Apple Jacks Soak Grays

By Bill “Ho Hum” Ohm

It rained and it rained and it rained, but the Apple Jacks were able to squeeze in a victory over the Milwaukee Grays in Rushford last Saturday. All nine innings were played, but not all of them were played between drops. Both teams (and the cranks) came away quite wet. Not only wet, many players especially the pitchers and catchers came away quite dirty! Apparently, rain and dirt make mud. The final score was 7-4.

The Grays scored first in the top of the first inning with one ace. The Jacks came back with runs in the second and third and never trailed again. Three aces in the bottom of the fourth clinched the victory.

Jason “Weasel” Pericak was perfect for the day reaching base all five times he was the striker. Dan “Skunk” (actually this day he was a very dirty Skunk) Deetz and Aaron “Monkey” Prinsen each scored two aces.

Participants were: Joel “Hefty” Affeldt, “Skunk”, Erik “Stretch” Deetz, Samuel “Roundabout” Deetz, Gary “Big Wease” Pericak, “Weasel”, rookie “Monkey”, rookie Ryan “Mongoose” Prinsen and rookie Bowen “Smiley” Woodard. Joan “Lady Joan” Ohm served as tally keeper and Jenny Prinsen was the team photographer.

The Jacks will be in Rochester for a double header with the Roosters on Saturday, August 14th. The games will be part of the History Center of Olmsted County’s Day’s of Yesterday celebration.

If you are looking for a fun and educational time, please consider base ball as it was meant to be. Contact Captain Joel “Hefty” Affeldt at 608-769-1782 or Bill “Ho Hum” Ohm at 507-895-6912 or . A great opportunity to make new friends and to travel Minnesota and beyond!

The Apple Jacks Base Ball Club is a community outreach program of the La Crescent Historical Society. The major sponsor is Merchants Bank of La Crescent.

Left: Aaron “Monkey” Prinsen celebrates a one-handed catch with Bowen “Smiley” Woodard looking on

Right: Dan “Skunk” Deetz hits a hard to handle ground ball