The Future Prospects of a Dad

Do you ever wonder what your kids will say

When your face is wrinkled and your hair is gray,

They've moved on far out of the way

And you will not see them most every day?

Will they reminisce of the times you've had,

Remember you as the world's greatest dad,

Have nothing to say that you'd feel is bad

And gloat about living with someone so rad?

Or will they forget and be glad to leave

While thoughts of you give cause to grieve

Wondering why for all you believe

And consider you old, crude, and naive?

Do you do the things you say you'll do

Make it a point to follow through

So when they are gone they'll remember you

And remember when they were your buckaroo?

Or say you one thing yet do another

Make them think "Yeah, right. Oh, brother."

They feel as if in lies they're smothered

And find acceptance in childhood lovers?

Do you try to get within their mind

Understand their thoughts when they're in a bind

Help their way, when lost, to find

Be a guiding light with a manner that's kind?

Or do you scoff with their foolish plight

Retort in anger and provide only fright

Remind them their youth and your great might

Pretending that your ideas are always right?

Are you a friend who shows them interest

Perhaps even follow if they're on Pinterest

Encourage their work, their art, their joys

Even if there is an obvious flaw in their work?

Well think of it now for in some years

You must consider if there be good or bad tears

From a heart that is filled with glee and cheers

Or a belly that's bitter and a liver of beers

Perhaps the time's past, perhaps it is gone

Your kids think of you and they muster a yawn

You gripe and you moan as you sit on your lawn

You've already lost at least one of your spawn

Well it's up to you if you care to try

It's not always easy if they've gone and said bye

It does no good if your faults you deny

But a lot can be mended if you stop on by

Just realize a mindset is hard to change

After years of shaping and your brain is deranged

It's not impossible after you've been estranged

But not everyone benefits from such an exchange

That's why it is better to consider now

Before they're grown up and set their hands to the plow

Do you let them be them? Is this allowed?

Or do you treat them like one of many cows?