

My understanding is that the MX80 gives you less RU which works for $real estate datacenters.

The MX104 sacrifices RU it is 3.5 but it is less deep which works for Europe.

The MX104 is also more temperature hardened for Metro deployments.

The key differences are the fact that you can insert a second routing engine.

The second is that you can have 4 slots vs 3 on the MX80 {2 regular +1 for the services MIC}.

These are the bundles.

These basic devices require a JUNOS. Either.

JUNOS-WW JUNOS Internet Software Worldwide Version

JUNOS JUNOS Internet Software US Domestic Version (Not for Export)

For the routes.

S-MX104-ADV-R1 L3 license -256K routes support on MX104

S-MX104-ADV-R2 L3 license –Full scale

You can get one or the other, you don't have to get one and the other.

This is the Queuing

S-MX104-Q License :Per VLAN queuing on MX104

This is the multiservice MIC


Multi Service -MIC with 16G for MX

This will give you firewall, IPSEC, NAT......

CHAS-MX104-S MX104 Chassis Spare

FANTRAY-MX104-S Fan Tray for MX104, Spare, MX104

FLTR-KIT-MX104-S Filter Kit for MX104, Spare, MX104

MIC-BLANK-MX104 MX104 MIC Blank Cover, Spare

MX104-SEPTUM-S MX104 Septum for use with 1/2 height MICs, Spare

PWR-MX104-AC-S MX104 AC Power Supply,Spare

PWR-MX104-DC-S MX104 DC Power Supply,Spare

RE-S-BLANK-MX104 MX104 RE blank cover
