Raphaëlle Abitbol (PhD)

Raphaëlle is currently the Head of Data, Lead Data Scientist at Publicis.Sapient France .

PhD: December 2014.

Current work

I left Academia after my PhD to become a Data Scientist. I joined the Publicis Group and founded Publicis.Sapient's Data Science practice. As our team grew, I was appointed Head of data Operations, and now manage a fast-growing team of Analytics and BI consultants, Data Analysts and Data Scientists. Our mission is to help our clients along their digital transformation by providing insights and building tools involving machine learning and AI.

Research interests

My research focused on how humans integrate multiple information and emotions in their decisions, more specifically decision involving value and confidence judgements. With this aim in mind, I investigated how the biological properties of the brain explain and predict behavior, combining fMRI in healthy humans with electrophysiology data from monkeys, and more recently intra-cranial EEG recordings from implanted epileptic patients.


I hold a Master's degree in Cognitive Science from Ecole Normale Supérieure d'Ulm / Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Soiales / Université Paris V (France, 2010), as well as a Master in Management (Grande Ecole) from HEC Paris Business School. In September 2010 I started my PhD under the joint supervision of Dr Guillaume Hollard and Dr Mathias Pessiglione.


My PhD thesis was first supported by a three year fellowship of the Direction Générale de l'Armement, followed by the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale for my last year of PhD.