August 20 at home

Apple Jacks relish win, prepare for Field of Dreams

The Apple Jacks Base Ball Club of La Crescent didn’t wait long for a victory on Saturday at Abnet Field, gaining domain over the Lanesboro Excelsiors 10-4 in the first of three 1860s games. The Afton Red Sox, led by their wildly athletic captain Ray “Stache” Hanson, soundly defeated the Excelsiors, 11-1, and then toppled the Apple Jacks, 7-3, in the final pairing.

Dark clouds loomed overhead and light rain whipped across the field, but the Jacks’ offense shined against Lanesboro, amassing 28 hits to the Excelsiors’ 13 in the nine inning contest. Scott “Roman” Pechacek accounted for 4 of the Jacks’ hits, while Jim “Scoop” Schupbach, Dan “Skunk” Deetz, Andy “Ziggy” Johnson (pictured right), Samuel “Roundabout” Deetz, Jason “Weasel” Pericak, and Benjamin “George” Deetz added 3 hits apiece.

Gary “Big Weas” Pericak (pictured below right) took some good-natured ribbing from the opponents, but the seasoned pitcher slid right into a calculated and steady rhythm, confident of the defensive play behind him. Rain-soaked grass became an outfield player of its own, slogging daisy-cutters and first bounds. Unflinchingly, the Jacks snared sky balls and stopped base runners with quick-thinking tosses to the infield.

As the first game began, players became a bit leery of Kyle “News Boy” Farris, who donned a Lanesboro uniform. He had asked a buckboard of questions about the game, as if he was unfamiliar with the 38 Rules of 1860, but he went on to bash three hits and tally two aces for the Excelsiors, proving his mettle. Prince Peter Petersilie, who umpired all three games and was taken by “News Boy’s” curiosity, merely chuckled at the tenderfoot’s luck.

In their game against Afton, the Jacks were evenly matched against the power-hitting Red Sox, gathering 20 hits compared to 21 by the Sox. “Stache,” loquacious and energetic as usual, led the Red Sox with 4 hits.

For the afternoon, the Jacks tallied 48 hits and 17 aces (runs) with credit to all its players for reaching base. Samuel “Roundabout” Deetz had 7 hits and 3 aces between the two games, while Jason “Weasel” Pericak added 5 hits and 2 aces and Dan “Skunk” Deetz contributed 5 hits.

The Jacks captain, Joel "Hefty" Affeldt judged the Jacks play as ample preparation for next Saturday, August 27, at the Field of Dreams Movie Site in Dyersville, Iowa.


  • Our #1 fan Gail (and frequent fine bucket contributor) was in rare form.
  • Great to see Jim "Red" Johnson back in an Apple Jacks uniform.
  • Thanks to the Lisa & Jon Jones family of West Salem for cheering.

News Boy: We'll play with you any time!

Bill "Ho-hum" Ohm scampers to first and drives in a run.