Rooney's Weapon Emporium


(a second Killer Bunnies® And The Quest For The Magic Carrot store)

Any player may buy supplies anytime during his turn from Rooney’s Weapons Emporium (if the emporium is open). The supplies that are sold at the emporium are: Defense Cards (which are used by a player to eliminate weapons), and used Weapon cards (which are used by the player to attack an opponent). A player does not need a bunny in The Bunny Circle to buy supplies from Rooney’s Weapons Emporium.

Rooney’s Weapons Emporium is open at the start of the game. Run cards exist that either change the prices at Rooney’s Weapons Emporium, or close the emporium. The emporium does not need to be closed first to change the prices using a Rooney’s Weapons Emporium card. New prices are listed on these cards.

During regular play, Weapon cards will now be discarded in a separate pile face up near the Rooney’s Weapons Emporium Starter Card. Players may purchase any discarded Weapon card for an amount of Dolla equal to the Weapon Level written on the card. Weapons may not be used right away, but must be run through the Bottom Run and Top Run card cycle.

If the game runs long, and the players need to reshuffle the Discard Pile to make a new Draw Pile, then the discarded Weapon cards at Rooney’s Weapons Emporium must be included as well.

If a player purchases a Weapon card from Rooney’s Weapons Emporium, then he may find himself with an extra card in his five-card hand. If this is the case, then the player must choose and remove any unwanted card from his five-card hand, and place it directly into the Discard Pile before ending his turn.

Players may also purchase Defense Cards. These are used to eliminate the effect of a weapon for a particular player. Defense Card Units must match or exceed the level of the weapon that a player wishes to eliminate.

For example, a Weapon Level 7 may be eliminated by simply using a Defense Card with 7 Units. Another example might be a Weapon Level 8 that may be eliminated by using Defense Cards that add to 8 Units such as a 3 Units and a 5 Units card. In the last example, a player may also use a Defense card that exceeds the weapon level such as an 11 Units card. A player may not take “change” from the Defense Card pile if the Units used to defend against a weapon exceeded the weapon level. Once Defense Cards have been used, they are discarded and may not be sold again. Defense Cards may only be used before a player rolls for the weapon.

Defense Cards protect only one player’s bunnies from harm. When a player uses Defense Cards against a multi-target weapon (such as the Nuclear Warhead), all of the bunnies in The Bunny Circle belonging to that player are protected. Adjacent players may still be affected by the weapon. Adjacent players may, if they have the ability, use their own Defense Cards against the same multi-target weapon.

Any player may use a Defense Card at any time either for himself or another player.

Weapons may be increased in strength by a card (such as The Minilith), or diminished in strength due to increased range from the target bunny (such is the case with the Miniature Black Hole). Regardless of any modification or circumstance, the effects of a weapon are eliminated using Defense Cards that match or exceed the weapon’s original value.