
I 'm not sure there is a way to really have every version of prototypes and first-off-the-line bobbleheads documented, but for the ones I own, or know about, or come across I thought it would be nice to document any information and photos I have of them. It is fun to see what early iterations of the bobbles looked like before final approval.

The 2005 prototype that I have of Junior Spivey is very unique. It has his standing and batting. The bobble that ended up being given away is him bending down to field a baseball. The uniquness of the prototype pose makes this one of my favorite prototypes in my collection.

This Podsednik prototype is an early iteration of the 2004 giveaway. Biggest differences I see: a gold bobble base, missing paint detail at the end of his sleeves and socks, only the Pepsi sponsor plaque on one side (giveaway also had Pick N Save on a side) and the M logo under his chest never made it to the final product.

This Jim Gantner prototype was an early version of the 2004 Gantner. Biggest differences I see: Darker blue hat, name/number is printed or painted on jersey, name is on a plaque rather than the front of the bobble base, his finger shows coming out of his glove, and the sponsor plaque is in the front instead of the two sides.

The Carlos Lee prototype sure has a nicer paint job that is for sure! This was an early version of the 2005 giveaway. Biggest differences I see: his batting glove paint pattern is different

This Hot Dog prototype is for the 2011 giveaway. Biggest differences I see: no brewer logo on the helmet.

This Gomez looks exactly like the 2014 giveaway. However it seems to be a paint sample for two reasons. One, the paint job is nearly perfect. And two, it does not have the typical BDA printing on the bottom. (see photos)

This Chorizo prototype is very similar to the final product from 2014. However the part he is standing on is a MUCH darker brown than the final product, and his hat in this one is actually a MUCH lighter brown than the actual 2014 giveaway.

This Segura looks exactly like the 2014 giveaway. However it seems to be a paint sample for two reasons. One, the paint job is nearly perfect. And two, it is labeled as paint sample with the date.

This Jimmy Nelson prototype is for the 2016 giveaway. The person I bought this from claimed he used to work for the manufacturer and bought it at a sample sale. His return address shows a 15 min drive from BDA headquarters in Washington state, so I believe it is a legit prototype.