Operation Spoilsport

Operation Spoilsport may be used once by a player to immediately duplicate a consequence of death of his bunnies in The Bunny Circle against the bunnies of the responsible opponent. May be used at any time!

Operation Spoilsport may be used by a player to avenge only his own bunny (or bunnies). Any consequence of death suffered by the player’s bunny (or bunnies) in The Bunny Circle will also be suffered by the opponent’s bunny (or bunnies) in The Bunny Circle. For example, let’s suppose that an opponent kills a player’s bunny with a Leviathan. The player may use Operation Spoilsport to automatically kill one of the opponent’s bunnies. The player must, however, use Operation Spoilsport before the next player starts his turn. For another example, if the opponent uses the Sea Whiz Mount on the player and kills three of his bunnies, then the player may immediately use Operation Spoilsport to kill up to three of the opponent’s bunnies (if the opponent has three bunnies in The Bunny Circle).