Much More!
Much More may be given to any player that has Much More bunnies, Cabbage Units, Water Units, Carrots, Defense Units, Pawns, saved Zodiac cards, or saved Mysterious Place cards than all of the other players. Much More is defined as more than twice the amount of any opponent. Each of the items listed on the card must be evaluated separately. The player must distribute his possessions equally amongst himself and his opponents. Equally is defined as meaning that each player will receive one item (or Unit) before any player gets a second of the same item (or Unit).
For example, let’s pretend that Carol has been found to have Much More Cabbage (9 Units) and Much More Water (3 Units) than all of her three opponents. If this is true, then Carol must distribute her 9 Cabbage Units amongst four players (including herself). All four players will receive 2 Cabbage Units first, and one player will get an extra Unit. Carol is allowed to choose which player (including herself) will receive the extra Cabbage Unit. Carol must also distribute her 3 Water Units. She may keep 1 Water Unit for herself and give the other 2 Water Units away to different players. One player will not receive a Water Unit.