Display Shelves

Fun Facts

After looking into a safe way to display my bobbles I realized there really was not a shelf for sale that fit what I wanted: Something to display them individually, KEEP DUST OFF THEM, without stacking them deep and blocking the view of some bobbles, and something to keep them safe from accidental bumps and curious fingers. And something that I could get more of and would not be out of style years later when the collection expands. Ikea stuff looks cheap and I wanted something that protected the bobbles but did not distract from the bobble itself. I browsed used furniture sites, but realized I would never be able to get matching cabinets if I found any antiques that fit my needs. So I drew out an idea on the driveway with chalk and then drew up some plans.

Currently I am too busy with life to build any to sell but when my children are older I hope to make more and be able to again sell the shelves complete with the plexi glass. You would need to be able to pick up in the local Milwaukee area. Please email me at milwaukeebobbleguy@gmail.com for more information.