Pauline Bornert

Current position

I am a PhD student from the Paris Sorbonne University under the supervision of Dr Sébastien Bouret in the Motivation Brain and Behavior lab, Brain and Spine Institute, Paris, France.

Research project

Motivation is made of the reasons, interests, elements that push someone in their action. To engage in a task, one takes into account benefits, usually referred to as reward, and costs, i.e. effort. Yet effort remains poorly understood, both in terms of behavior and of neural mechanisms. Previous data suggested that brain noradrenalin from the brainstem nucleus locus coeruleus may play a crucial role in effort computation. My project aims at understanding the behavioral and neurophysiological basis of effort in monkeys, with an emphasis on noradrenalin.

Academic education

2018-present: Neuroscience PhD

2018: Obtention of a PhD funding from ED3C

2017-2018: Neuroscience Master in the Paris Descartes-Diderot University, Paris

2012-2018: Veterinary studies at the Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort, Maisons Alfort, France

2010-2012: Preparatory school (BCPST), Lycée Sainte Geneviève, Versailles, France

Research experience

June 2017 - present: internship in the team of Dr Sebastien Bouret at the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière (ICM, Paris, France) on the computation role of the locus coeurleus in the gestion of effort

June - August 2016 : Internship in the team of Claire Wyart at the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière (ICM, Paris, France) on genetic identification of cerebrospinal-fluid-contacting in zebrafish


Pharmacological evidence for the implication of noradrenaline in effort, Borderies N, Bornert P, Gilardeau S, Bouret S