A Message From Laura

June 20, 2011

Sean, you have blasphemed the Holy Spirit, I think, and have no awareness of your own condition. No conscience. You have denied that Jesus is God. You have denied that His blood cleanses from sin. You have denied that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God. That is Satan moving through you right now -- trying to convince you that you are a loving person trying to follow Jesus.

This Jesus you are following is not the Jesus of scripture. There is no scripture that can reach you.

You are insane. I'm sorry, but you are insane.

Now, if God peradvanture would give you the gift of repentance -- if peradventure you have not completely blasphemed the Spirit and are beyond repentance -- then you must repent and turn to believe that:

1. Jesus is God

2. Jesus came in human flesh as God to die for the sins of the world

3. His blood cleanses from all sin.

4. The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God

If you cannot believe these things, you are in a state of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and there is no escape for you from hell. You are an antichrist.

Please have no further communication with me until such time as you can profess in living faith those 4 points. You have been excommunicated. You are merely trying to convince yourself in insanity that you are a good person by your works. Your whole email to me was an exercise in psychotic narcissism.

I'm telling you the truth. But, let's not debate truth. I just want it clear that you must be able to believe with living faith the 4 points stated above, or you are excommunicated and remain in excommunication.



I met with this lady at a Panera in hopes of having intelligent conversation regarding the original teachings of Jesus. She was rather frail-looking with shoulder-length wavy brown hair. It ended with her being irate at my position of the 4 above-mentioned items. She grabbed my bible, held it one inch from my face and shook it as she screamed, "Why do you even read this thing?! You don't even believe in it!! Why don't you just burn it!! You're a messenger of Satan! A Satanist!" I sat there motionless with a blank stare while rather internally amused as she continued to hurl irrational insults at me. I simply could not believe this was coming out of this woman. I no longer believe in demons, but I thought for sure that she must have been possessed herself.

On another note, I'll give a million dollars to anyone who can show me where Jesus taught all 4 items in Matthew, Mark, or Luke. They are the backbone of Christianity so surely Jesus must have spent most of his effort teaching those very things, yes?