF]

K. Friston, L. M. Harrison, J. Daunizeau, S. Kiebel, C. Phillips, N. Trujillo-Barreto, R. Henson, J. Mattout

Neuroimage (2007), 39 : 1104-1120. [PDF]

S.J Kiebel, J. Daunizeau, C. Philips, K. J. Friston

Neuroimage (2007), 39: 728:741. [PDF]

J. Daunizeau, K. Friston

Neuroimage (2007), 38 : 67-81. [PDF]

R. J. Moran, S.J. Kiebel, K.E. Stefan, R.B. Reilly, J. Daunizeau, K. J. Friston

Neuroimage (2007), 37 : 706-720. [PDF]

J. Daunizeau, C. Grova, G. Marrelec, J. Mattout, S. Jbabdi, M. Pélégrini-Issac, J.M. Lina, H. Benali

NeuroImage (2007), 3 : 69-87. [PDF]  [erratum]




Pessiglione M, Seymour B, Flandin G, Dolan RJ, Frith CD.

Nature (2006), 442(7106):1042-5. [PDF] [supplementary material]

J. Daunizeau, J. Mattout, D. Clonda, B. Goulard, H. Benali, J. M. Lina

IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. (2006), 53 : 503-516. [PDF]

C. Grova, J. Daunizeau, C. Bénar, H. Benali, J. Gotman

Neuroimage (2006), 29 : 734-753. [PDF]



Pessiglione M, Czernecki V, Pillon B, Dubois B, Schüpbach M, Agid Y, Tremblay L.

J Cogn Neurosci. (2005), 17(12):1886-96. [PDF]

Pessiglione M, Guehl D, Rolland AS, François C, Hirsch EC, Féger J, Tremblay L.

J Neurosci. (2005), 25(6):1523-31. [PDF]

Bouret S, Sara SJ.

Trends Neurosci. (2005), 28(11):574-82. [PDF]

J. Daunizeau, C. Grova, J. Mattout, G. Marrelec, D. Clonda, B. Goulard, J. M. Lina, H. Benali

IEEE Trans. Sign. Process. (2005), 53 : 3461-3472. [PDF]

G. Marrelec, J. Daunizeau, M. Pélégrini-Issac, J. Doyon, H. Benali

IEEE Trans. Sign. Process. (2005), 53 : 3503-3516. [PDF]



Pessiglione M, Guehl D, Jan C, François C, Hirsch EC, Féger J, Tremblay L.

Eur J Neurosci. (2004), 9(2):437-46. [PDF]

Pessiglione M, Guehl D, Hirsch EC, Féger J, Tremblay L.

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