Marion Rouault

Main positions:

Chargée de recherche (CRCN) at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France

PI at the Brain and Spine Institute (ICM), Team Motivation Brain and Behaviour, Paris, France

Research program:

Marion is interested in the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying metacognition, learning and decision-making in humans, which she investigates using carefully controlled behavioural experiments in tandem with computational modelling and neuroimaging, in healthy and patient populations.

Her research relates to human meta-cognition-- the ability we have to monitor and evaluate our own cognitive capacities.

Specifically she examines how a sense of confidence changes in the presence and absence of feedback, and its relationship with meta-cognition, at the behavioral, computational and neural levels. She investigates how confidence is built and maintained, and the functional role of confidence signals in guiding learning and decision-making.

In addition, she aims at understanding how a global sense of confidence such as individual self-esteem is built from local, task-dependent confidence. Extensions of this work include the study of metacognitive impairments in psychiatric disorders characterized by changes in self-evaluation.

Visit this page for a summary of her current research directions.

Selected key publications:

Seow T.*, Rouault M.*, Gillan C.M. and Fleming S.M. (2022). How local and global metacognition shape mental health. Biological Psychiatry [pdf] *equal contribution

Rouault M. and Fleming S. M. (2020) Formation of global self-beliefs in the human brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(44), 27268-27276. [pdf] [github]

Rouault M., Dayan P. and Fleming S. M. (2019) Forming global beliefs about self-performance from local confidence. Nature Communications, 10:1141. [pdf] [Behind the paper blog post] [UCL press release] [github]

Rouault M., Drugowitsch J. and Koechlin E. (2019) Prefrontal mechanisms combining rewards and beliefs in human decision-making. Nature Communications 10(1), 301 [pdf]

Rouault M.*, Seow T.*, Gillan C.M. and Fleming S.M. (2018). Psychiatric symptom dimensions are associated with dissociable shifts in metacognition but not task performance. Biological Psychiatry, S0006-3223(18)30029-5. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2017.12.017 [pdf] [digest] [github] *equal contribution

Contact and resources:


Mail: marion dot rouault[at]gmail dot com

Github page: