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Matt Olliffe
controversial issues
Kids' Talks
Genesis Dramas
Philemon Kids' Talk
A Revision of a Translation of Ecclesiastes: New Revised Version
Abraham: the Father of Faith (Genesis 15:1-21)
Can Demons Possess Christians?
Does God Have Two Wills In Relation To Human Salvation?
Grace, Atonement and Justification in the Apostolic Fathers
Imputed Righteousness & Resurrection: Abstract & Synopsis
Imputed Righteousness & Resurrection: ‘Chapter 1: Introduction, Definitions, & Issues’
Is Faith God's Gift (1) (Ephesians 2:8-9): Chrysostom
Is Faith God's Gift? (10) (Ephesians 2:8-9): The Grammatical Issues
Is Faith God's Gift? (Ephesians 2:8-9): Augustine
Is Faith God's Gift? (Ephesians 2:8-9): Fulgentius
Is Faith God's Gift? (Ephesians 2:8-9): Jerome
Is Faith God's Gift? (Ephesians 2:8-9): John of Damascus
Is Faith God's Gift? (Ephesians 2:8-9): Marius Victorinus
Is Faith God's Gift? (Ephesians 2:8-9): Theophylact
Is Faith God’s Gift? (Ephesians 2:8-9): Œcumenius
Is Justification Transformative in Titus 3:7?
Is the Resurrection of Christ Underplayed in Romans?
Is ‘Faith’ God’s Gift? (Ephesians 2:8-9): Theodoret
Married Priests and the Bible
Midnight Oil Live Review: The Domain Sydney, 17 November 2017
On Equal Marriage
Outline and Assess Calvin’s Doctrine of Adoption and Sonship
Patrick of Ireland: The Man, His Mission, and His Master
Tertullian's Unusual Testimony To the Antiquity of Faith Alone
Tertullian's Unusual Testimony To the Antiquity of Faith Alone
The Language of Justification in Romans
The meaning of ‘the [gospel] being preached in all creation under heaven’ in Colossians 1:23
theories of origins and Genesis 1
Tools For Understanding Justification: The Analytic-Synthetic distinction
What does ‘work out’ your salvation mean? (Philippians 2:12-13)
What is Abraham's Role in Paul’s Presentation of Justification in Romans?
Where was the Lamb Standing? (Revelation 5:6)
Who Justifies Who? The Justification of the Just Servant By Resurrection (Isaiah 53:10-12)
Augustines Unusual Testimony to Forensic Justification
bible studies index
Colossians Bible Studies
Daniel Bible Studies
Galatians Bible Studies
Hebrews Bible Studies
James Bible Studies
Jonah Bible Studies
Luke Bible Studies
Pastorals Bible Studies
Ruth Bible Studies
Thessalonians Bible Studies
Exegetical Essay (Galatians 6:11-18)
Exodus Series
Exodus 1-4: Yahweh will Rescue his People: The Call of Moses
Exodus 12-15:21: Yahweh's Saving Judgments: The Passover and the Exodus
Exodus 15:22-18:27: Yahweh's Probing Provision for his People: The Wilderness Wanderings to Sinai
Exodus 19-24: Meeting Your Maker at a Mountain means a Mediator is Mandatory
Exodus 25-27, 30, 35-38, 40: The Tabernacle: Sacred Space (Reading: Exodus 40:1-3
Exodus 28-29, 39: The High Priest: Sacred People
Exodus 31, 35: Yahweh’s Calendar in Exodus and the Sabbaths: Sacred Time
Exodus 32: Old Covenant Sin and Wrath: The Golden Calf and it's Consequences
Exodus 33-34: Old Covenant Revelation and Glory: Moses Meets Yahweh (almost) face to face
Exodus 5-11: Yahweh Proves his Power: Pharaoh Plagued
Third Commandment
First Commandment
Second Commandment
Exodus Picture Gallery
Exodus 19-20: Notes From David Jackman Conference
Exodus 15: Notes From David Jackman's Talk
flow charts
Flowchart Romans 8
Genesis bible studies
bible studies index
Judgment & Grace (2): The Tower of Babel: A Tower Topelled By A Tongue Twister (Genesis 11:1-9)
Pastoral Epistles Sermons
1 Timothy Series
Timothy To Tether Teachers & To Teach Truth (1 Timothy 1: 1-11)
sermon Micah 3-4
sermon scripts index
1 & 2 Samuel Sermons
Best Friends Forever: Jonathan and David (1 Samuel 18:1-4, 19:1-7; 20; 2 Samuel 1:29)
