Flycam and mcjDroneCam2




This is an early version - the better version will be named AirCam - ( once i solve quaternion issues )

mcjDroneCam2 is the 2022 version and is quite good !

mcjDroneCam2 was made in collaboration with TugPSX and Omniflux

get the latest version




02/23/2022 The previously posted contained the old version, fixed

02/22/2022 Added button access to mnavigation and scene tools (Omniflux )

02/21/2022 mcjDroneCam2 rewrite improvements and fixes 'Esc' functionnality by Omniflux

02/20/2022 mcjDroneCam2 posted

01/22/2011 - flycamBeta001

04/03/2013 - mcjFlyCam


Use for Flycam


1 - select a camera node (or a light, a car a plane node) ,

2 - set it as the viewpoint, if you want to be in the pilot seat

3- go in the Parameters tab and make sure the X Rotate and Z Rotate angles are near zero ( not -180° ) - Else you may have your camera turn left when you turn right

4 - use your mouse and the on-screen buttons to pilot the camera

or better yet:

turn on NumLock on your keyboard's numeric keypad and use the ALT key and the numeric keys to pilot the camera

Use for mcjDroneCam2

5 - if you click on the RecordStart button, the timeline will jump 1 second ahead each 1 second, thereby recording your camera's movements

6 - The RecordStart button is now labeled RecordStop, click on RecordStop to stop the recording process


Future improvements

FlyCam remotely changes the X, Y, Z rotations and X Y Z translations found in the Parameters tab - AirCam the better version, will react more closely to the way a chopper or a plane react


The download link is at the bottom of the page you are reading


Update for FlyCam


below you will find a version of the script for daz studio 3 and named mcjFlyCam

consider it a beta version too since .... i forgot why ... but i had set it aside instead of posting it here ... a while ago

you must first click in the blank field at the top of the panel to get keyboard-control of the movements


mcjDroneCam Use
