Ignasi Cos (PhD)

I joined MBB in January 2015 to work on computational models of motivation and motor control. I am working under supervision of Mathias Pessiglione and Jean Daunizeau.

Previously, I was a Research Assistant at the ISIR, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie since April 2012 working on motor control and decision-making.

Personal webpage: http://ignasicosweb.tk

Selected publications:

Cos I., Duque J., and Cisek P. (2014). Rapid predicition of biomechanics during action decisions. Journal of Neurophysiology, 112(6), 1256 - 1266.

Thura, D., Cos I., Trung J., and Cisek P. (2014). Context-dependent urgency influences speed-accuracy trade-offs in decision-making and movement execution. Journal of Neurosci, 34(49):16442-54.

Cos I., Khamassi M., and Girard B. (2013). Modelling the learning of biomechanics and visual planning for decision-making of motor actions. Journal of Physiology, 107(5), 399 - 408.