David’s Rise, Goliath Falls (1 Samuel 16:1-13; 17:1-11, 32-54)
Eli: Judge-Priest Dishonoured By Disobedient Sons (1 Samuel 2:12-36)
Hannah: The Barren Beloved Bears a Boy & Boasts (1 Samuel 1:1-2:11; 2:18-21)
King David’s Dominion & Dynasty (Reading 2 Samuel 7:1-29; Coverage 2 Samuel 5-10)
Samuel: Yahweh Speaks to Samuel and Saves Israel (1 Samuel 7)
The Christ Tested in the Wilderness (Reading 1 Samuel 26:1-27:4; Coverage 1 Samuel 18-2 Samuel 4)
The Decline of David: Sexual Sin leading to Civil War (2 Samuel 11:1-12:15)
The Rise & Fall of King Saul (1 Samuel 11:1-15; 15:1-35)
The Rise of the King (1 Samuel 8, 12)
The Sin of the Census And It's Surprising Outcome (2 Samuel 24)
1 Corinthians Sermons and Translation
Christian Freedom: It’s principles, limits, use & misuse (1 Corinthians 8:1-9:26; 10:23-11:1)
Christians Going to Court (1 Corinthians 6:1-11)
Church Growth: It’s Foundation, Workers; and their Judgment, Wages & Work Now (1 Corinthians 3:1-4:21; 16:1-24)
Do I do I do? Momentary Marriage and Self-controlled Singleness (1 Corinthians 7:1-40)
Men and Women Relating Properly in Church (1 Corinthians 11:2-15)
Order in the House! Prophesy and Languages in Church (1 Corinthians 14:1-40)
Partaking Properly in The Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 10:1-22; 11:16-34)
Sexual Sin and it’s Solution (1 Corinthians 5:1-13; 6:9-7:7)
The Gospel of the Crucified Christ: Revealed & Apprehended by the Spirit (1 Corinthians 1:1-2:16; 16:1-24)
Unity and Diversity in the Church: the Different Spiritual Gifts, and their proper use (1 Corinthians 12:1-13:13)
2 Peter Sermons
How to Make Sure God’s People Get To Heaven (Reading 2 Peter 1:1-11)
Acts Series
21. The Testimony in Greece (3) Thessalonica and Berea: A Tale of Two Cities: Teaching, Learning and Persecution (Acts 17:1-15)
Commission to Mission for the Intermission: Jesus' Ascension and the Disciple's Mission (Acts 1:1-11)
Paul in Rome: The Unchained Gospel Goes Out (Acts 27:1-28:31)
Paul then Apollos in Corinth via Priscilla and Aquila (Acts 18:1-28)
Paul's Return and Arrest in Jerusalem: Warned Along the Way, Sent to Suffer, Prosecuted to Preach (Acts 21-22)
Peter Like His Teacher: The Lame Walk & Dead Raised in Coastal Judea (Acts 9:32-43)
Peter Pushed to Preach Peace to Gentiles: Upright Cornelius Receives the Testimony of Salvation and the Spirit (Acts 10:1-11:18)
Philip Flees & Finds Fruit (1): The Evangelist's Testimony in Samaria & Simon the Sorcerer (Acts 8:1-25)
Philip Flees & Finds Fruit (2): The Evangelist's Testimony in the Desert & The Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)
Saul Saved, Set Apart & Sent to Suffer: The Testimony of Paul in Damascus & Beyond (Acts 9:1-31)
Stephen Speaks & is Stoned: The Deacon Deals with Exodus and Dies for It (Acts 6:8-8:3)
Tasks in the Tween Times: The Disciples Between Ascension and Pentecost (Acts 1:12-26)
The Complete Fulfillment of Pentecost: The Mission to the Nations Starts in Jerusalem (Acts 2:1-21)
The Jerusalem Council: Peter Like Paul Preaches Salvation by Grace through Faith, Not Law (Acts 15:1-35)
The Testimony & Troubles in Galatia (Acts 14:1-28)
The Testimony before the Council: The Church Confesses Christ and Can't Be Quietened (Acts 4:1-31, 5:17-42)
The Testimony from Jerusalem to Antioch: Famine, Sword, Prison & Kings Can't Stop the Mission (Acts 11:19-12:25)
The Testimony in Asia Minor: Paul in Ephesus & the Riot (Acts 19:1-41)
The Testimony in Cyprus & a Galatian Synagogue (Acts 13:1-52)
The Testimony in Greece (1): Disagreement Doubles Mission: Both United We Stand AND Divide & Conquer (Acts 15:36-16:10, 18:1-28)
