Nicolas Borderies (MSc)


Ph.D. student supervised by Mathias Pessiglione and Sébastien Bouret at the Motivation, Brain and Behavior Team at the Brain & Spine Institute.

Current Project

Motivation can be conceptualized as a cognitive processe that guides behavior to reach a goal, it takes into account the influence of expected benefits and expected costs onto action. A wide range of clinical and animal studies confirm the implication of neuromodulators (dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin) in motivation, but the specific contribution of these systems in mediating the impact of expected benefits and expected costs onto behavior remains unclear.

I adress this question by administrating pharmacological agents specifically targeting dopamine, noradrenaline or serotonin systems, to both monkeys and human subjects, while they are engaged in effortfull tasks. A long-term goal of this project is to apply behavioral tasks developped in the lab to the clinical population of neuro-psychiatric patinets in order to improve the diagnosis and the treatment of motivationnal disorders (eg. apathy, impulsivity...) .

Academic Education

2014-present: Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience (Brain & Spine Institute, Paris).

2013-14: M.Sc. in Cognitive Sciences (CogMaster, École Normale Supérieure, Paris).

2010-13: Medical Faculty (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris).


e-mail: nico.borderies at