Old Testament
Week 27: Events after the Exile
Week 27: Events after the Exile
Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther
Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther
12 May 2022
12 May 2022
Lesson Materials
Lesson Materials
Additional reading
Additional reading
The Cyrus Cylinder contains the proclamation issued by King Cyrus of Persia that allowed exiled peoples in Babylon to return to their homelands.
Dorothy Willette, “Nehemiah—The Man Behind the Wall,” Bible History Daily, 5 April 2022. This short biography of Nehemiah explains who he was and how he accomplished such a great feat in so short a time.
General Conference talks on dealing with doubt and opposition to our faith:
Elder M. Russell Ballard, “Stay in the Boat and Hold On!” (October 2014).
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Come, Join with Us” (October 2013).
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “Lord, I Believe” (April 2013).
Elder Carlos E. Asay, “Opposition to the Work of God” (October 1981).