The Testimony in Greece (2) [Philippi]: Paul Preaches to a Purple Patroness at Prayer, Purges a Psychic, and Preserves a Petrified Persecutor (Acts 16:11-16:40)
The Testimony in Greece (4) Athens: Paul & the Philosophers in Athens: Paul's Call to All (Acts 17:16-34)
The Testimony of Early Church Life (Acts 2:42-47, 4:32-37)
The Testimony of Encouragement & Judgment: Barnabas, Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 4:32-5:16)
The Testimony of Pentecost & Peter's Proclamation (Acts 2:22-41)
The Testimony of the Healed Beggar: The Miracle, The Messiah & The Message (Acts 3:1-26 )
Two of Paul’s Long & Teary Farewells: Troas and to the Ephesian Elders (Acts 20:1-21:2)
Colossians & Philemon Series
Colossians 1:1-14, The Rescue, The Inheritance, and What Follows
Colossians 1:24-2:15 Fully United with Christ Who Is Fully God
Colossians 2:16-23 Freedom from Human Commands
Colossians 3:1-14 The life of those who died and rose with Christ
Colossians 3:15-17 The Four Way Ministry of the Word in Song
Colossians 3:18-19 Wives and Husbands in Christ
Colossians 3:18-19 Wives and Husbands in Christ
Colossians 3:20-21 Children and Parents in Christ
Colossians 3:22-4:1 Master and Servant in Christ
Colossians 4:2-18 Evangelistic Praying, Speaking & Teamwork
Philemon: The Useless Slave Becomes Useful & Brother for Eternity
Daniel Sermons
Daniel 10-12 (coverage) Daniel 10:1-11:1, 12:1-13 (reading) Men Rise & Fall Till All Men Rise
Daniel 1:1-21 Four Foreigners Fuss about Food & Find Favour
Daniel 2:1-49 Daniel Dodges Death & Deciphers Dream
Daniel 3:1-30 Three Friends Faithful & Fourth Fellow Found in the Furnace
Daniel 4:1-37 The Proud Prince Humbled
Daniel 5:1-31 God’s Graffitti: Writing on the Wall the Word of Wrath For Forgotten Facts
Daniel 6:1-28 Daniel Delivered from the Den & Darius’ Doxology
Daniel 7:1-28 The Vision of the Kingdoms of Men & the Son of Man
Daniel 8:1-27 The Vision of the Ram & the Goat
Daniel 9:1-27 Prayers Prompted by Promises & Answered by an Angel
Ecclesiastes or Qohelet
Ecclesiastes 1:1-11: What’s Worth Pursuing Under The Sun—An Investigation
Ecclesiastes 3:1-22: A Time for Everything Under The Sun
The Teacher looks at Death
The Teacher looks at Growing Old (Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:14)
The Teacher looks at Leadership
The Teacher Looks at Wealth
The Teacher Looks at Women
The Teacher looks at Words
The Teacher Looks at Work
Ephesians Series
Ephesians 1:1-23 'God's Riches At Christ's Expense 1': Remembering Your Riches in Christ'
Ephesians 3:14-21 'God's Riches At Christ's Expense 5: The Power of Knowing the Love of Christ'
Ephesians 4:1-16 'Worthy Walking 1: Unity Under Christ'
Ephesians 4:17-32 'Worthy Walking 2: Renewed Relationships in Christ'
Fearing our Father at a Better Mountain (Hebrews 12:3-29)
Galatians Series
A Cause that Counts: The Cross of Christ and the New Creation, not Circumcision (Galatians 6:11-18)
A Test for Teachers using Titus & the Pillars and their Partnership with Paul (Galatians 2:1-10)
An Apostle's Angry Assertion: No Other Gospel (Galatians 1:1-10)
Bearing Both Burdens Brings Balanced Boasting (Galatians 6:1-10)
Christ Crucified: The Blessed One Cursed So the Cursed Many Blessed (Galatians 3:1, 10-14)
Freed from slavery to freely become slaves (Galatians 5:1-15)
March by the Spirit from under the law to fight the flesh (Galatians 5:16-26)
Not Slaves but Sons through the Son and Spirit (Galatians 3:26-4:11)
Paul's Apostolic Authority, Autobiography and Alibi (Galatians 1:11-24)
The issue behind the issue at the Antioch Food Fight (Galatians 2:11-21)
The Pleas of Paul Perplexed and his Tale of Two Cities (Galatians 4:12-31)
