July 11-12 at Lanesboro and Highland Prairie

Apple Jacks overpowering 7th innings

cap a rip-snorter of a weekend

In recent matchups, the La Crescent Apple Jacks have been sharp in the field, but unable to convert hits to aces (runs). That scoring recess changed over the weekend, thanks to a cannonade of hits and 6 aces (runs) during the seventh inning of two separate games against the Lanesboro Excelsiors. The Jacks overcame the Excelsiors 16-0 on Saturday and 11-8 on Sunday, while also defeating the Highland Prairie Hayseeds 13-1 on Sunday.

For the Excelsiors, dark storm clouds looming in the sky predicted the outcome of Saturday’s game. The usually feisty Lanesboro club managed only 9 hits to the Jacks’ 32 base-reaching smashes, which included 7 hits in the seventh inning. Lanesboro showed more ginger on Sunday with 20 hits and 8 aces, and they led 6-3 after five innings. Their lead disappeared when the Jacks hammered together 5 hits in the sixth and 9 more in the seventh to accrue 24 hits and 16 aces for victory.

Lady Joan Ohm, the Jacks’ scorekeeper, wore out a few pencils starting with the Deetz family—father Dan “Skunk” and sons Benjamin “George,” Erik “Stretch,” and Samuel “Slim.” Together, the four Jacks’ tallied 34 hits and 19 aces for the three games. Scott “Sails” Pechacek (at left) scored 10 hits and 7 aces, while Jason “Weasel” Pericak had 11 hits and 6 aces, and Jim “Red” Johnson delivered 8 hits and 5 aces.

The Jacks’ pitching was another factor that limited their opponents’ bats. Captain Bill “Ho-hum” Ohm pitched Saturday’s win at Lanesboro, while Gary “Big Weas” Pericak (below) showed his stamina with both games on Sunday.

The game in Lanesboro was played without a recognized umpire, but players for opposing teams capably stepped in to call foul balls. The throng of spectators in Lanesboro cheered for good play for both competing clubs. At Highland Prairie, players were faced with an expansive outfield, which delayed play when balls were difficult to locate. Captain Coin admirably handled the officiating.

Thanks to Joel "Hefty" Affeldt for the photos.