
for DS1,2,3,4


This script for Daz Studio takes the data from the camera tracker named Voodoo and makes it usable in Daz Studio

Second version : Now supports outputs from VooCat ( ),

which is Mac compatible, better and faster


A zip package containing 2 scripts ( one for Daz Studio 1 & 2, one for Daz Studio 3 & 4 ) can be found at the bottom of the page.

Unzip it in your Daz content folder. Typically this means C:/program files /Daz/Studio/Content.

Once installed the scripts will be found in your Daz Library under Studio/Content/Scripts/mCasual

Get Voodoo

Voodoo is a creation of Laboratorium für Informationstechnologie of the University Hannover

it is free for non-commercial use.

The camera tracker named Voodoo can be downloaded here :

Version History

Converting your video footage into images

Voodoo requires your video footage to be converted into a series of numbered images

here are some ways to convert your video footage into a series of numbered images

if your video is in AVI format Load it in VirtualDub, then do a "Export ... Image Sequence"

if your video is not an AVI, you could use a program like WinFF to convert it to AVI.

For the technically inclined, i personally i use FFMPEG and the following batch file.

It creates a folder named 4200 then extract the images from the file named

the resulting images will be named img-001.jpg, img-002.jpg ... img-160.jpg

( which came from a Canon camera )

md 4200

c:\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe -i MVI_4200.MOV -f image2 -sameq -vcodec mjpeg .\4200\img-%%03d.jpg

An excellent place to find programs that can convert videos into images is

Must be voodoo oh baby do ( )

Launch Voodoo,

do a File/Open/Sequence

Browse to the folder containing your video as a sequence of numbered images

select the first one in the sequence


Unfortunately, Voodoo has difficulty processing more than 200 or 300 frames

so, you could use this occasion to reduce the number of images

If your video was shot on a tripod, ( or almost as if on a tripod) then tselect the Movie Type : "rotation (Camera on a Tripod"

results are better and faster in this mode.

If instead you were walking around with your camera, select the Movie Type "free move".

Results will be better if you avoid zooming in and out while filming in "free move" mode.

While at frame 0, do a File / Initial camera

i show my video in HD720p format so i chose the HDV 720p 16:9 Type

Click on the [Track] button and wait for the (long) process to complete

Do a File / Export / Textfile

Specify a location and name for your file, i chose to save it as 4200.txt in the same folder where i store the image sequence

I elected to Export all the data points instead of the 1500 points limit

Close Voodoo

Moving on to Daz Studio

Start Daz studio

Make sure the aspect ratio of Daz Studio's view-port is the same as the aspect ratio of your video footage ex:1280x720,

This is set in Studio's Render/Render Settings menu

Make sure you are at Frame 0 on Daz's timeline

Launch mcjVooDooDaz

new in 2013: By default the AxisStyle is "Legacy", this style is the same as the original mcjVooDooDaz version work, ( see below )

if you select the "Blender" AxisStyle, mcjVooDooDaz will adopt Blender's axis system : Side-side = X, Up = Z, Forth = Y ( negated )

This will facilitate the exchanges between Studio and Blender

Click on the [Select Voodoo File ...] button

Browse up to the file you exported from Voodo

Click on the [Select First Backdrop ...] button

Browse to the first image in your video, ex: pic000.jpg

Click the [Set Backdrop For Current Frame] button

The backdrop image displayed should now be pic000.jpg

Click the [(Re)build VooDoo Camera] button

a new camera named VooDooCam should now exist

Make it the current view cam (instead of Perspective)

Click the [Build and Save point-cloud object file] button

Specify a name like \"example.obj\" as the filename

Click the [Load last saved point-cloud object file] button

Use the Hexagon import preset : 1 unit = 1 cm

Right in front of your camera there should now be

hundreds of little cones. They are the feature points

that were tracked by VooDoo while analysing your video

Optional: Click the [Play (render preview)] button

this gives you a good idea of the resulting render

New in 2013 : vertex clouds

Pressing the "Build and Save vertex-cloud" will let you save to disk the markers as an obj file.

Instead of having 1 tiny pyramid per marker it will have 1 vertex per marker ( chains of 10 vertices )

Use the "Load last saved cloud" button to load the vertex cloud.

The vertex cloud will look like a mess

One way to make it look like a vertex cloud:

- Select the vertex cloud

- add a D-form to it

- make the material of the vertex cloud fully transparent,

- set its specular color to black ( if it's not )

- select the D-Form

it should now look like this

The other way to make the vertex-cloud look like a vertex cloud is to use mcjTracer

The mcjTracer plugin is only available for Daz Studio version 3, but should soon be ported to DS 4.5

- Select the vertex cloud

- create an mcjTracer (from the Studio's 'Create' menu)

- in mcjTracer's parameters tab, make the edges invisible

it should look like this

Use the cones to position your characters and props

Click the [First Rendered Image] button and

specify the name and location of the first image to be

rendered, example: \"C:\\VooDooDazOut\\pic.jpg\" ...

... will produce the series of images:

pic0.jpg, pic1.jpg ...pic149.jpg in the VooDooDazOut folder.

Click the [Render as Numbered Images] button.

mcjVooDooDaz will render each frame with the proper backdrop

Convert the resulting series of images into a video file

using a program like virtualDub, ffmpeg etc .."


// Copyright (c) 2011 2013 // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files ( mcjVooDooDaz ), to deal // in the Software without rebtnstriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN