Old Testament

Week 27: Events after the Exile

Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther

Week 26 | OT home | Week 28

12 May 2022

Lesson Materials





Additional reading


General Conference talks on dealing with doubt and opposition to our faith:

Elder M. Russell Ballard, “Stay in the Boat and Hold On!” (October 2014).

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Come, Join with Us” (October 2013).

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “Lord, I Believe” (April 2013).

Elder Carlos E. Asay, “Opposition to the Work of God” (October 1981).


Old Testament Map #83 The Conquests of Cyrus the Great

#83 The Conquests of Cyrus the Great

Old Testament Map #84 The Persian Empire

#84 The Persian Empire

Old Testament Map #85 The Returns of Jewish Exiles to Judah

#85 The Returns of Jewish Exiles to Judah (Ezra 1; 6; Nehemiah 1–3)

Old Testament Map #86 The Province of Judah and Nehemiah’s Enemies in the Fifth Century

#86 The Province of Judah and Nehemiah’s Enemies in the Fifth Century ʙ.ᴄ. (Nehemiah 4–6; 13)