mooncar prop

a free mooncar prop you can use as you wish

you may optionally credit me as mCasual/Jacques

the zip file found in the attachments below should be unzipped into your poser content folder

on a typical windows installation this is C:\Program Files\DAZ\Studio\content

the zip contains this

the prop: copy "C:\Program Files\DAZ\Studio\content\Runtime\libraries\props\jlmooncar.pp2"

the prop icon: copy "C:\Program Files\DAZ\Studio\content\Runtime\libraries\props\jlmooncar.pp2.png"

the geometry C:\Program Files\DAZ\Studio\content\Runtime\Geometries\jlmooncar.obj

once installed the mooncar will appear in Daz Studio in your Content/Props folder

i also include carseat.obj a simple car seat, which you can save anywhere on your hard disk

then in poser, do a File/Import, then position it in the mooncar, then parent it to the car

the materials need to be changed to chromes

which is a shader not made by me, located ...

in the fabulous video below you can see the mooncar in use

on Planet X