Necro Fasci

Necro Fasci may be placed on any bunny in The Bunny Circle. The opponent must first roll the Pink 12-sided die to determine the range of the weapon. For example, if the Pink die roll is a 4, then the target bunny and all bunnies within four spaces are killed. Four spaces are counted around The Bunny Circle on both sides of the target bunny. For this example, nine bunnies in The Bunny Circle are affected, and Necro Fasci is placed in the Discard Pile.

There are two ways for an opponent to avoid destruction from Necro Fasci. If the Pink die roll is the same as the numerical value of the current month, then no harm comes to any bunny and Necro Fasci is shuffled back into the Draw Pile. In our example, if the current month was April (the fourth month), then Necro Fasci is neutralized before doing any damage to any bunny in The Bunny Circle.

A player may avoid destruction in a second way. The 12-sided Zodiac die must also be rolled for Necro Fasci. If the zodiac sign rolled is the same as the current zodiac sign, then once again, no harm comes to any bunny in The Bunny Circle, and Necro Fasci is shuffled back into the Draw Pile.