The Priority of the Promise and the Purpose of the Law (Galatians 3:15-25)
Genesis Series
Cain, Abel and Seth: Blood Brothers and their lives and lines (Genesis 4-5, Reading Genesis 4)
Genesis 1:1-2:3
Humans in the Garden: God's Pure Provision For His People (Genesis 2:4-25)
Isaac: the son of promise (Genesis 21-28, esp 24:1-27)
Jacob: the twin of blessing (Genesis 34)
Joseph: the brother of distinction (Genesis 49:29-50:21; Coverage Genesis 37-50)
Judah: the brother of dynasty (Genesis 44:1-34, 49:1-28; Coverage Genesis 37-38, 43-44, 46, 49)
Judgment & Grace (1). The Flood: A Wicked World Washed Away (Genesis 6-9, Reading Genesis 6:1-22)
Sin in the Garden: The Disaster of Disobedience Genesis 3:1-24
The Promise of Blessing for the Earth (Genesis 11:27-12:20)
Hebrews Sermon Series (10 talks)
Don't miss the good news of rest in Jesus (Hebrews 3:7-4:13; Psalm 95)
Faithfully following our fathers and Finisher (Hebrews 10:36-12:2; Habakkuk 2:1-5)
Jesus Christ Brings a Better Covenant (Hebrews 8:1-10:18; Jeremiah 31:31-37)
Jesus Christ the Better Priest (Hebrews 4:14-5:10 & 7:11-28; Psalm 110; Genesis 14:18-20)
Jesus higher than the angels: God the Son (Hebrews 1:1-2:4; Psalm 2)
Jesus lower than the angels briefly: our Brother (Hebrews 2:5-3:6; Psalm 8)
Persevere in the promise, don't fall away from faith (Hebrews 5:11-6:20)
The Churches' Pleasing Sacrifices (Hebrews 13:1-25)
I Peter Sermons
A Shepherd Shepherding a Scattered Flock and Shepherds Under the Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:1-13)
Temporary Citizens Submitting to Temporal Government (1 Peter 2:13-17)
Temporary Residents but Eternal Co-heirs: Wives and Husbands (1 Peter 3:1-7)
Temporary Residents Deal With Temporal Unjust Suffering Through their Eternal Inheritance (1 Peter 4:1-19)
Temporary Servants Submitting To Their Temporal Masters (1 Peter 2:18-25)
The Church’s One Foundation, and Her Identity and Mission (Reading 1 Peter 2:4-10)
The Lifestyle of Beloved Temporary Residents (1 Peter 2:11-12)
John's Letters
1 John 4:7-21: God is Love
Judges Series
Judges 11:1-40: Jephthah: the Dealmaker who Loses
Judges 16: Samson: A Weak Saviour Saving Through Weakness
Judges 18:11-31: Israeli Idol: I like to think of God as...
Judges 19: Sodom & Gomorah Among the People of God
Judges 1:1-2:5: Clearing the Land: A Job Half Done
Judges 2:6-3:6: Israel's Suicidal Spiral into Sin and God's Mercy
Judges 3:7-31: The Spiritual Warrior, the Sinister Minister, and the Saviour with a Stick: Othniel, Ehud and Shamgar
Judges 4-5: Deborah and Jael: God's Women of Mass Destruction
Judges 6:1-8:21: Gideon's Underwhelming Strength; God's Overwhelming Victory
Judges 8:22-9:21: Abimelech: Who will be King?
Leviticus Series
Leviticus 1-5: Holy Worship (1): The 5 Types of Sacrifice
Leviticus 11-15: Holy People (2): The Clean and The Unclean
Leviticus 16, 23, 25: Holy Time: The Day of Atonement, the Sabbath & the Three Festivals, Sabbath Years and Years of Jubilee
Leviticus 17, 24, 27: Holy Spaces & Places: The Tabernacle and the Geography of Worship
Leviticus 18, 20: Holy Sex
Leviticus 19-22, 24, 25: Social Justice among God’s People… Love Your Neighbour As Youself
Leviticus 6-7: Holy Worship (2): The Regulations for Sacrifices
Leviticus 8-10: Holy People (1): The Holy: Priests
Micah Series (6 sermons, 30 minutes each)
Sermon Micah 6
Sermon Micah 7
Obadiah Sermon: A Fraternal Feud Finished: the betraying brother burns; but the shamed sibling saved in Zion
Psalm 103: The Christ’s Song of Love, Forgiveness, and Life Eternal
Psalm 1: Two Ways To Live
Psalm 22: The King’s Affliction Cosmically Celebrated
Psalm 2: Kiss the Son or Kiss Salvation Goodbye
Psalm 32: No Cover Ups: That’s God’s Job!
Psalm 39: Relent, Remit, and Refresh Us For Our Few Days
Psalm 3: God Saves the Sinner Suffering Because Of His Sin: For the Morning
Psalm 42
Psalm 4: Yahweh, Our Joy By Day, Our Peace At Night
Psalm 4: Yahweh, Our Joy By Day, Our Peace At Night: For the Evening
Psalm 5: Wrath for Rebels, Love For Those Seeking Refuge in Yahweh: For The Morning
Psalm 6: Come Back And Save Me, Yahweh, in My Trouble: For The Evening
Psalm 8: God’s Panoramic Splendour
Psalm 98: Sing For The Righteous King And Coming Judge
Romans Series
Romans Series
About Israel (1): People Trust Jesus Because God Predestined Them (Romans 9:1-29)
About Israel (2): Faith Righteousness means Confess and Believe (Romans 9:30-10:21)
About Israel (3): An election of grace of the Israel of God (Romans 11:1-24)
About Israel (4): To God Be The Glory Great Things He Has Done (Romans 11:25-36)
Christianity Applied (1): Metamorphosed Minds, Many Member Ministry, and What Love Looks Like (Romans 12:1-21)
God Condemned Sin in Christ So You Don’t Have to Be (Romans 8:1-4)
Justification by Works of the Law ... for the Sinless Doer (Romans 2:1-16)
The Bad News (1): The Wrath of God Revealed (Romans 1:18-32)
The Bad News (2): Justification by Works of the Law... for the Sinless Doer (Romans 2:1-16)
The Bad News (3): The True Jew Completes the Law (Romans 2:17-29)
The Bad News (4): You’re All Sinners, So Just Shut Up! (Romans 3:1-20)
The Good News (1): The Righteousness of God Revealed (Romans 3:21-26)
The Good News (11): God Sent Son & Spirit to Make Us Sons (Romans 8:1-17)
The Good News (12): Suffering & Futility Now, Glory & Freedom Later (Romans 8:18-38)
The Good News (2): Justification By Faith Alone (Romans 3:27-31)
The Good News (3): Justification By Faith Alone 2: The Precedents (Romans 4:1-8)
The Good News (4): The Faith that Justifies Trusts God's Promises To Give Life (Romans 4:9-25)
The Good News (5): Peace With God through Jesus' Death and Resurrection (Romans 5:1-11)
The Good News (6): One Sins, Many Die; Many Sin, One Dies (Romans 5:12-21)
The Good News (7): Joined to Jesus, Dead to Sin (Romans 6:1-14)
The Good News (8): A Slavery to Thank God For (Romans 6:15-23)
The Good News (9): Bound No More To The Law: The Marriage’s Over, But He Wasn’t the Problem, It Was Me… Well, My Sinful Nature, Really (Romans 7:1-25)
The Gospel: The Power of God to Save the Believer (Romans 1:1-17)
Ruth Series
4. Boaz the Kinsman-Redeemer in the line of David (Ruth 4)
4. Boaz the Kinsman-Redeemer in the line of David (Ruth 4)
A Daughter’s Boldness At the Threshing Floor: Ask and You Shall Receive (Ruth 3)
Emptiness in a Far Off Land Forces Return (Ruth 1)
Hope in the Harvest: A Hero Happens to Appear Happy to Help (Ruth 2)
Sermon Micah 1
Sermon Micah 2
sermon Micah 3-4
Sermon Micah 5
The Book of Job
Job 1-3: Innocent Job’s Inexplicable Suffering Explained
Job 4-27, 29-31: Job’s Insistent Innocence In The Face Of His Friends
Sermon Job 28
Sermon Job 32-41
Sermon Job 42
The Gospel of John
A New Translation of the Gospel of John
Does John Have a Theology of the Atonement?
How Does Jesus Engage With People—Such As Caring For Them, Teaching And Having Conflict With Them—In The Gospel Of John?
John 10:1-21: Who is Jesus? The Gate & The Good Shepherd, Laying Down his Life for his Sheep
John 10:22-42: Who is Jesus? The Son of God & God the Son, One in Being With the Father
John 11:1-44: Who is Jesus? The Seventh Sign of Jesus Being the Resurrection & the Life By Raising Lazarus in Bethany
John 11:45-57: The Prophecy & the Plot of the Jewish Leaders: Jesus Will Die For the Nation to Unite the Children of God
John 12:1-11: Jesus in Bethany Again: Anointed by Mary, Served by Martha, & Destined to Die
John 12:12-26: Jesus' Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem: The World has Gone After Him, and He is Going Out of the World
John 12:27-36: The Voice from Heaven, and the Death that Will Draw All Men To Him
John 12:37-50: The Conclusion To The Book of Signs: Jesus' Short-Lived Testimony: The Light that Briefly Shines and Then Is Hidden, But Still Bears Light For Believers
John 13:1-17: After Dinner Conversation Starters No 1: Jesus' Parting Illustration of Washing the Disciple's Feet
John 13:18-38: After Dinner Conversation Starters No 2: Peter's Questions: Jesus Sends Out His Betrayers, Predicts His Denier, And Prepares for his Glorification
John 14:1-7: After Dinner Conversation Starters No 3: Thomas' Question: Jesus is the Way and He is Going Away
John 14:10-12: After Dinner Conversation Starters No 4: Philip's Question: (2) Believers Doing “These Works Which Jesus Is Doing” And Even “Greater Works Than These”
John 14:13-14: After Dinner Conversation Starters No 4: Philip's Question: (3) Whatever You Ask For In Jesus' Name, He Will Do
John 14:15-17: After Dinner Conversation Starters No 4: Philip's Question: (4) Two Advocates For the Disciples
John 14:15-17: After Dinner Conversation Starters No 4: Philip's Question: (4) Two Advocates For the Disciples
John 14:18-21: After Dinner Conversation Starters No 4: Philip's Question: (5) Christians Are Not Orphans
John 14:22-31: After Dinner Conversation Starters No 5: Judas' Question: The Holy Spirit Will Remind You
John 14:8-11: After Dinner Conversation Starters No 4: Philip's Question: (1) Seeing The Father In The Son
John 14:8-21: After Dinner Conversation Starters No 4: Philip's Question: I will send an Advocate, You Must Love, You Will Do Greater Things
John 15:1-17: Jesus the True Vine: The Great Command & the Greatest Love
John 15:18-16:4: What To Do When the World Hates You
John 16:16-33: Birth Pains Until He Returns
John 16:5-15: The Testimony of the Advocate, the Holy Spirit
John 17:1-26: Jesus' High Priestly Prayer For Himself, His Disciples, And All Believers
John 18:1-40: Jesus' Worshipped By His Arresting Officers, and Before the High Priests and Pilate
John 19:1-37 Jesus, Master of His Own Suffering, Death, and Burial
John 1:1-18: God Becomes Human to Bring Us to God
John 1:19-39, 3:22-36: John the Baptist's Witness to Jesus
John 1:40-51: Bring Your Family and Friends to the Stairway to Heaven
John 20:1-31: Mary, John, the Ten, and Thomas Believe: And So Can We!
John 21:1-25: The Miraculous Catch and the Problem of Peter's Denial: From 'Gone Fishing' To Shepherding Sheep
John 2:1-12: The First Sign, in Cana: Water to Wine at a Wedding
John 2:13-22: Many Signs, But a Sign Delayed: Razing and Raising the Temple
John 2:23-3:12 Being Born From Above: Nicodemus at Night
John 3:13-21: In This Way God Loved The World
John 4:1-42: Jesus' Words to the Samaritans and the Woman at the Well
John 4:43-54 The Second Sign, in Cana Again: A Sick Son Saved By the Son of God Speaking
John 5:1-47: The Third Sign of Raising The Paralysed Man in Jerusalem, and The Testimony of Jesus' Creative Work on the Sabbath
John 6:1-15: The Fourth Sign of Feeding in the Desert: A Feast Fit For The King
John 6:16-21: The Fifth Sign on Lake Galilee: The I AM Walking On Water & Bringing The Boat Back
John 6:22: Life Giving Bread From Heaven
John 7:1-52: Who is Jesus? The One Offering Living Water To All Who Come
John 8:1-11: Who is Jesus? The One Not Condemning The Woman Caught in Adultery
John 8:12-30: Who is Jesus? The Light of the World, The One Lifted Up to Save From Sin
John 8:31-59: Who is Jesus? The Great "I AM" before Abraham; & How To Lose Friends & Annoy People: Call Your Disciples Liars, Murderers, and Children of the Devil
John 9:1-41: Who is Jesus? The Sixth Sign of the Blind Man Seeing the Light of the World
The “I AM” Statements in John’s Gospel
The Gospel of Luke
Luke 1 An Essential Jesus Announced
Luke 10:1-20 'Mission Unstoppable: The Mission of the 70'
Luke 11:1-13 'The Essentials Of Fatherhood'
Luke 11:1-13:'The Essentials Of Fatherhood'
Luke 12 'The Essential Attitude to This Life's Essentials'
Luke 12:58-13:9 'The Essence of Jesus' Attitude to Suffering and Salvation'
Luke 13:31-35 'Jesus Journeys to His Own Death and Jerusalem's Desolation'
Luke 15:11-32 'An Essential Appeal To Two Lost Sons'
Luke 16:1-15 'Essential Planning for an Inevitable Future'
Luke 17: 'The Essential Coming of the Kingdom'
Luke 18:1-9 'A Parable About Prayer At Journey's End'
Luke 18:10-14 'Propitiation Essential For Justification' (The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector)
Luke 18:15-30 'God Essential For Salvation Because None Good'
Luke 18:35-41 'The Blind Man Who Sees Jesus the Merciful Son of David'
Luke 19:1-10 'Salvation Comes To Zaccheus: Jesus In Jericho'
Luke 19:11-44 'The Christ on the Edge: Jesus Enters Jerusalem'
Luke 1: An Essential Jesus Announced
Luke 1:26-38: The Annunciation
Luke 20: 'The Essential Homecoming of the Christ: Jesus in the Temple'
Luke 21 'The Destruction of the Temple Essential'
Luke 22 'The Essential Will and Purpose Is God's'
Luke 23:27-56 'An Essential Death'
Luke 24:1-12: 'An Essential Resurrection Part 1: Witnessed By Women'
Luke 24:13-35 'An Essential Resurrection Part 2: The Risen Lord Reveals Himself'
Luke 24:36-53 'An Essential Announcement to the Ends of the Earth'
Luke 2: An Essential Saviour Is Born
Luke 3 Repentance An Essential Preparation
Luke 4 The Essence of Jesus Job
Luke 5 Forgiveness and Following Jesus Essential
Luke 7:1-35 The Essence of Faith in the Coming One
Luke 7:36-50 The Essence of Salvation By Faith Evidenced By Love
Luke 9:18-36 'The Essential Question Answered, The Essential Mission Announced' (Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ at Caesarea Phillipi, the Transfiguration)
Luke 9:37-50 'An Essential Healing, a Second Prediction'
Repentance An Essential Preparation
The Essence of the Kingdom of God: The Parables of the Sower and the Lamp (Luke 8:1-18)
Two Essential Questions Answered Luke 10:25-37
Luke 16:1-15: Preparing For An Inevitable Future
The Gospel of Mark
Mark 10:1-12: Jesus on Marriage and Divorce (cf. Matt 19:1-12)
Mark 10:13-52: Remarks Along The Way
Mark 10:32-45: The Servant King Wants Servant Leadership
Mark 10:46-52: Blind Bartimaeus Sees Jesus the Merciful Son of David
Mark 11:27-12:44: David’s Greater Son Silences the Temple To Hear Two Copper Coins Clink
Mark 13: The Warning On the Mount: Watch for the End of the Temple and My Return
Mark 14:1-26: Christ the Passover Lamb: The Anointing and Last Supper
Mark 14:27-72: From the King’s Grove to the Courtyard
Mark 15:1-32: The Trial and Rejection of the King
Mark 15:33-47: Why Have You Forsaken Me?: The Death of Jesus
Mark 16:1-8: The Witness to Worried Women: Jesus’ Empty Tomb
Mark 1:1-20: Spoiling the Ending at the Beginning
Mark 1:21-34: Who or What is this Jesus?
Mark 1:35-45: Jesus’ Coming Out: To Pray, Preach, Drive out Demons, and Heal
Mark 2:1-12: Who can Forgive Sins but God Alone?: The Paralysed Man Forgiven
Mark 2:13-28: Jesus Offers A Fresh Start For Sinners
Mark 3:1-19: A New Phase of Jesus’ Ministry
Mark 3:20-35: Jesus and the Strong Man
Mark 4:1-20: The Mother of All Parables: The Parable of the Four Soils
Mark 4:21-34: The Gateway to Understanding the Kingdom: The Parables of the Lamp on the Stand, the Sprouting Seed, and the Mustard Seed
Mark 4:35-41: The Maker of the Glassy Sea
Mark 5:1-20: A Hell of A Life: The Gerasene Demoniac
Mark 5:21-43: Saved By Faith and Raised: The Bleeding Woman & Jairus’ Daughter
Mark 6:1-30: The Mission Moves A Head: Jesus Rejected At Home, John Killed, the Disciples Preach the Kingdom
Mark 6:30-56: A Day in the Life of Jesus: Feeding Five Thousand, Walking on Water
Mark 7:1-23: Turning Tradition Inside Out: God's Word or Human Tradition?
Mark 7:24-30: The Crumbs are Enough: The Syro-Phoenician Woman
Mark 7:31-37: He Makes the Deaf Hear and Dumb Speak!
