Mark 9:14-36: Disciples Desiring Greatness

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(1) Bible Study Questions

Discuss: How do you know whether you trust Jesus (that is, have faith in him) or not?

Disciples Can't Exorcize Demon (vv. 14-29; cf. Matt 17:14-21; Luke 9:37-43)

1. What is the reaction of the people to Jesus? Why is this not surprising? (cf. Exod 34:29-35)

2. Who do you think Jesus addresses as the 'unbelieving generation'? (v. 19)

3. What is the character of the disciples' faith in this event? (v. 29, cf. Matt 17:20)

4. What is the character of this man's faith? (vv. 22-24)

5. Why were the disciples unable to cast out the evil spirit (vv. 28-29)

6. What is the relationship between prayer and faith?

Note: In Luke 17:5-6, the apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith!" and he replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea!', and it will obey you." It is not the size of faith that matters for salvation, but whether it is true. However, we will be blessed according to our faith in Christ.

Who is the Greatest? (vv. 30-37)

7. What importance does Jesus give to teaching his disciples? What does this mean for us?

8. What is the content of Jesus' teaching (cf. Mark 8:31-32, 10:33-34, 12:1-12, 14:7-9)

9. What are the two reasons we are given in the passage why the disciples are silent? (vv. 32, 34)

10. How do we know that the disciples did not understand Jesus' teaching? (v. 34, cf. 10:41-45)

11. How do we see the 'reversal' principle fulfilled? (cf. Mark 10:45)

12. How are Jesus' disciples to be servants, and who is it that they are really serving? (Mark 4:36-37)

For reflection: What practical ways can you can be a servant to other Christians?

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