Politically Correct

Politically Correct

See with eyes and hear with ears

Yet ever feel the dark

The truth is lies that mustn’t speak

For contrast pierces stark

Correct now lies within a choice

To shroud the light of truth

Politically we seal our fate

With lies from every tooth

Like children dancing in the street

We laugh and play and fight

We need not sticks or stones to throw

For truth makes flame ignite

Wisdom finds no place to grow

While ears bleed ‘til they’re dry

We mustn’t bother face a fact

It pays more if we cry

For daddy has a whipping stick

No reason at his side

Religiously he reads the book

And tans the wrong man’s hide

The precedent sets forth a law

Against such words of strife

It matters not that truth was spoke

It felt more like a knife

Never more shall wisdom teach

Producing naught but pain

Gluttons may lack self-control

But let them have their reign

Lust for wealth corrupts a man

And greed destroys the earth

But wronger still is speaking so

Alluding your own worth

So rather than offend a man

With evil on his sleeve

We mustn’t judge his character

We’re safer when naive