Mark 8:1-13: Dependent, Dull, or Deaf?
Mark 8:11-30: Watch Out For the Yeast of the Pharisees
Mark 8:31-9:1: Jesus’ Identity and Mission Revealed
Mark 9:1-13: God’s Glorious Son will Suffer and Rise Again: The Transfiguration
Mark 9:14-36: Unbelieving Disciples Desiring Greatness: Jesus Brought Back Down To Reality
Mark 9:37-50: Permit the Preaching, Amputate to Avoid Hell, Save Your Saltiness
The Mother of All Parables: The Parable of the Four Soils (Mark 4:1-20)
The Gospel of Matthew
Matthew 10:1-23: Responding to an Urgent Call
Matthew 10:1-42: The Peace That Jesus Didn't Bring
Matthew 11:1-30: Rest for the Wise
Matthew 12:1-21: The Judgement of the Servant
Matthew 12:22-50: Jesus Offends Leaders, Lawyers, and His Family
Matthew 13:1-23: The Parables of the Kingdom (1): The Four Soils
Matthew 13:24-36: The Parables of the Kingdom (2): The Wheat and Weeds, The Mustard Seed, and The Yeast
Matthew 15:1-28: The Heart of the Problem, Faith to Take Crumbs
Matthew 16:1-12: The Wickedness of Asking Jesus For A Sign
Matthew 17:1-14: Jesus' Transfiguration: A Glimpse of Who He Really Is
Matthew 17:14-27: Jesus Dispels the Demon, Predicts his Death, and Pays the Temple Tax
Matthew 18:15-35: Jesus’ Way of Dealing With Sin: Rebuke and Forgive!
Matthew 19:13-30: Little Ones Come, and A Big One Leaves: The Little Children and the Rich Man
Matthew 1:1-25: The Gestation and Generation of Jesus, God With Us
Matthew 20:1-19: The Grace That Creates A Scandal: The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
Matthew 21:33-46: The Recklessly Extravagant Sending of the Son: The Parable of the Tenants
Matthew 25:1-13: The Wise Preparation For Christ's Coming: The Parable of the Ten Virgins
Matthew 27:27-56: The Death of Jesus as Planned: God Forsaken God: The Death of Jesus
Matthew 27:62-28:20: The Resurrection of Jesus: Appears To Women, the Jewish Leaders’ Explanation, and the Light from Galilee to the Nations: An Easter Day Sermon
Matthew 2:1-23: ‘Three Kings’ meet Two Kings, But One King Rules Over All
Matthew 3:1-17: The Prophet Preparing the People: John the Baptist
Matthew 4:1-11: Jesus is Tempted In the Desert
Matthew 4:12-25: Jesus, Light of the World, Fisher of Men
Matthew 5:1-16: Sermon on the Mount No 1: The Blessings of Discipleship & Becoming Salt and Light
Matthew 5:17-32: The True Nature of the Law Christ Comes To Fulfil
Matthew 5:33-42: Sermon on the Mount No 3: Not Swearing But Truth telling; Not Justice But Mercy
Matthew 6:1-18: Sermon on the Mount No 5: Secrecy Safeguards Sincerity
Matthew 6:19-35: Sermon on the Mount No 6: Single Minded Discipleship
Matthew 7:1-6: Sermon on the Mount No 7: Judge Not Your Brother But Watch For the Pig, the Dog, and the False Prophet
Matthew 8:1-17: Jesus’ Authority over Sickness
Matthew 8:18-34: Jesus' Authority over His Followers, Nature and Demons
Matthew 9:27-38: The Amazing Harvest
The Grace That Creates A Scandal (Matthew 20:1-19)
Copy of Fearing our Father at a Better Mountain (Hebrews 12:3-29)
Luke 13:31-35: Jesus' Journey and Jerusalem's Desolation
Children's Talk: Genesis 22
Children's Talk: 'A Match Made in Heaven to Bless the Whole Earth' (Genesis
Children's Talk: 'A Family Feud: Jacob Deceives Isaac and Takes the Blessin
Narrated Drama: 'God's Plans for Joseph' (Genesis 37-50)
Narrated Drama: ''Bringing Benjamin Back (Genesis 43-45)
Genesis Picture Gallery
John's Gospel Picture Gallery
Luke 6:1-16: The Lord of the Sabbath Selects the Twelve
1 Corinthians 15:1-58: The Gospel of the Risen Christ
2 Timothy
2 Timothy 1:1-12
The Bad News (1): The Wrath of God Revealed (Romans 1:18-32)
Matt Olliffe
Romans Series
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