The Ebola Virus

Run Card

The Ebola Virus may be placed on any bunny in The Bunny Circle which must roll 12 on the Black 12-sided die to survive. Since it is a Roaming Red Run card, The Ebola Virus continues by infecting one bunny per round counter-clockwise around The Bunny Circle.

After an infection, The Ebola Virus moves to the next viable bunny target and waits until the next round of play. The Ebola Virus cannot infect the same bunny more than once during its time in The Bunny Circle. If a bunny survives The Ebola Virus once, then it cannot be infected again for the entire game (it is no longer a viable bunny target).

During a round of play, the bunny carrying The Ebola Virus may be attacked and eliminated using any Weapon card. If the bunny dies, then The Ebola Virus is eliminated from The Bunny Circle.

If The Ebola Virus has no viable bunny targets left in The Bunny Circle, then it is discarded. A bunny with The Heavenly Halo would be an example of a non-viable bunny target since it cannot be killed by The Ebola Virus. If The Ebola Virus is confined to an area of The Bunny Circle by two or more Barriers (Red Booster Deck) and cannot reach a viable bunny target on the other side, then it is removed (discarded). If the bunny carrying The Ebola Virus is abducted by the Beyea Aliens, then The Ebola Virus is removed (discarded).