The Book of Genesis

< Sermon Script Index The Book of Exodus >

The following Bible Study Questions and Sermon Scripts cover the book of Genesis in twelve sessions. They are the product of teaching series at the Anglican parishes of MBM Rooty Hill, Beverly Hills with Kingsgrove, Shellharbour, and Mulgoa. I have also written a set of enBible Studies for Genesis 12-50 for the Interactive Bible Study series by Matthias Media. See The Matthias Media booklet, while based on the Bible studies and scripts here, are an expanded treatment, constituting ten sessions where the below breakdown covers the same material in six.

A video Introduction to Salvation Revealed is found here.

The narrated dramas below were used for both youth ministry and, with a few changes, can be used as children's talks in church.


1. Creation: Manufactured Makes Me Meaningful (Genesis 1:1-2:3)

2. Humans in the Garden: God’s Pure Provision for his People (Genesis 2:4-25)

3. Sin in the Garden: The Disaster of Disobedience (Genesis 3:1-24)

4. Cain, Abel and Seth: Blood Brothers and their Lives and Lines (Genesis 4-5, Reading Genesis 4)

5. Judgment & Grace (1). The Flood: A Wicked World Washed Away (Genesis 6-9, Reading Genesis 6:1-22)

6. Judgment & Grace (2): The Tower of Babel: A Tower Topelled By A Tongue Twister (Genesis 11:1-9)

7. The Promise of Blessing for the Earth (Genesis 11:27-12:20)

8. Abraham, the Father of Faith (Genesis 15:1-21)

Narrated Drama: 'Abraham Believed that God Would Provide' (Genesis 22)

9. Isaac, the Son of Promise (Genesis 24:1-27)

Narrated Drama: 'A Match Made in Heaven to Bless the Whole Earth' (Genesis 24)

10. Jacob, the Twin of Blessing (Genesis 34)

Narrated Drama: 'A Family Feud: Jacob Deceives Isaac and Takes the Blessing' (Genesis 27)

11. Joseph, the Brother of Distinction (Genesis 49:29-50:21)

Narrated Drama: 'God's Plan for Joseph' (Genesis 37-50)

12. Judah,: the Brother of Dynasty (Genesis 44:1-34, 49:1-28)

Narrated Drama: 'Judah Brings Benjamin Back'' (Genesis 44-45)

< Sermon Script Index The Book of Exodus >